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Lol O-N-E O-N-E got unbanned. I hope he stays so

Don't mind him. Just a sad weasely troll living his sad weasely troll life. Also clearly has shit taste in anime.

You on the other hand....

Btw that has to be record-setting perm to unbanned no?

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Plus Member
Don't mind him. Just a sad weasely troll living his sad weasely troll life. Also clearly has shit taste in anime.

You on the other hand....

Btw that has to be record-setting perm to unbanned no?

Probably. I just don’t like people getting banned unless a rule was explicitly broken. That applies to Richard Packer Richard Packer . People bring value to the table in variety of ways. I personally prefer that than the REEE way


Ask me about my fanboy energy!
During the race, an ionizing particle from outer space collided with DOTA_Teabag's N64, flipping the eighth bit of Mario's first height byte. Specifically, it flipped the byte from 11000101 to 11000100, from "C5" to "C4". This resulted in a height change from C5837800 to C4837800, which by complete chance, happened to be the exact amount needed to warp Mario up to the higher floor at that exact moment. This was tested by pannenkoek12 - the same person who put up the bounty - using a script that manually flipped that particular bit at the right time, confirming the suspicion of a bit flip.


I am a virgin
My dude, you are throwing stones from a glass house.

Offering up your unasked for tech analyses on site operations, wishing the GAF team well on their new code roll-outs.

You should be..

I mean there is an ignore feature

I can create a guide on how to use it if you'd like

EDIT: On a more serious note; if the mods feel uncomfortable with me they can message me, ban me, etc. So far that hasn't happened. I'll let them make the decision on whether or not I should be quiet
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I am a virgin
Why would I do that?

Just asking you not to be an irredeemable hypocrite for your own good. I know it's a tough ask, but I like to give people some slack.
I apologize if this offends you, but I do not take this forum as seriously as you do, or hold it in the same cherished regard

If you do not like my postings, and feel as if I am an "Irredeemable hypocrite," I would suggest the move to just ignore me

I understand you're upset at current happenings in the web site, and hope that this period of strife for you passes sooner rather than later


Unconfirmed Member
Probably. I just don’t like people getting banned unless a rule was explicitly broken. That applies to Richard Packer Richard Packer . People bring value to the table in variety of ways. I personally prefer that than the REEE way
You are a p cool dude standing up for 1. Respect. But I disagree. If your idea of value is a guy that randomly tags people he doesn't talk with to call them pedos yet gets mad when he gets a taste of his own medicine then idk what to tell you.

EviLore EviLore can tell us. Btw if it is you, you are dead to me :).


Plus Member
You are a p cool dude standing up for 1. Respect. But I disagree. If your idea of value is a guy that randomly tags people he doesn't talk with to call them pedos yet gets mad when he gets a taste of his own medicine then idk what to tell you.

Lol, tbh I thought you guys were having some kind of lovers quarrel.
But if Richard Packer Richard Packer got banned for what O-N-E O-N-E said I would have said the same thing no regrets. If he banned for trolling anime GAF. That’s on him.
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