Wild shit is going down on my street. A few weeks ago at night, I'm watching TV and I hear screeching outside, I look outside and a truck is swerving down the street, clearly drunk as hell, the truck smashes into a parked motorcycle and breaks off a piece of it and drags a bunch of debris and parts all the way down the block. The neighbors ran out and were like FUCK. Eventually they hopped into a car and went out looking for the truck.
Last night I'm watching the TLOU and I hears screeching again. I look outside, same fucking truck. It smashes into a parked car really hard. Then it drives up on the sidewalk and stops for like a minute. Then it reverses back onto the street tries to get away. At this point half the street is streaming outside in pursuit of the truck and it smashes into 2 more cars. Then the truck is swarmed by like 10 people. One neighbor jumps on the hood, others open the door, the driver stumbles out of the car and a bunch of people yell "He's got a gun" and he points the gun at my neighbors and then eventually just abandons the car and runs off into the night. Cops came and were there all night. Went out looking for the guy. And they possessed the truck.
What are the odds the same fucking dude on two occasions drives drunk down the same street and crashes into vehicles? I wonder if this is the only street or if there's a whole bunch of cars he's smashed into.