Guys, I need ideas for dealing with my crazy MGS5 hype over the next 20 days, because I've done all I could think off to ease the pain, but the wait is killing me.
Here's what I've done recently with the series:
- Watched all available episodes of MGScanlon. The week of Scanlon being a true blessing.
- Watched the full playthrough of Peace Walker by dasuberpoop, which I wholeheartedly recommend, since I don't have a PS3 any more and remember that playing the game on the PSP was a nightmare. Good refresh before TPP.
- Got 100% on GZ on both PS4 and X1.
- Got a platinum in MGS3 on Vita few months back.
I'm sick. I need more.
holy christ
my hype cycle:
1. Just played through MGS3. Playing through MGS4 right now.
2. Watching Metal Gear Scanlon 1-4. Currently on 3.
3. Reading the plot to Peace Walker so I can remember what happened with that game.
4. Play Ground Zeroes on PC to get an idea of how TPP will run on my rig.
By the time I'm done all of this stuff, the game will be out