Ah, thanks very much for clearing that up, chief.
I think I'm being trolled here.
Ah, thanks very much for clearing that up, chief.
The sword sheath troll dance is hilarious.
new avatar, Net_Wrecker? Have you become a new man, who doesn't watch current WWE?
I think I'm being trolled here.
I just downloaded this a bit ago. I might make a LTTP thread, but I'll ask here: can you manually sheathe Sam's sword?
I think I read you can click one of the sticks to sheathe it.
This game is great.
This is absolutely amazing.
For the 100 kills with Quickdraw, does any Heavy attack work, or does it have to specifically be with the move called Quickdraw?
Any heavy attack and any enemy.
I got the trophy killing gekkos with his circular one.
I think they have to be fully charged attacks though
God yes. That isn't available for Raiden in the main game, is it?
Yeah, thanks, Retro.
Just grabbed the remaining collectibles and no damaged the final boss. The final boss isn't quite as bad as I was expecting because there is a checkpoint midfight.
The achievement list for this game is completely fucked. The VR Mission achievements are present for the NA 360, not letting people complete the game. And now the Jetstream achievements aren't adding to the game's Gamerscore total.... it's still listed as 1000/1000. I hope it gets fixed. Something's really off.
I hate when I come back after a few months to my PS3 and suddenly a 100% game turns into a 50% game. So irksome. Happened on RE5 and Uncharted 2 and 3.
They should just make the percentage go over 100%. That way you can say you "100%" a game for all eternity.
They should just make the percentage go over 100%. That way you can say you "100%" a game for all eternity.
Not manually, no. Because Raiden's Devil Trigger/Ripper mode is on that command.
Well, I thought that was the point of the Platinum trophy. That means you completed the base game.
Some games don't have a platinum trophy but they're rare.
Fairly sure most PSN only games don't have one.
Raiden's combat moveset is so much faster than Sam's, Raiden deserves his lighting nickname for how fast he is. Sam is more powerful, but at the expense of speed and move diversity. Raiden feels nimble, Sam feels sluggish. Even Raiden's parry is faster than Sam's.
That's because Raiden is a ninja and Sam is a samurai.
Also Samu(el) + Rai(den) = Samurai. Some other gaffer came up with that.
The problem with the final boss is you spend too much time dodging which makes the fight frustrating as what moves he uses is mostly random. It wasn't a problem in the base game because being defensive also dealt damage i.e. those QTE sequences after dodging a clothesline.
When Armstrong does his slow wind up side kick, that's usually the best place to do a charge move because he usually will go into a charge move too.
I didn't really see any vulnerabilities but I was coming from a No Damage point of view. Armstrong is easy if you're not trying to not get hit.
That's how I no damaged him. Get one charge in with taunt, he'll do either power geyser on fire pillars. If he does geyser, you get another free charge, then move to safe spot and charge again.
I'll leave normal and easy for some other time.
I don't feel like dealing with VR 4 anymore
All the titles have been found
1. S rank all difficulties
2. Beat in less than 40 min
2. Taunt 100 enemies
You must've got lucky because I rarely saw him even use the geyser attack during his berserk phase. I was doing a non-charged quick draw between dodging shotgun kicks and dive grabs. I only ever saw his explosive nova thing twice out of the 50 retries I did.
Has anyone found out why it is more expensive on Xbox? Has a statement been made or anything?
It isn't more expensive on Xbox.
Isn't it $10 on Xbox, 7 on PS3?
I payed $10 on PS3
I remember them saying it was gonna be 7...
Yeah. That was ScraftyDevil being wrong though. Breaking everyone's hearts. Again.
That's a damn good Sam gif much better than the smile one
Yeah. That was ScraftyDevil being wrong though. Breaking everyone's hearts. Again.