New information regarding the PC feedback for MGSV.
It's easy to forget what features people want in the middle of development.
Thank you so much for your feedback! We've received a lot more responses than we anticipated, by quite a large margin actually.
We're working hard on the PC version of Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, and truly appreciate your support and thoughts on how to make it better.
We've totaled and categorized the feedback given up to this point and are preparing some info for you that can hopefully explain our next steps and give an idea what we've been able to accomplish.
Only a fool trusts his life to a production schedule!
As we collect our thoughts, please know that while we won't be able to accomplish every request (there is quite a lot!), we are very grateful for all the feedback and will do our best to make the PC release a success!
What are we fighting for? If we make it through this, we'll tell you.
- Robert Peeler