Gold Member
I always appreciate how polite he is on Twitter.
Yooo since Jackie and Eyestone will be at E3 there is a high chance we'll not only just get a new MGSV trailer but also new gameplay presentation.
If they showed a snow location I would lose my mind.
Man, why does the 'real world' suck sometimes. >_>
It's E3 season, I don't wanna be stressed. ;_;
I'm just not buying it, that Kojima won't be there. It makes no sense.
Weren't you an admin on TUS long ago?
The Phantom Pain is een game die ook bijvoorbeeld opeens in survival-horror verandert wanneer de bovennatuurlijke soldaten genaamd de Skulls besluiten om jouw missies te dwarsbomen. Het is ook een game die er niet voor schuwt om jouw op Afrikaanse kindsoldaatjes te laten schieten, met alle gevolgen van dien. The Phantom Pain is een game die meer is dan een game; het is het eerste échte interactieve product die mijlenver verwijderd is van alles wat ik de vorige generaties heb mogen spelen. (Sorry, Bloodborne. Not even close.) The Phantom Pain voelt als iets uit de toekomst. En dan te bedenken dat ik er nog maar zestien uur van heb gespeeld en dat je met gemak tien keer zoveel tijd in het eindproduct kan steken als je alles gezien wilt hebben. Hideo Kojima, you lovable bastard, you; ik hou van je. Als de rest van The Phantom Pain net zo goed is als die eerste zestien uur, dan wordt het niet alleen Game of the Year, maar misschien zelfs één van de beste games allertijden. En nee, ik zeg dit volledig nuchter; de Jack Daniel’s is allang uit m’n systeem.
"The Phantom Pain is a game that also, for example in survival horror suddenly changes when the supernatural soldiers called the Skulls decide to thwart your missions. It's also a game that is not for alerts to let your child soldiers in African shooting, with all its consequences. The Phantom Pain is a game that's more than a game; It's the first real interactive product which is far removed from anything I've allowed to play the previous generations. (Sorry, Blood Borne. Not even close .) The Phantom Pain feels like something from the future. And to think that I only have played sixteen hours and you can easily ten times as much time stabbing in the final product if you want to have seen everything. Hideo Kojima, you lovable bastard, you ; I love you. If the rest of The Phantom Pain is just as good as the first sixteen hours, then it is not only Game of the Year, but perhaps one of the best games of all time. And no, I say this completely sober; Jack Daniel's has long been out of my system."
"The Phantom Pain is a game that can also suddenly change in a survival horror game when the Skulls decide to thwart your missions. It is also a game that doesn't eschew to give you the opportunity to kill/attack African child soldiers and face the consequences. The Phantom Pain is more than a game; it is the first real interactive product which differentiates itself completely in a positive way from anything I've been able to play previous generations.(Sorry, Bloodborne. Not even close.) The Phantom Pain feels like something from the future. And to think that I have only played sixteen hours and that you can easily invest ten times as much time in the final product if you want to experience everything. Hideo Kojima, you lovable bastard, you; I love you. If the remaing part of the Phantom Pain is as good as the first sixteen hours, then it will not only become the Game of the Year, but perhaps one of the best games of all time. And I say this while being completeley sober."
I'm just not buying it, that Kojima won't be there. It makes no sense.
What's he doing there...?
Chakra_Khan, great share, brother! I remember reading their analyses some time back. They really fucked with my mind. Dat TPP analysis in months to come is gonna be something.
I'm on the fence. I don't know what I'm supposed to feel. Lol
Something new?
PU (Dutch gaming magazine)
Translated by redlight5309 (Reddit)
My translation
Feel free to improve my translation, I have done my best but I may have done a sloppy job on translating some parts and fitting them into English context.
Can somebody tell me where I can download all TPP trailers in full hd?
FixedGAF is going to go nuclear tomorrow!
I am hopelessly unprepared for the trailer.
Something new?
PU (Dutch gaming magazine)
Translated by redlight5309 (Reddit)
My translation
Feel free to improve my translation, I have done my best but I may have done a sloppy job on translating some parts and fitting them into English context.
No one is prepared for something of Kojima-San
Okay. The bit about the African child soldiers. So that is going to be an interactive thing?
Thanks friend
Ok so I've been replaying Peace Walker lately (and re-falling in love with it) and it got me thinking... will there be coop in MGSV? Or do we know yet? I've been largely avoiding big MGSV news but it got me excited for what the future could hold.
How many hours for the new trailer?
How many hours for the new trailer?
There's ways to interact with other players but they haven't confirmed co-op yet, I can't imagine they'll leave it until after e3 to say. What has been confirmed is visiting and infiltrating other player's bases, and some of the missions can be done with regular recruits instead of Snake if you want, which is a positive sign.
Åesop;167813301 said:Whats the youtube channel for geoffs livestream? Does he have a Twitch stream too?
Åesop;167813301 said:Whats the youtube channel for geoffs livestream? Does he have a Twitch stream too?
Ok so I've been replaying Peace Walker lately (and re-falling in love with it) and it got me thinking... will there be coop in MGSV? Or do we know yet? I've been largely avoiding big MGSV news but it got me excited for what the future could hold.
Also if anyone wants to coop some Peace Walker I've been playing with some gaffers today. Game is so fun.
dat final boss It's not going to be on Twitch.
Åesop;167818965 said:thanks m80s. But there's no confirmed time/ event for the trailer right?
PS3.Yeah, that's exactly one of the annoucements I'm waiting for: coop for TPP. I loved that about Peace Walker.
And I would love to play some PW. Are you on PS3 or 360?
Is the trailer in Sony's conference?
He retweeted Batzi. Batzi now needs some new pants.snip
Kojima just retweeted a random tweet from Garbage.
Maybe the new trailer will feature another garbage song?
Kojima just retweeted a random tweet from Garbage.
Maybe the new trailer will feature another garbage song?
Kojima just retweeted a random tweet from Garbage.
Maybe the new trailer will feature another garbage song?