I went insane for a second and thought Saoirse Ronan was an asian girl with blond hair. I need to sleep.
btw it says collection guys, not remaster.
if they were gonna put actual work into it, they'd indicate that.
Vanilla console version on PC is better than no version on PC at all. Give us the games, the modding community will remaster them.
MGS 1, 2, 3, 4 on PS4. I'll buy it.
Give me MGS 3 on PC, Kojima!
Imagine MGS3 on PC.
Think of MGS3 on PC *__*
It has been on PC unofficially for a while now.
Playing it with Cardboard/VR headset would be awesome.
It doesn't really emulate everything properly though and not really moddable.
Yeah, RE4 is coming along nicely.
If it ends up being on PC, I want a physical copy I can register on Steam. Does Steam even do this for non Valve games?
If it ends up being on PC, I want a physical copy I can register on Steam. Does Steam even do this for non Valve games?
If it ends up being on PC, I want a physical copy I can register on Steam. Does Steam even do this for non Valve games?
Unfortunately so. I think a PC release would be cool, but my hopes are not up. If it gets a PC port, however, just give me DS4 support. I can't effectively play an MGS game without a Playstation controller.
The game's unlikely to support the DS4 officially (off the top of my head, Transistor is the only game that does) but you can get around this quite easily.
Nah, Shovel Knight does too and a few other games.
Only worth it if they revive MGO/MGO2
And all of the shitty hit detection, and netcode? Not to mention the erratic framerate and input lag at any time with any more than 8 players. No thanks. At the very least MGO2 needs to stay dead unless they went back and fixed all of the problems. Which is numerous to say the least.
Need a translator.
I loved MGO2, but god damn the lag issues were what made me quit. Also, didn't it have some sort of weird 'you can only get hit x times per second' that made machine guns sorta shitty?
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