Share what img you put on your padi am glad you guys are finding the link useful.

I used this pic:

Welcome brother!
Thanks for this, Loakum! Got mine and the desert one (with Ocelot).
No problem man, glad I can help! ^_^
Share what img you put on your padi am glad you guys are finding the link useful.
Welcome brother!
Thanks for this, Loakum! Got mine and the desert one (with Ocelot).
Normally I'd recommend Witcher. But the others are right - it's too much to take on with only three weeks to go until MGSV. Go for Bloodborne. It's a meaty game which will probably last you up until September 1st, especially if you're interested in going for the plat and/or having fun with invasions.
Any POWs and Unique Guards you extracted will be transferred over.Is there any info on how progress on GZ will be carried over to TPP?
Nice. I was looking for a high quality version of that song. I used to get spotted on purpose just so I could hear it.With regard to the chopper escape music, there is only one correct choice for an explosive exfiltration.
The new choral version of Encounter from GZ's Deja Vu mission.
In addition, imagine this playing during the final onslaught of the game, if the ending is a remake of Metal Gear. Amazing.
Any POWs and Unique Guards you extracted will be transferred over.
The Sneaking Suit will also be transferred over.
If you have the voucher that came with GZ, you will also unlock additional staff.
I spend my entire day reading MGS threads and watching gameplay. Guess I may as well tag my avatar as well.
I originally got a physical copy of GZ for PS3. I finished all the missions, but never really bothered with much after that.
Since then, I've bought a PS4 and a digital copy of GZ for it. I'm putting the effort in this time and working towards 100%. On my digital PS4 copy I've done all the special stuff to enable the extras in TPP. However, what happens with the code that comes with physical copies? Is this automatically included in digital copies? If not, can I use my PS4 save to transfer all rescued prisoners/Glaz & Palitz etc., and then use my PS3 code, and have the results from both games imported into TPP?
So many questions.
Hi all. So I finally got around to play the the Metal Gear Solid game after getting some advice in this thread a while ago...
Digital copies should automatically register you for the voucher.
Thanks guys, I realise that there is a high chance that I won't finish any of these by the 1st, but I'm okay with just playing as much as I'm able to... Leaning towards Persona 3 right now.
So to tide me over until MGSV releases, do I purchase...
- The Witcher 3
- Bloodborne
- Or Persona 3 FES
PT being folded into a Psycho Mantis confrontation would be pretty wonderful.
Team E it is. Also whatever team believes thatshows up, preferablyDavid Bowieas the final boss to sue Big Boss over the name. Aloso David Hayter, because if you show snake, then it makes a kind of sense to differentiate his voice from Big Boss, although Sutherland voiced Big Boss, Ishmael and maybe even the GZ medic.
Yeah, I don't know. So long as it's an exciting story, I don't care. Really depends on how much Kojima wanted to close the loop. But yes, PT/Psycho Mantis Ops please.
How many tapes do I need for the trophy? Some places say 12, others 17. HALP!
Not yet. no.has it been confirmed to have ps4 pad support yet ?
I don't know if it's due to incompetence, stubbornness or my friends coming over & bothering me, but it just took me like 2 freaking hours to defeat the End in MGS3. TWO HOURS.
I don't know if it's due to incompetence, stubbornness or my friends coming over & bothering me, but it just took me like 2 freaking hours to defeat the End in MGS3. TWO HOURS.
That's how most fights with The End go. Unless you use the Konami Code on your map to locate him.
You know, it doesn't even matter. The longest ladder in history just showed up. What a thrill...
Nah man, you did good.
Holy shit, I'd love forto show up in a Side Op. Maybe that's why Kojima went over budgetDavid Bowie![]()
Do whatever you have to to make Bowie an extra Op. PC modder people. I'll buy it twice.
Saving Bowie in a mission = Utterly validating the "The Best is Yet to Come".
Are you referring to the GDC talk, because they were talking about it in reference to developers tools of the fox engine, and not anything for the general public.I'm pretty sure there's a mission creation tool coming out since that was in the talks long ago. But we'll see!
Bloodborne is the only game that could actually compete with TPP for GOTY.So to tide me over until MGSV releases, do I purchase...
- The Witcher 3
- Bloodborne
- Or Persona 3 FES
is it me or does lisa seem really tall in the top pic?
is it me or does lisa seem really tall in the top pic?
Lisa's just really tall! Makes her movements a lot creepier.
GZ PC version didn't have the ability to switch from the controller to a mouse on the fly right?
You had to go to the settings everytime?
Wonder if there's any possibility of having that on TPP?
No you can swap on the fly!
This game is doing things to me... I just bought my first Call of Duty ever just so I can kill time until September 1st. Tell me GAF, how are you guys dealing with the wait?
Digital copies should automatically register you for the voucher.
Fine, I won't.;___;
Don't say it ain't so!
This game is doing things to me... I just bought my first Call of Duty ever just so I can kill time until September 1st. Tell me GAF, how are you guys dealing with the wait?
Even if it's the PS+ version? All I could find online was that for a limited time digital copies of GZ would include the extra DLC..
Also Team A!
With the game coming out soon I can not wait to see if any fan theories are right, in that case just in case Quiet is Chico, use these at your expense
This game is doing things to me... I just bought my first Call of Duty ever just so I can kill time until September 1st. Tell me GAF, how are you guys dealing with the wait?
Still I see a lot of potential, this subreddit could be a danger for "The Nasian", "4chan", "NeoGaf" and basically the whole world.
We cannot let this threat stand brothers.
They're developing a Metal Gear to destroy us all.
Also I saw this choice quote in a different post:
We need to be prepared for this.