I have no idea what is going on in that img. lol.
But i miss P.T.
Nice, TeamD needed some love
I have no idea what is going on in that img. lol.
But i miss P.T.
Team E is... #FuckMGS_IamHereforP.T?
i am so in.
Good, Pythonselkan team.
?Do we get a permanent ban for choosing the wrong team
#TeamE is all about P.T. being an easter egg in MGSV. Like Guy Savage in MGS3. Believe!
I'm TeamE
I have a theory about the poster you get on motherbase. I think that collecting them will give you different decoys to use.
I have a theory about the poster you get on motherbase. I think that collecting them will give you different decoys to use.
I'm TeamE
Anything P.T or Silent Hills. I am in. Even the pachinko slot coming out with MGS6.
Vally... should added Chico, be Quiet. There. Missed chance.
Why not? I'll join Team E while still being in Team B.
Team BElieve.
Team E me pls
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. I never thought of that, that's pretty awesome, and more likely.I think they are actually meant to be used on the cardboard boxes.
Add me to TEAM E please !
Oh God... I'm in Team E for sure...
You and me both.The wait is killing me.
I don't wanna get too excited though, after the fuck up that was MGS4... *nervous*
I'm TeamE
Oh yeah, no doubt about it. I really believe it will be the best game in the series, which is why it would hurt that much more to be disappointed.I don't think you have anything to worry about. TPP is shaping up to be a heck of a game.
Is there any info on how progress on GZ will be carried over to TPP?
Welcome new brother.I spend my entire day reading MGS threads and watching gameplay. Guess I may as well tag my avatar as well.
Is there any info on how progress on GZ will be carried over to TPP?
I'm TeamE
I really hope this MGO is more like the one from MGS3:S I had a lot of fun with that one.. I thought the one with MGS4 was not as fun, didn't have as good as modes as the original and the updating/login process was so horrifying that combined with the gameplay not being good imo that it made it not worth it to play.
So to tide me over until MGSV releases, do I purchase...
- The Witcher 3
- Bloodborne
- Or Persona 3 FES
So to tide me over until MGSV releases, do I purchase...
- The Witcher 3
- Bloodborne
- Or Persona 3 FES
So to tide me over until MGSV releases, do I purchase...
- The Witcher 3
- Bloodborne
- Or Persona 3 FES