Love Deterrence
Just put the top 50 anime intro themes in there and we are good to go.
I think the rule for the playlist should be any song BB missed while in a coma - even easier, any song 1975-1984.
I'll get around to making the google doc when i get a free moment at work.
Could I please nominate Alphaville's "Forever Young"?
Released in 1984 and the lyrics fit really well with the themes of The Phantom Pain ;-)
Love Deterrence said:Just put the top 50 anime intro themes in there and we are good to go.
Quote my previous post and add it to the doc yourself - i aint got time to be maintaining this shit.
I know hardly anything about anime, but wasn't this period when the medium was still sort of in its infancy?
That's actually supposed to be a tall tale to counterbalance the true story of 'In The Darkness Of Shadow Moses'. It illustrates the Patriots control over MEMEs.Just stated playing through the series for the time, I even started with the MSX games. I just started reading the 'previously on' things that are on the mgs2 hd collection (not started it yet) and what the hell was that about the guy disguising himself as a tuna??? I wish that was an actual game in the series
New info about the MGSV soundtrack.
Edit: Wait, looks like there is a different album coming out on the same day as the MGSV OST featuring vocal and cover tracks.
Does anybody know if it's possible to buy the US Limited Edition yet? FML for living in Argentina and missing all the preorders with international shipping. : /
Game or console?
The game might be sold out, and the console hasn't been announced (yet, hopefully) for the US.
Sorry i wasn't clear, yes i'm looking for the limited edition of the game. Thankfully i managed to preorder the guide but still looking for the game. Sadly the japanese version on Play Asia does'nt include the small arm. : /
I bought the Diamond Dogs jacket, it's *really* nice. I'll have some pictures of it soon.
Words don't really do it justice, it feels incredible. It looks better than the jacket it's based off of. I can't wear it for a few months though, I live in Las Vegas and it's been 105F-110F lately. Gotta wait until it cools down, maybe around September 1st if I'm lucky haha!
Damm Mango, you're one dashing motherfucker. you make a brother feel really insecure about his looks.Words don't really do it justice, it feels incredible. It looks better than the jacket it's based off of. I can't wear it for a few months though, I live in Las Vegas and it's been 105F-110F lately. Gotta wait until it cools down, maybe around September 1st if I'm lucky haha!
Kojima are you ok
Yeah haha I thought so too, could this be the soundtrack?
Has that behind the scene linked the other day been subbed in english yet?
Words don't really do it justice, it feels incredible. It looks better than the jacket it's based off of. I can't wear it for a few months though, I live in Las Vegas and it's been 105F-110F lately. Gotta wait until it cools down, maybe around September 1st if I'm lucky haha!
Finished it yesterday. Wow, what a game.
Sneaking through a battlefield undetected? Check!
Diarhea/farting jokes? Check!
Fighting robots? Check!
Cyber ninja badass fighting a vampire? Check!
Epicness over 8000? Check!
A beautifull ending of the series.
Now on my way to watch PW* on YT and max out GZ.
*I want to take a break from MGS till TPP and anticipate while playing some PS2 games.
After about ~60 hours of gameplay, I finally got this at 2am this morning
4 down, only 1 to go! And I've got more than 60 days left before The Phantom Pain, so it should definitely be doable. Having to finish the game 8 times for that Platinum was a bit tedious (especially since I did all the interesting playthroughs at the beginning and then had to just play through the game 5 more times to get various combination of alterts/continues/kills).
Thankfully I really loved the game though, so I still had fun the whole way through. I completely acknowledge it's not perfect: some of the story bits are pretty damn stupid like most of the rat patrol team stuff and the Otacon/Naomi love story — although the latter was absolutely hilarious. The interactions between them were how you would expect teenagers to act in a bad anime. The campaign structure is a bit odd too: it might have been better to spread the open chapters instead of having them right at the beginning before switching to a more linear approach later on.
But overall it's great. It's just a lot of fun to play, you've got tons of tools to play around with and I really like playing around with the octo-camo. I also appreciate the fact that the pace of the gameplay is closer to MGS2's rather than MGS3's slower pace.
The story can get pretty emotional at times too, especially towards the end. I ended up feeling really bad for Snake. Poor guyAfter all the shit he's been through by the end of that game there's no question he deserves his legendary reputation. I knew of the line "Snake... had a hard life. He needs some time to rest." before playing the game but hearing it in context still (almost) made me tear up. Something else that really got to me too was the look of utter sadness on his face after Ocelot's death...
And speaking of Ocelot, the whole final fight against him on top of Arsenal Gear is just perfect. The cutscene before the fight, the fight itself with the music changing along with Liquid/Ocelot's fighting style as it progresses, the setting of the fight, the conclusion... Damn that was great. Even after playing through it 9 times I still had a blast.
So... Now, onto Peace Walker. I'm not too sure what to expect from a remaster of a PSP game but hopefully it's good!
I'm not motivated enough to do all of this grinding to see the true ending
Troy Baker On MGS5 Voice Actor Controversy: David Hayter Is Snake, But So Is Kiefer
Still hoping, Team A.
Troy Baker On MGS5 Voice Actor Controversy: David Hayter Is Snake, But So Is Kiefer
Still hoping, Team A.
Crazy! Having to complete it 8 times for the plat is mental. I rebought it on PSN last night for like £6.50 so will play through it again before TPP comes out. Not sure I'll go for the plat though.After about ~60 hours of gameplay, I finally got this at 2am this morning
There he said it again, Might be the most ambitious game Ive ever seen. says Troy Baker.
Why have you given up on Team A? I dont see you as enthusiastic about it compared to before. BRING ON THE FIRE!
...and yet you doI don't need to post every day "TEAM A, TEAM A TEAM A!!!!!!!" to believe in it![]()
...and yet you do![]()
Why have you given up on Team A? I dont see you as enthusiastic about it compared to before. BRING ON THE FIRE!
I'm not motivated enough to do all of this grinding to see the true ending
Which I've never seen.
So it was actually her :O