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Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater...

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Just wait for Gamespot. They definitely won't give MGS3 anything that high. 8.9, tops. They never give PS2 exclusives scores in the 9s.
I don't know if you're joking, but they gave a 9+ score to a whole bunch of PS2 exclusive games. Most recently to GTA:SA as far as I can remember.

As for their MGS3 review, I hope Kasavin will do it. His review of MGS2 was spot-on, IMO.


Tag of Excellence
Deepthroat said:
Anyway, what's your expectations in MGS3? Do you think it will surpass MGS2? Or even MGS1? Please, share your thoughts!
I haven't been too hyped earlier because of the taste MGS2 left in my mouth but I personally think it wouldn't have any trouble being better than MGS2 gameplay wise (not a tough task). Apparantly a few people makes it sound like the story is much more focused and concentrates more on quality instead of suprising the player. Of course I wouldn't know, it's simply what I've been told from a few people with a review copy.

So yeah, I'm nearing the release and I'm excited as all hell. I have complete faith in Kojima to produce an excellent game that recognizes the errors of the previous titles and rectifies them. Hopefully the cinematics will be kept low or atleast offset by a massive increase in actual gameplay and I'll be happy. God I'm going to be in heaven with this and MP2:E and Half Life 2.

Oh and there's official confirmation that the main character is Big Boss (Jack). We all knew this but it's still nice to know it's now 100% official.



I've talked to a person who has played and completedt the game, you won't believe the stuff I've heard from him :D I think you guys will be pleasantly surprised, and I mean MGS 2 haters aswell
TekunoRobby said:
Oh and there's official confirmation that the main character is Big Boss (Jack). We all knew this but it's still nice to know it's now 100% official.


I'm really hoping that wasn't Kojima's big surprise that he's suppose to reveal within the first 15 minutes of the game. People who've played it have said there aren't any "Raiden level" shocks but still some pretty nice ones.
Well I'm pretty sure the gameplay, storyline and boss battles (the mini bosses look to all have cool 'gimicks' to fight them, like in MGS...MGS2's were lame). That alone says that It'll most probably be much better than MGS2, I'm hoping its as good as MGS1 or better. If its the latter it'll be in my top 5 games of the gen. Wasn't super hyped for it before, but since it's releasing soon, the hype is building within...what can I say, I'm a MGS whore for life.


Pedigree Chum said:
Well I'm pretty sure the gameplay, storyline and boss battles (the mini bosses look to all have cool 'gimicks' to fight them, like in MGS...MGS2's were lame). That alone says that It'll most probably be much better than MGS2, I'm hoping its as good as MGS1 or better. If its the latter it'll be in my top 5 games of the gen. Wasn't super hyped for it before, but since it's releasing soon, the hype is building within...what can I say, I'm a MGS whore for life.

Well, for those who've played it, they say it's surpassed MGS 1 if that counts as much to you, and from what I've been hearing, I can see why
They reveal his name in one of the trailers. I'm sure they scared a few people when they said Jack since that's also Raidens name.

I'm looking forward to how violent they go with the cutscenes. In the EGM thread they were talking about the cutscenes being really violent this time. We've seen some of that in the trailers but they're censored since they'd end up being spoilers if they weren't. I want to see more of The Boss beating the sh!t out of Snake. :p

evil ways

SolidSnakex said:
They reveal his name in one of the trailers. I'm sure they scared a few people when they said Jack since that's also Raidens name.

I'm looking forward to how violent they go with the cutscenes. In the EGM thread they were talking about the cutscenes being really violent this time. We've seen some of that in the trailers but they're censored since they'd end up being spoilers if they weren't. I want to see more of The Boss beating the sh!t out of Snake. :p

M: Blood and Gore, Intense Violence, Language, Sexual Themes

Must be pretty violent.
evil ways said:
Must be pretty violent.

Yah it looks really violent in the clips shown, especially the scene where Boss breaks Snakes arm and then he has to snap it back in place. I'd like for more cutscenes to be like that. Too many games go for really over the top violence that doesn't really look all that brutal.

Here's the MGS3 EGM cover:



I went to WAGs boutique and all I got was a sniff
For those who have somehow played the game or know anything about it, please answer my questions:

1) Does the story still have plot twist and is the story entertaining? I loved MGS2's story, but I'm not asking it to be as complex as that.

2) Does the gameplay work well without a radar?
Just read the MGS3 EGM review. Some interesting tidbits.

- Mark says it has the biggest environments in any console game so far. This is especially surprising considering San Andreas was reviewed in the same issue.

- The boss fights top Fox Hounds (MGS1's team).

- There's one boss in particular that will go down as one of the greatest boss fights ever.

The End's boss fight literally lasts over a hour.

- Plot twists actually make sense.

- Longest MG title so far. Clocking in with atleast a 25hour gameplay time.

- Raises the bar for stealth gaming.

- As was pointed out in the EGM thread the codec sequences have been cut back big time.


Take a back seat Splinter Cell, looks like Metal Gear is back!

Looks like Konami went all out with MGS3. Took out everything gamers hated and kept and expanded upon the things gamers liked.

Although SC3 does look pretty damn good. Heh is there some sort of curse on stealth games and the middle game in the series (MGS2, SCPT)???

MGS3 may go down as my surprise game of the year. I didn't expect much after MGS2.


psycho_snake said:
For those who have somehow played the game or know anything about it, please answer my questions:

1) Does the story still have plot twist and is the story entertaining? I loved MGS2's story, but I'm not asking it to be as complex as that.

2) Does the gameplay work well without a radar?

1) twists, but not crazy. very entertaining.

2) very. the tools you get compensate well for the soliton.
I'm relieved to hear that the EGM staff enjoyed the game so much. Like many other Metal Gear fans I was/am expecting reviewers to be very tough on MGS3 because of the backlash from the previous game. Thankfully it seems like Kojima and his team were humbled somewhat by the criticism MGS2 received and worked hard to address it while still moving the series forward.

My EGM hasn't arrived yet but I'm looking forward to reading their full review.
Yah I think alot of people were expecting the MGS3 reviews to be pretty brutal after MGS2. But the EGM reviews mentions the main problems that people had wiht MGS2 (convulted story, Raiden and the codec) and then goes onto say that MGS3 doesn't have those problems. The next review of the game should be the PSM review. It'll be coming out next week I believe.


SolidSnakex said:
Just read the MGS3 EGM review. Some interesting tidbits.

- Mark says it has the biggest environments in any console game so far. This is especially surprising considering San Andreas was reviewed in the same issue.

- The boss fights top Fox Hounds (MGS1's team).

- There's one boss in particular that will go down as one of the greatest boss fights ever.

The End's boss fight literally lasts over a hour.

- Plot twists actually make sense.

- Longest MG title so far. Clocking in with atleast a 25hour gameplay time.

- Raises the bar for stealth gaming.

- As was pointed out in the EGM thread the codec sequences have been cut back big time.

holy crap that sounds awesome!


SolidSnakex said:
Just read the MGS3 EGM review. Some interesting tidbits.

- Mark says it has the biggest environments in any console game so far. This is especially surprising considering San Andreas was reviewed in the same issue.

I just don't see this happening. Maybe it gives off the impression of the largest enviroments, but I just don't see this being bigger than GTA games. If it's true, then it'll be a huge surprise for me in slightly more than a week. :)

- The boss fights top Fox Hounds (MGS1's team).

YAY! MGS2 bosses were weaksauce! Glad to hear awesome freakshow boss fights are back!

- There's one boss in particular that will go down as one of the greatest boss fights ever.

Hmmm...... *twiddles thumbs*

The End's boss fight literally lasts over a hour.

This could either end up being a good thing or a bad thing.
We know it's a sniper fight and The End is supposed to be really old and experienced, so I can see why it might take a longass time. I just hope Kojima kept it fun instead of tedious.

- Plot twists actually make sense.

Haha but that's what they ALWAYS claim! :D

- Longest MG title so far. Clocking in with atleast a 25hour gameplay time.

Holy.... shit. I hope this isn't just EGM's reviewers sucking. Because 25 hours would make it twice as long as either MGS or MGS2, and longer than both added together.

- Raises the bar for stealth gaming.

Bar? What bar? There is no bar? :)

- As was pointed out in the EGM thread the codec sequences have been cut back big time.

Hmmm, this works hand-in-hand with the "largest enviroments ever" and "longest MGS ever" statements since the codec writer (not Kojima) himself said in the Countdown book that there's 1.7 times as much codec script in MGS3 than in MGS2. *ponder*
ok it's not really a spoiler per se, but more about a certain group we all know and love.
dont read it if you dont want to be ruined.

in the game, they go into detail about the patriots and how they are funded and why the people that are on the list that showed up in mgs2 could be dead.


duckroll said:
Hmmm, this works hand-in-hand with the "largest enviroments ever" and "longest MGS ever" statements since the codec writer (not Kojima) himself said in the Countdown book that there's 1.7 times as much codec script in MGS3 than in MGS2. *ponder*

It's optional to ring them up, you don't have to, so for instance to get some backstory on a boss, you just ring the right person up and they'll tell you. They've cut back on the radio converstations this time.

We know it's a sniper fight and The End is supposed to be really old and experienced, so I can see why it might take a longass time. I just hope Kojima kept it fun instead of tedious.

I think it depends, you can either just camp out and have a sniper battle with him, or you can go gung-ho and chase after him in the middle of the jungle. I think the latter could cut the battle short. So if it get's too tedious. In fact...


You can completely avoid the boss battle...


- Mark says it has the biggest environments in any console game so far. This is especially surprising considering San Andreas was reviewed in the same issue.
I'm pretty sure they're not talking in terms of square meters vs any other game.


Doom_Bringer said:
neah that site doesn't look trustworthy. FS should reduce their price to 59.99 near the release. They do that with all games.

Aaah ok. Well, lots of people here in Sweden orders DVD's and games from them, no problems.


Lakitu said:
It's optional to ring them up, you don't have to, so for instance to get some backstory on a boss, you just ring the right person up and they'll tell you. They've cut back on the radio converstations this time.

Yeah, pretty much what I expected. Much more optional radio, which is cool. I like the radio. :)

I think it depends, you can either just camp out and have a sniper battle with him, or you can go gung-ho and chase after him in the middle of the jungle. I think the latter could cut the battle short. So if it get's too tedious. In fact...


You can completely avoid the boss battle...

Whoa... that sounds awesome. I'm really hyped to see how that works now but NO MORE SPOILERS FROM YOU! :D I can't wait as it is, stop making me drool.


Wow, I have to say I'm hyped for this game. It sounds like it will deliver big-time. With those reviews comments in mind, this is probably my most wanted game this fall/winter. I may have to pre-order, and I usually never pre-order games. :|


duckroll said:
Whoa... that sounds awesome. I'm really hyped to see how that works now but NO MORE SPOILERS FROM YOU! :D I can't wait as it is, stop making me drool.

My lips are sealed :D
SolidSnakex said:
Just read the MGS3 EGM review. Some interesting tidbits.

- Mark says it has the biggest environments in any console game so far. This is especially surprising considering San Andreas was reviewed in the same issue.

- The boss fights top Fox Hounds (MGS1's team).

- There's one boss in particular that will go down as one of the greatest boss fights ever.

The End's boss fight literally lasts over a hour.

- Plot twists actually make sense.

- Longest MG title so far. Clocking in with atleast a 25hour gameplay time.

- Raises the bar for stealth gaming.

- As was pointed out in the EGM thread the codec sequences have been cut back big time.

Pure sex. Going to pre-order it tomorrow :)


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Lakitu said:
My lips are sealed :D

Can you just tell us if the frame rate got better since the OPM demo version? Is the heavy slowdown still in there during firefights on the bridge and such? Not that it bothered me that much, just courious to know if they fixed it somehow.


30FPS, hiccup free, radio load times are minimal and the area to area loading is on par with MGS 2

Edit: And I mean a really solid 30FPS.


Lakitu said:
30FPS, hiccup free, radio load times are minimal and the area to area loading is on par with MGS 2

Ok, I think I'm just inviting trouble for myself here, but I'm really curious about something. After 3 longass MGS3 trailers, we *think* we have most of the picture and know what's going down. But if the game is really as longass as 20+ hours compared to MGS1-2's 10+ hours (is it?) then there must be a shitload more. Just wondering, Kojima DOES have surprises lined up for us that aren't remotely hinted at in the trailers right? ^^;

Oh and your avatar is offensively cute, probably not as offensively cute as mine but still. :D


duckroll said:
Just wondering, Kojima DOES have surprises lined up for us that aren't remotely hinted at in the trailers right? ^^;

Hehe ohhhh yeah, plenty, you'll be very surprised

And thank you for the compliment on my avatar :)


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Lakitu said:
30FPS, hiccup free, radio load times are minimal and the area to area loading is on par with MGS 2

Edit: And I mean a really solid 30FPS.

That's great. Thanks.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Wow, MGS3 is sounding absolutely amazing. I can't wait!

The demo left me a bit disappointed, but it sounds as if it will make up for it 10 fold.
"I just don't see this happening. Maybe it gives off the impression of the largest enviroments, but I just don't see this being bigger than GTA games. If it's true, then it'll be a huge surprise for me in slightly more than a week. "

I think he was trying to say it's the biggest forest in any game. Which is still a good thing, especially for those that were expecting the forest to be more of a "tanker" style section.

"This could either end up being a good thing or a bad thing.
We know it's a sniper fight and The End is supposed to be really old and experienced, so I can see why it might take a longass time. I just hope Kojima kept it fun instead of tedious.

They mention that its a very slow and methodical battle. So its going to be a love hate type of fight. The whole concept of a battle taking that long sounds really cool and I don't think anyone's ever even tried to pull something like it off before. I don't think that's the battle they're talking about going down as one of the best ever though. I think its going to be The Sorrow.

Another thing they mention is that the pacing seems perfect. The bosses are spread spread out so that right when you feel there needs to be an adrenaline rush from the stealth you get a boss fight. They also mention the final boss fight being really dramatic and well done.

Here's hoping GameSpot will do a "Final Hours of Metal Gear Solid 3" for this. I don't think they've done a "Final Hours of..." since Prince of Persia.
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