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Metal Gear Community Thread |OT3| The Best is Yet to Come

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Where did this info come from and are we sure it's pertaining to that character for sure?
If so it's either the player that can be recruited for Mother base and/or MGO3. Obviously we won't know till the game is out but I would really like to see where this info came from.
It was leaked on GAF from someone from one of the events who got to play the game for like 12 hours or something and also it was mentioned on another site too, Yong talks about it near the end of his MGSV compilation video.

The problem was with that Info is no one could figure out why the game would make you do that, which seems really weird to me If a game prompts you to make a face in the story opening, you would think it would be obvious what it's for, but people weren't sure if it was for MGO or if it was for Big Boss or what even though they played the game for a decent length of time. I was just pointing out that it would make sense if it was actually for Ishmael since his face is covered up in a manner associated with plastic surgery and Kojima went to the effort creating his bandaged face as a real mask to wear and fool people on stage.

Which just makes his potential identity more curious. creating Ishmael's face is only a theory, but apparently you do customize someone's face, the people who played MGSV for whatever reason couldn't figure out who it was for or why.


who knows?
Only (Mega)64 days left until The Phantom Pain!


This is still really bugging me and it just won't stop. Something with their eyes and looking like diamonds (colour resemblance). I followed the link to the headphones and looked around in the store and the one figure is just some random soldier.

When you click on him to look at various shots and stuff there's one that's up close to his face and it looks like you're able to change his eyes.


It's a revolvetech mini. All there eyes can be moved around.


I actually just remembered the other day that I showed up on the Leaderboards after messing around with Trial stuff and seeing how fast certain things can be done, I got super lucky (This isn't legit)

I'm not really sure how one can chop off an extra entire minute considering the time it takes to sprint from A to B in the base while also avoiding alert.

Maybe I'll figure it out.

(I play on PC by the way, I modded in the PS3 Button Prompts)
(I also wish I had kept my steam name as "Fox" before it happened, just for the Liquid joke)


I actually just remembered the other day that I showed up on the Leaderboards after messing around with Trial stuff and seeing how fast certain things can be done, I got super lucky.

I'm not really sure how one can chop off an extra entire minute considering the time it takes to sprint from A to B in the base while also avoiding alert.

Maybe I'll figure it out.

(I play on PC by the way, I modded in the PS3 Button Prompts)
(I also wish I had kept my steam name as "Fox" before it happened, just for the Liquid joke)

That's awesome, congrats on the time. If you're ever streaming I'd love to watch, I've been trying to improve my GZ game.


That's awesome, congrats on the time. If you're ever streaming I'd love to watch, I've been trying to improve my GZ game.

I'm not much of a streamer, and I mainly just got lucky, I spent quite a bit of time messing about in GZ and figuring out when and where guard patterns change and how the game makes those changes happen at a certain time.
There is a really good video series on S Ranking different missions I found extremely useful when I was starting out.

(Learning to play with Reflex turned off and understanding how to get reliable headshots at a distance with the Tranq is also good to know)


Going back to PW is hard after playing GZ so much. But going back to MGS3 is much harder.
Really? I was playing GZ and MGS3 simultaneously not that long ago on the PS3, MGS3 HD was weird for the first 5 minutes but you adapt pretty quickly and it feels fine.
The strangest thing about MGS3 is I ALWAYS forget there's no crouch walk, I don't know why I keep expecting it to be there, I believe it was in MGSTTS or MGS2, not sure.


I actually just remembered the other day that I showed up on the Leaderboards after messing around with Trial stuff and seeing how fast certain things can be done, I got super lucky.

I'm not really sure how one can chop off an extra entire minute considering the time it takes to sprint from A to B in the base while also avoiding alert.

Maybe I'll figure it out.

(I play on PC by the way, I modded in the PS3 Button Prompts)
(I also wish I had kept my steam name as "Fox" before it happened, just for the Liquid joke)

3:09 is a really competitive speedrun for the main GZ mission. Its incredibly good the stealth trial as well. for a Upload a Youtube bro! I'm curious to see how you did it, can PC users use the IDROID app? That's like a huge element of cutting the run down on consoles.

Also, I'm assume the 2 minute runs are hacked in some way


I actually just remembered the other day that I showed up on the Leaderboards after messing around with Trial stuff and seeing how fast certain things can be done, I got super lucky.

I'm not really sure how one can chop off an extra entire minute considering the time it takes to sprint from A to B in the base while also avoiding alert.

Maybe I'll figure it out.

(I play on PC by the way, I modded in the PS3 Button Prompts)
(I also wish I had kept my steam name as "Fox" before it happened, just for the Liquid joke)

Is this legit?

So you had a no weapon run, with no kills and no alerts?


I just checked the PS4 leaderboard

No weapon run #1: is like 3.36

stealth run #1 is like 3.31

You're like #1 worldwide dude, you using some mad glitches or hacks?


Forgive me for posting here brothers, but i just wanted to let anyone know that if they have an extra US version of the PS4 MGSV CE they are looking to sell, I'd be very interested :)


Is this legit?
So you had a no weapon run, with no kills and no alerts?
Basically you can get away with a lot of sprinting in the open depending on your timing, you tend to arouse suspicion easily and it seems to vary how close you need to be for that to become an alert.
But since it doesn't count as an alert to just have the white indicator then it doesn't matter, and it also seems to be that you can trigger an alert once you reach the chopper and it won't count.
Frankly it was just a fluke that everything played out perfectly, my number of attempts are pretty high. You can also still use CQC to take out guards which only takes a second and that doesn't count as using a weapon.

Most of my other mission times are pretty rough.


I think I S ranked GZ in 9 minutes on Hard, six minutes on Normal, PC version. 3 minutes feels like a cheat to me, it's simply impossible or, in case it's true, I want to see a video.

WR for PS4 is 2:52, but that includes using the Idroid app and abuse of relfexs.The Idroid app is really vital for a fast speedrun as is reflex as it slows the game counter.. However, 3:09 for a stealth run/no weapon/ no kills run is like worldwide #1 by far.

Considering reflex is used by the speedrunners to get better times a I would like to see a youtube, if its legit i would like to see the strats. 3:09 with no reflex,weapons. idroid app seems impossibel at the moment.


Why the IDroid app help so much? You cut time by avoiding to lose time in menu? How much time can you gain, 10 secs or so? Also is there a link for 2:52 record?

Time isn't counted when the game is paused, so you pause the game and then call the helicopter via the app. You save over 20 seconds easily, considering you would have to stop sprinting, stop, open up idroid, call helicopter, exit idroid and then start sprinting

WR is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lqK6iKlGO9s

The run is also achieved by the use of triggering reflexes, as time is counted slower during a reflex. There are a few techniques used deliberately extends the reflex to get more distance cover. There's are quite a few clever glitches that really shorten the time as well in the video.

Basically, you need to kill to trigger reflexes and use the idroid app to get a really good time. How Xiraiya achieved this without killing/triggering a reflex or using the idroid app is beyond me.


Impressive, but he exterminated Camp Omega :D

Yup! It's necessary to get kills so you get the reflex and then the game timer is reduced...

betty said:
Obviously the 30 second world record for beating Ground Zeroes on hard on PS4 must be a cheat somehow, surely.

For fastest completion time, anything sub 2:50 is supect.

For fastest completion time (stealth and no weapons used), anything sub 3:30 is suspect.


I should probably clarify, no, it's not legit, I was messing around with a trainer basically for fun after finishing my missions and tinkering to see how the game handled guard AI and situations outside the norm, freezing enemy movement and stuff like that, I was doing it for my own curiosity of breaking the game in various ways and optimizing how one can play by understanding what you can absolutely can and can't get away with the guards.

I saw the record after the fact since I didn't even know there was online leader board that automatically saved times, and I wouldn't have let it taint the leaderboard if I had known beforehand since that's no fun for anyone.

At the time when I saw I had set a time I didn't think I had anything turned on during that instance, but since I can't say that for sure (and so I most likely didn't have as much luck as I thought), there's no reason to think that time is actually legit.
I'm thinking with enough luck, practice and memorization, it might be possible since it's not much lower than a lot of times, and now I'm kind of curious to know for sure if it can be done properly, but yeah.

I apologize for it causing unnecessary curiosity.

Also as far as what I've seen from messing with the game.
One of the things I learned is that the game is not above forcibly teleporting guards around when the game thinks you aren't looking, just to meet a particular schedule and order of scripted events, it seems like the only way this can be hindered is if the guard is knocked out or dead or extracted, but if the guard doesn't meet that criteria and is still hindered in some way, the game will just magically put them where they're suppose to be (Or in some cases the rest of the game will think a guard is where they actually aren't, resulting in stuff like Vehicles being driven by nobody)

Shift changes also teleport guards around instantaneously it would seem, reinforcements are also teleported into game world as well, I assume this will be different in TPP since they claim guards will come from other nearby bases, but I wouldn't be surprised if the game selected a bunch of guards from a nearby base and then just automatically placed them near the current one to look like they manually transported themselves there, but who knows.


That seems ludicrous even if you cheat to pull it off, Morpho alone takes longer than that to even arrive at an LZ.

Yeah it's not legitimate. I remember having the #1 long distance headshot on the leader boards in GZ with a legimate kill at ~430M but it quickly was beaten because people used the out of bounds glitch.

Leaderboards are a joke for GZ unfortunately, they don't mean anything anymore.


There's nothing spoilerish, I think as for GZ S rank on Hard for all missions is not required for the platinum. And...a lot of grinding achievements like for PW.

There could be an inconspicuous achievement like the one for collecting all the iPod tracks in MGS4 (which I am about to get once the credits finish rolling actually haha) that requires you to do it though :p


Guys, i went dark on news and GAF the day E3 started and the new trailer hit... but I'm dying to know what info we got on MGO, and of course how good the new 40 min gameplay video is.

Were there many story spoilers in the gameplay trailer, or was it mostly just showing off the game?
Guys, i went dark on news and GAF the day E3 started and the new trailer hit... but I'm dying to know what info we got on MGO, and of course how good the new 40 min gameplay video is.

Were there many story spoilers in the gameplay trailer, or was it mostly just showing off the game?

I would say that it is mostly to show off the gameplay, however it depends on what you already knew about game mechanics and buddies.


I would say that it is mostly to show off the gameplay, however it depends on what you already knew about game mechanics and buddies.

Pretty much everything. I hadn't really given a fuck about knowing spoilery-ish stuff until that last trailer hit and I felt like it - how Kojima always does - gave away too much story.

Pretty much everything. I hadn't really given a fuck about knowing spoilery-ish stuff until that last trailer hit and I felt like it - how Kojima always does - gave away too much story.


Spoiler (maybe) regarding co-op:
It has been confirmed that there is no story co-op.


Has anyone started a GAF google doc music playlist for MGSV yet? Heard this on the radio the other day and thought it'd fit the game perfectly - also released in 1984.

I'd start one, with everyone getting two to three suggestions on songs from 1975-1984, if someone told me how to make one of those spiffy hidden links.


Has anyone started a GAF google doc music playlist for MGSV yet? Heard this on the radio the other day and thought it'd fit the game perfectly - also released in 1984.

I'd start one, with everyone getting two to three suggestions on songs from 1975-1984, if someone told me how to make one of those spiffy hidden links.

"Hidden" links are done using the EMAIL BBCode tags. To create one just use the following code in your post but REPLACE ( ) with [ ].
Only GAF members will be able to see the tags when they quote your post for a reply.


[EMAIL="see? :)"]
Has anyone started a GAF google doc music playlist for MGSV yet? Heard this on the radio the other day and thought it'd fit the game perfectly - also released in 1984.

I'd start one, with everyone getting two to three suggestions on songs from 1975-1984, if someone told me how to make one of those spiffy hidden links.


Released in '76 though, may be a bit old by the time TPP happens.
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