Was there any video footage of MGO in action at TGS? I just got off work.
Yeah you can watch the exhibition match archived here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hjD3EMp1F1M
you get to play as Olga Gurlukovich? nice.
you get to play as Olga Gurlukovich? nice.
Sounds too shootery.
Where my stealth action MP?
that's what Team Sneaking, or Cloak and Dagger in this game, is for.
I'm assuming this isn't cross platform.
W..who PS3 here.
Where the shooting mechanics are suddenly gone? No, will still be shooter heavy.
If you live close to Japanese players you'll be set.
Live in Japan actually so I'm probably fine, but I'm curious as to what the platform distribution is anyway. I imagine even here it's not too low for PS4.
can't shoot what you can't see, bruv
Where the shooting mechanics are suddenly gone? No, will still be shooter heavy.
So you want a mode that doesn't have guns?
Just wait for the beard.Will the female avatar have a demon horn and robo hand
I hope not
When is it out again for PS4/XB1?
Well not spawning with a RPG would be a good start. Doesn't exactly scream 'stealth' to me.
It's gonna be a first to headshot shooter, with that always being the first and best option. MGO1 wasn't like this, as the shooting machanics were not a focus and it allowed stealth actions to shine better. Not that you couldn't, but stoppping and needing go into first person slowed down the viability of guns as a go to option.
The bounty hunter mode with the fultoning is cool but are their penalties for suicide? If you have a massive bounty on your head, wouldn't it be better to just kill yourself?
This looks amazing.
I'd imagine your bounty would stay if you suicide, or if they really want to discourage it maybe they'd have it add your bounty to the other team's tickets anyway.
I hope by the time the PC version releases they can add some map variety. Need something smaller and tighter, like AA in MGO2.
Have they commented on daytime changes? Would like darker maps too.