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Metal Gear Solid 3 Openning Video (Spoilers?)


Anyone wanna see the beginning of the Japanese voiced acted Metal Gear Solid 3?

...yah I thought so too...

Openning Vid

This is why I dig gametrailers.com so much.

If you wanna be utterly surprised by the game... don't watch the vid... but I don't think it gives away too much (except plotline for the first mission... and... well... SOMETHING else).

If this has been posted... my apologies... please delete... but if it has been... I'm not too sure it was on a free server. Gametrailers.com is, of course, free to all.



...although after doing a more complete search and going through the thread that had this... I could not find one link that worked.

Use this to fix your links for those that haven't seen or couldn't see?
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