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Metal Gear Solid 4 Guns of The Patriots 2.0 |OT| Kept you waiting, huh?


Combovers don't work when there is no hair
For the Suicide Gekko I'd spend more time hiding than fighting. The M82A2 will make this fight be a lot easier because the ROF is a lot higher than the Rail Gun and you can hide under REX on your stomach to recover health too. If you have the Sailor or Rock Me Baby tracks those will increase the health regen rate.

But yeah by hiding more than fighting I mean just hide under REX and shoot Gekko in your sight lines and of course any that are counting down.

With that strategy this part should be easy even on Extreme.

I managed to complete it eventually, I was just venting about how annoying that part was :p
Fuck that suicide gekko fight.

Anyway, I still haven't gotten around to pick up the HD Collection. I've played MGS 1 and 3 before, but could never quite get into them due to the stealth gameplay which I'm not really a fan of (and for MGS3, the original version, I thought the controls and constantly fiddling around in menus was clunky). How hard are the games if I just play them on the easiest difficulty just to experience the story?

MGS3 on the easiest difficulty is a cake walk. You get the EZ Gun, which is a tranq gun with infinite ammo (very easy to get no kills), the enemies can barely see you if you haven't already hit them with the EZ Gun, bosses are cake, you don't really have to fiddle with camo, and I believe health regenerates (though you will have to do some things in the Cure menu). It's the way I played it, and I know some in here will be against it or say it cheapens the experience, but I really enjoyed it because I just wanted to experience the story too.


Combovers don't work when there is no hair
MGS3 on the easiest difficulty is a cake walk. You get the EZ Gun, which is a tranq gun with infinite ammo (very easy to get no kills), the enemies can barely see you if you haven't already hit them with the EZ Gun, bosses are cake, you don't really have to fiddle with camo, and I believe health regenerates (though you will have to do some things in the Cure menu). It's the way I played it, and I know some in here will be against it or say it cheapens the experience, but I really enjoyed it because I just wanted to experience the story too.

Thanks. I've always liked the far out wackiness of the MGS universe/story, but the stealth gameplay didn't quite gel with me. I'll give it another go with the HD Collection then.

Endo Punk

Just beat laughing Octo. It's all coming back to me, and it feel so good to play the game. As much I want MGS to be done with I will gladly purchase every new game. Im such a slave to MGS lol.


Thanks. I've always liked the far out wackiness of the MGS universe/story, but the stealth gameplay didn't quite gel with me. I'll give it another go with the HD Collection then.

Yeah, it's worth it for the story. He's not kidding when he says the enemies can barely see you on easiest in 3... I've been standing directly in front of them and they didn't see me, haha.



I'm about to start my trophy run. I think I might just play straight up anyway I want for the 1st playthrough and then go for specific stuff after that. You guys think thats a good strategy or would you recommend trying to get as many trophies as possible in the 1st run?


I'm about to start my trophy run. I think I might just play straight up anyway I want for the 1st playthrough and then go for specific stuff after that. You guys think thats a good strategy or would you recommend trying to get as many trophies as possible in the 1st run?

Doesn't really matter for first run, you have to play through 8 times so by the end you'll definitely have all the stuff. I would make sure to not get the Scorpion emblem though because that comes with Big Boss, and you don't want to have to play through another time.
I'm about to start my trophy run. I think I might just play straight up anyway I want for the 1st playthrough and then go for specific stuff after that. You guys think thats a good strategy or would you recommend trying to get as many trophies as possible in the 1st run?
Well.... try to get 25+ Trophies in the first playthrough, IMO it will make things a little easier for the upcoming playthroughs.


Finished playthrough #5
Leopard, Jaguar, and Centipede remain.

When the gameplay is under total control, MGS4 becomes routine.


°Temp. member
Ugh, 4 playthroughs and I still don't have the flashback mania trophy (431 viewed). I guess I'll stop at 73%...


Combovers don't work when there is no hair
Finished it (for the second time, first time was back in 2010 I think). Maybe I'll go back to it some day to finish it a third time to get some more trophies, but for now I'll just get MGS1 off PSN and the HD Collection and play those.


Yes! Finally completed the Big Boss Emblem. Already did the Chicken emblem so now its the easier part. 2 trophies left, collecting all the weapons and of course the Sounds of the Battlefield.

I loved this picture, had to take a photo:

Ugh, 4 playthroughs and I still don't have the flashback mania trophy (431 viewed). I guess I'll stop at 73%...

If you ever do bother doing it again, use this youtube guide, worked for me after first try.


Combovers don't work when there is no hair
I suck so bad at MGS1, but it's still pretty good. Just met Meryl, currently running around the armory trying to figure out where to go. Is there a MGS community thread?


°Temp. member
Why does
Liquid kiss Snake during the final fight?
I've never played the others, but just don't see why this was put in...

Also, Drebin's monkey is my 2nd favorite character. I wish you could unlock his face camo lol.


Seven playthroughs down... Only one more to go. Centipede, so yay at being able to run quickly to Act 5, since I have nothing to do in any of the other acts.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Act 3 is so bad. I remember why the game kinda nose-dives at this point. The tailing, Big Mama (which isn't that bad until "I am your mother" which then becomes "Oh god, he's going to ruin MGS3 isn't he?! OH GOD HE IS!!!! D:!!!!!!") but the bike chase is awesome, even if it's a bit crazy on Extreme.
The gameplay side in Act 3 is TOO boring IMO ( not the bike side but the following that stupid guy part ).

As for the story.... I found it BRILLIANT, and the ending events in this chapter were the highlights of the game for me.


Act 3 was a good idea with terrible execution.
The single act I hate running through, since it is one you can't move at your own pace, really.

At least on Liquid Easy the bike chase is laughable. Just hold triangle. You don't need to attack anything.
Everybody's Big Boss run time seems way better than mine, haha.

I was never a very good Metal Gear player though. The achievement of getting the emblem is a big thing for me as is. 3 playthroughs down, but I think I'm going to take a break. I don't think I could stand going through this game again right now.


The gameplay side in Act 3 is TOO boring IMO ( not the bike side but the following that stupid guy part ).

As for the story.... I found it BRILLIANT, and the ending events in this chapter were the highlights of the game for me.

Yeah, the cutscene was pretty good. But it is indeed really boring going through it for trophies. Slow following sequence, bike sequence you have to sit through, and a boring boss (on easier modes).


Combovers don't work when there is no hair
Why does the MGS4 database have an entry on post-punk? How is post-punk relevant to the MGS universe? Is Kojima a post-punk connoisseur with an extensive collection of obscure post-punk releases?

And why does Psycho Mantis look like a cybergoth?
Yeah, the cutscene was pretty good. But it is indeed really boring going through it for trophies. Slow following sequence, bike sequence you have to sit through, and a boring boss (on easier modes).

That's why there is NO WAY I'm going for the platinum trophy.... the idea of going through this chapter again and again and again will scar me for life!


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
As for the story.... I found it BRILLIANT, and the ending events in this chapter were the highlights of the game for me.

I don't really like how Kojima shoe-horned MGS3 in just to tie it into the rest of the series, for me: MGS3 is perfect as a stand-alone spin-off with Big Boss being featured along with Ocelot's origin only being the thing tying it into the rest of the series. The Patriots being revealed as being the MGS3 cast is kinda stupid and spits in the face of MGS3 fans, IMO.

But yes, Ocelot finger banging everyone
though it begs the question: If the Pyx of Big Boss was Solidus and Eva was in on the whole thing with Ocelot (after it's revealed Liquid is just an act by Ocelot) why the hell does she still go along with the whole thing? Even better is where the hell the P90's the Frogs are carrying gets all that ammo from since the P90 (IIRC) only carries 100 rounds in the magazine. SOP giving them infinite ammo status? (Sup 4th wall breaking and yes I need to turn my disbelief off.
was awesome.
The only thing that felt forced was that Zero was behind the whole damn thing. The story became less about Snake and more about Big Boss/Zero. What i did love was everyone had a big obsession for Big Boss. Zero loved him despite the differences, EVA loved him and wanted to carry his children, and Ocelot had his little man crush. Plus the fact they went through a 20+ year plan just to free his body.

Other then that i thought the story was pretty cool. Snake being a Patriot puppet made sense and was something that never even crossed my mind. I'm probably in the small group of people who dug the concept behind the B&B's.

Not only that but i thought the Meryl/Johnny Smith cutscene was cute too. They know they're about to die so they just have this cute moment together .
The final boss was about as bad as I remember it being.
Liquid/Ocelot's third form is so fucking cheap. Luckily I figured out that you just have to stay on his ass, never letting up. Kojima should stay as far away from fighting games as possible. No kick button? The fuck?
The final boss was about as bad as I remember it being.
Liquid/Ocelot's third form is so fucking cheap. Luckily I figured out that you just have to stay on his ass, never letting up. Kojima should stay as far away from fighting games as possible. No kick button? The fuck?

Regarding the bolded bit, really? I actually found it easier if you keep
a significant distance between the two of you and only go close for a short amount of time to use the "punch-punch-headbutt" combination and retreat. Staying close to him always felt to me like you were trapped in some horrible trap consisting of constant grapples and headbutts.

Oh and congratulations Matrix, ZeroKool and Luigi on the platinums! Not only is the trophy a reward, but not having to play the opening of Act 3 again is as well!


Why does the MGS4 database have an entry on post-punk? How is post-punk relevant to the MGS universe? Is Kojima a post-punk connoisseur with an extensive collection of obscure post-punk releases?

Kojima loves post punk. Why do you think the MGS2 rerelease was called Substance?
Joy Division
Act 3 was a good idea with terrible execution.
The single act I hate running through, since it is one you can't move at your own pace, really.

That's something they touched on in the in-game podcasts. When they were first showing the game to the public/critics/etc, people got COMPLETELY lost. It got so bad that I think Kojima nearly went into the room to direct people where to go.

And this was an EARLY version of the level.
Regarding the bolded bit, really? I actually found it easier if you keep
a significant distance between the two of you and only go close for a short amount of time to use the "punch-punch-headbutt" combination and retreat. Staying close to him always felt to me like you were trapped in some horrible trap consisting of constant grapples and headbutts.
I was playing on Big Boss Hard, if that makes a difference.
Basically what I did was keep my distance until I could knock him down and then just keep knocking him down. All of his forms seem to be vulnerable to kicks right after he gets up.
That's something they touched on in the in-game podcasts. When they were first showing the game to the public/critics/etc, people got COMPLETELY lost. It got so bad that I think Kojima nearly went into the room to direct people where to go.

And this was an EARLY version of the level.

Yeah that was a funny info part.
He got really upset and was even calling the developer guys in Japan, along the lines of "There is a bug at x!! You screwed up!"
Apparently some of those guys were wandering around for HOURS :lol
(on the other hand, those were western game journalists, so... ;) )

However, I don't care what everyone else thinks. Act 3 is AWESOME.
The gameplay and setting are so different to everything else in MGS, just gives you some nice fresh air.
The first time I played it was super tense as well. I was walking through sewers, waiting for gunship search lights to pass etc. like in some dystopian future movie.
Following some guy through a city was a cool twist and I was SO freaked out when I noticed I was being followed as well. At that time I didn't even know the hand-robot-things so I was just thinking to myself "WTF, that thing isn't human, what IS it? Why is it stalking me? HELP!"

Don't get me wrong though, Act 2 is still the best gameplay-wise. But I welcome the diversity of each Act. Just would have been perfect if there was another Act 1/2-esque setting after Act 3 or 4.
I was playing on Big Boss Hard, if that makes a difference.
Basically what I did was keep my distance until I could knock him down and then just keep knocking him down. All of his forms seem to be vulnerable to kicks right after he gets up.

Oh, yeah, ok, that makes a lot of sense.
Hitting him just as he stands up is definitely a very strong tactic all the time. I had thought you were saying to just stay close to him and keeping spamming R1 at all times works well which, in my experience at least, just ends up leading to constant choke holds, headbutts, throws and everything that accompanies that (death mainly).

So do you plan on going for a few more replays or were you just replaying it the once while the trophies are new and there's quite a few players discussing it?


And on the sixth day the LORD David Bowie created man and woman in His image. And he saw that it was good. On the seventh day the LORD created videogames so that He might take the bloody day off for once.
That's something they touched on in the in-game podcasts. When they were first showing the game to the public/critics/etc, people got COMPLETELY lost. It got so bad that I think Kojima nearly went into the room to direct people where to go.

And this was an EARLY version of the level.

So much valuable insight in those Integral Podcasts. I wish they'd do more of them.

At the very least, it should become a standard feature in all future KojiPro games. Reminds me of Valve's developer commentaries.
So do you plan on going for a few more replays or were you just replaying it the once while the trophies are new and there's quite a few players discussing it?
I'm working on a few emblems right now with a new playthrough. These things are so damn tedious. -_- I plan to at least do a BBE run, even if I decide it's not worth pursuing the trophies. The requirements for the chicken emblem are just absurd.
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