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Metal Gear Solid 4 |OT| No Place to Hide, No Time for a Legend to FoxDie

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I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
I can hear Trumpets playing in the background, because....


3 1/2 hours to go....

The Chef said:
What kind of demon could torment me like this?

How much work do you think you would actually accomplish if this was on your desk starting at you @_@

Tell me about it.....


mattiewheels said:
playing this game, then hopping into the ipod menu to put on the MG1 theme is a completely surreal experience.

i like the hideochan songs too, the jazz is nice :lol :lol god, this is so strange. i love you hideo, you crazy bastard!

Can you also play any MP3 from the PS3's HDD?
The Chef said:
What kind of demon could torment me like this?

How much work do you think you would actually accomplish if this was on your desk starting at you @_@


:lol man that is awesome.
I came across a really odd thing about two thirds of the way through act two

While tracking Naomi's footprints I reached the bit where they go through the river. Instead of crossing, I followed the ones that go left and reached a 'crop circle' in the grass. Then the game played the bit from MGS2 where Colonel goes mad and tells a story about being abducted by aliens and I got 1000 Drebin points.

Really weird, but cool.


Okay, it's confirmed that I suck. It's been way too long since I've played a MGS game. I've died 5 times and I've not even met
yet. :lol


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
DarkUSS said:
Can you also play any MP3 from the PS3's HDD?

I don't think it does. Maybe it'll change if they add something like that to FW 2.40.

Man, I'm glad I've played and kept up with the previous Metal Gear games. Beat MGS1 a few weeks back, I'm currently almost done with MGS2 (though, don't think I'll finish the go-round this time). I would have redone MGS3, but can't find my disk, so I've looked at alot of Youtube video's.

I'd hate to try to play MGS4 without knowing the backstory...and I would HAAAAAAATE having to hold off playing MGS4, just to play those previous games...

So yeah, I'm glad I can just right on in to MGS4...in 3 hours and 13 minutes. Add on 23 minutes of drive time, say 10 minutes to put in the game and install (whilst gathering up snacks and such)...so...3 hours 46 minutes...


Lost all credibility.
Midas said:
Okay, it's confirmed that I suck. It's been way too long since I've played a MGS game. I've died 5 times and I've not even met
yet. :lol
Same here. Ever since the removal of the Soliton Radar, I pretty much suck at MGS games.
DarkUSS said:
Wait, I'm sure I heard that you can play your own music through the in-game iPod.
maybe later on you can find itunes somewhere? i dunno. i just know it's not possible now, and i went thru all of the options looking for one to do it.

Oni Jazar

DKehoe said:
Does this really take 30 hours to complete? I just finished Act 3 and I'm 10 hours in.

Given that the game *just* came out and you're already 10 hours in I'd say you're a little too hardcore for the 30 hour game time. Most people finishing here seem to be in the high 10s low 20s.

You guys are devouring this game!
Seriously, the opening was just as impressive and unique as Ryan Payton said.

Just started act 2.



Man, it's tough sometimes getting/finding an anwer to a specific question in these giant threads, so I'm going to ask this again.

Is rumble integrated in any way outside of being shot, shooting people, explosions etc...

I want to know if I need a DS3 for this game anymore than I'd need it for a standard FPS.
Oni Jazar said:
Given that the game *just* came out and you're already 10 hours in I'd say you're a little too hardcore for the 30 hour game time. Most people finishing here seem to be in the high 10s low 20s.

You guys are devouring this game!
Then there are people like me, 1 hour in.





The Chef said:
What kind of demon could torment me like this?

How much work do you think you would actually accomplish if this was on your desk starting at you @_@


Same situation! But even worse because I work from home! I'm just to busy and I'm on some serious deadlines, but I feel like I'm letting Kojima down now! :(
Come the fuck on UPS. Just knowing my copy is floating around on a truck somewhere in the city is more unbearable than I had anticipated. Bring it to meeeeee!!!!!!


holy crap the the easter eggs are fucking brilliant :lol :lol

found two really strange ones!

act 2--------: when tracking naomi's prints, after you've followed the heavy set of tracks, there's a group of gerbils running towards you. i decided to follow them with mark 2, and followed them into a dead end. there there is a big conrete slab with handprints and autographs in them :lol :lol i decided to go there with snake, lie down and see if i could octo the patern and lo and behold, i now have programmed a handprinted octo pattern :lol :lol :lol i don't know what the hell it means but discovering these little perks fucking OWN

act 2 --------: equally bizarre, after tracking her trails to the river, follow the footprints next to the riverbed, you'll end up on a cropcircle :lol :lol a weird audio fragment starts playing, sounds like a man's testimony after being abducted. after it ended i got rewarded 1000 bonus drebin points :lol

man, i can't wait to turn this game inside out a second, third, fourth, time to find all these awesome extras :lol

kojipro, thanks
I'm part of the way into Act 2 now and I have to say how awesme this game is. The battlefield is so intense. The character models are the best I've ever seen. So awesome!

Oni Jazar

Mr. Wonderful said:
Then there are people like me, 1 hour in.




I've played almost 3 hours now I would say but I'm reaaaaaly early on in the game (first couple zones in Act 1). I played the same scenario twice: once on Normal then Hard to see which one I'd prefer. Best thing about it is I've already found a good number of alternate routes to take in the first couple of areas alone.

BTW For those that don't know and those new to MGS: CHECK OUT THE MISSION BRIEFINGS IN THE MAIN MENU. This is kind of like how the briefing was in MGS1 - lots of exposition and kickass interactive cinemas. *There are also (very mild spoiler)
interactive easter eggs and rewards
in the briefings*. Don't be afraid to see what the buttons do during these events as you can only skip them by hitting Start then selecting 'skip'.
MyEpitomeCliché said:
Come the fuck on UPS. Just knowing my copy is floating around on a truck somewhere in the city is more unbearable than I had anticipated. Bring it to meeeeee!!!!!!
This is the worst part. And to think the last couple of deliveries I've gotten came like at 1pm. Now MGS4 breaks the streak. Might have to wait until five. :(


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
brandonh83 said:
Seriously, the opening was just as impressive and unique as Ryan Payton said.

Just started act 2.

She seems kind of retarded :lol


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
brandonh83 said:
but she's so sweet though =\

:lol :lol I know, Snake's line about eggs made me crack up but that's not how you talk to her. :lol Still, so cute.

God, the cutscenes are just so well done you don't even notice. Act 2 complete. So. Awesome.

The Chef

Firewire said:
Same situation! But even worse because I work from home! I'm just to busy and I'm on some serious deadlines, but I feel like I'm letting Kojima down now! :(

Your working from home!?!?
My friend...you have some serious willpower.
Y2Kev said:
:lol :lol I know, Snake's line about eggs made me crack up but that's not how you talk to her. :lol Still, so cute.

God, the cutscenes are just so well done you don't even notice. Act 2 complete. So. Awesome.

Us adults have to watch our caloric intake.

Anyway, right now act 2 is impressing me more than act 1, but I guess that's because everything in the trailers and such was from act 1. It almost feels like a completely different game :lol

I also love how "gamey" it is. What I mean is that there is stuff to find EVERYWHERE, and it's not always obvious how to get some things. Like right now, I'm posting because I'm absolutely stumped as to how to get these two items I can see. I also love the fact that your night vision actually comes in HANDY in this game. Most games with different visions, you rarely use them, but act 2 is REALLY dark in places and you have to rely on night vision.

So, so awesome.


Was going to hold off on buying this one until I completed my backlog. But hell, this type of praise is pushing me towards a purchase. But it would be nice to have a new game for the PS3.

Oh well.....:D
seem like people are beating this game around the 15 hour mark :( i wish it had 5 more hours of gameplay. I guess im going to have to pace myself so I don't beat it too fast like I did with uncharted...the goes by so fast cause its so good
WTF. I'm loving the game, everything I expected and more, but it just froze on me! During the (ending?) of act 1. What's worse is that I saved the game before
meeting the Frogs
, so I will start far behind now.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Two characters we've seen in the trailers:
Naomi and Sunny
are so cute together. Soooo cute.


I went into GAME with HAZE and £40. Came out with MGS4 and Everybody's Golf 2 on PSP. Good trade I think :D

Here are my first impressions. I'm basically no where into the game. I doubt I'm even halfway into Act 1 yet. No story spoilers, but there may be gameplay spoilers:

The gameplay is so good. The different ways you can play is truly incredible. I'm kind of stuck on a bit, but I don't care because each time I do it differently. You can go with the militia and play it guns blazing. Or you can sneak round the back and kill the PMC's from behind. Or you can just sneak all the way and don't kill anyone.

The GFX are incredible. Some of the best this generation in my opinion. Whilst at first they may look like the usual, if you just look up at the rows of building and how detailed they all are, it's just incredible.

The immersion factor is brilliant too. The cut scene where
the Gekko's
first appear is so awesome. Then running through the buildings with walls being destroyed, bullets hitting just above you head etc. is just so good.

I'm loving this game so much and I'm only on Act 1! :D


i've never played a game which was developed with so much love...


I think I'll quit my gaming career after MGS4. I just need this game.

Act 5, here i come!
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