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Metal Gear Solid 4 |OT| No Place to Hide, No Time for a Legend to FoxDie

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Diablos said:
Ok one more thing, can someone explain how
Meryl and co. didn't go crazy like all the other soldiers did when the Patriots' AI got pwned? I know it has to do with Big Boss' code but it's not really clear. Y2Kev will kill me when he sees this post.

Good question. They did say 10% of people had withdraws when the SOP system went down... maybe they weren't in the 10%? hrmm


So I beat it tonight...fucking awesome. Might not be as complete as MGS3 (the gameplay was very sparse) but still...

And good lawd at the graphics. It was like watching a CG movie...I couldn't believe my eyes half the time.

And can we pretty much assume we won't see the MGS theme ever again? I'm so sad it's gone...why did that guy have to dig up some old Russian's music and fuck up the MGS soundtrack for life?
effingvic said:
my fucking god,
im really hating those 3 armed freaks with the balls. they just never seem to stop coming >_<!

with the exception of the endgame, the key to closing out the monster closets is just to kill everything that was there before the alarm went off. Kill every original, and when the caution timer ends, there shouldn't be anything left lurking around.


Ferrio said:
Good question. They did say 10% of people had withdraws when the SOP system went down... maybe they weren't in the 10%? hrmm
(edit: read your post wrong, its late, fixed)

That CANNOT be it. If so, major plothole, lulz.

From what I understand Rat Team hacked into SOP using Big Boss's password (how did they know how to do this anyway) whereas Ocelot tired different things until he was successful in Act 3. Is this what maybe spared them?


Diablos said:
That CANNOT be it. If so, major plothole, lulz. Hey let's just have that 10% include the people that matter most to the game :lol

From what I understand Rat Team hacked into SOP using Big Boss's password (how did they know how to do this anyway) whereas Ocelot tired different things until he was successful in Act 3. Is this what maybe spared them?

Wait.. I know

The system was off for all those soldiers (they couldn't use any ID'ed guns). They freaked out in act 3... but eventually they overcame the flood of emotions. Ocelot's troops were still under the system, so it was destroyed they went through the initial shock


Ferrio said:
Wait.. I know

The system was off for all those soldiers (they couldn't use any ID'ed guns). They freaked out in act 3... but eventually they overcome the flood of emotions. Ocelot's troops were still under the system, so it was destroyed them went through the initial shock
"those soldiers" being Rat Team ones? How could their nanomachines still aid them in battle and stuff if they weren't linked to the system?


Diablos said:
"those soldiers" being Rat Team ones? How could their nanomachines still aid them in battle and stuff if they weren't linked to the system?

They weren't aiding them. After ACT 3 all the soldiers (rat team+) nanomachines didn't do anything, they were severed from the system. They were able to feel pain, battle emotion, and not use ID'ed guns. Ocelot's troops still were under the system.


Ferrio said:
They weren't aiding them. After ACT 3 all the soldiers (rat team+) nanomachines didn't do anything, they were severed from the system. They were able to feel pain, battle emotion, and not use ID'ed guns. Ocelot's troops still were under the system.
Oh you were talking AFTER Act 3.
Still, they, like ALL other soldiers -- friend or foe -- were a tool of the system in some way, but given different instructions. How was it so that when Ocelot took full control, Meryl and co. survived, while everyone else seemed to become permanent tools of the system, basically completely losing their minds in the process? Meryl had to cope with not feeling like a superhuman anymore, but she and her allies still had their sanity. Everyone else's brain turned to goo as they continued to take part in Ocelot's superarmy


-COOLIO- said:
i cried at multiple points.
when i thought snake shot himself, when otacon said snake had a hard life, when raiden got his family, when the theme we all thought was gone was played in its full glory during the credits, when big boss says he was proud of snake and respected him as a soldier, and finally the conversation after the real credits

i was fucking emotional :\

Dude I cried at the same parts and probably some more. I played it all in one sitting and by the end I was an emotional wreck. And I loved it for that. I think I will forever like this game more than some of my friends because I played it this way.


Diablos said:
Oh you were talking AFTER Act 3.
Still, they, like ALL other soldiers -- friend or foe -- were a tool of the system in some way, but given different instructions. How was it so that when Ocelot took full control, Meryl and co. survived, while everyone else seemed to become permanent tools of the system, basically completely losing their minds in the process?

When you say "everyone" who are you referring to? Other than ocelot's troops, everyone was severed from the system. Some freaked out more than others... but at the end of ACT 3 even the regular soldiers started to compose themselves.



Raiden's ending kinda threw me off my boat
and tears T-T

but I am not a punk bitch! :lol

watching snakes now :(


jjasper said:
If you listen when he says it to Meryl when they first meet she says "la-li-lu-le-lo, what's that?" Then when he is talking to Derbin in act 2 it comes up again.
Meryl has the SOP nanomachines, as she explains. Drebin said it as a joke, it's very obvious how he trails off and says "I mean... The Patriots".

(Act 4 related)
evil solrac v3.0 said:
does anyone like to wear the young snake with bandanna face throughout the cut-scenes so they can recreate MGS1?

i will try to finish it tonight...
I'm currently doing that in Act 4 :p Loving it!

And the people who asks what song comes up at the start of Act 4, man, the title and credits for the song are displayed prominently on the screen for like 15 seconds when it starts playing! Also,
you guys have never played MGS1 before? When I heard the song beginning,
I was all "OMG OMG, I can't believe they're doing this!"

alr1ghtstart said:
so I was playing around on
Shadow Moses
and found that grenades use SixAxis functionality (tilt up or back to lengthen the throw of grenades). Is there any other SixAxis stuff in the game?
Anyone else notice you can tilt the SixAxis up to peak out of a garbage container (or similar hiding spot) if you're hiding in it? I only found out by accident during the first part of Act 3, I was like "Whoa, WTF!"

Omikaru said:
Holy shit, I was playing Act 3 on my third play through and
I lost track of the resistance guy, so I switched my NV on to see him. And there he was, crossing the road, but from the doorway where he came from, another figure was peeking around the corner. I couldn't make it out at first, but then I noticed the hat - it was the three Dwarf Gekkos/Scarabs in the longcoat and top hat that appear in the later cutscene, stalking me/the resistance guy!


It's the little touches that make the gameplay in this top notch.
Wow, totally mind blown! The little touches as well as hidden jokes are part of the reason I love this series so much.

BlueTsunami said:
Also, I've read why Kojima is credited for being "The Voice of God" appearently
if you kill enough people, the voice that booms "ITS BECAUSE YOU LIKE KILLING" is Kojima or something. Snake loses Stamina and proceeds to throw up
That's a flashback to Metal Gear Solid. The particular voice clip used comes from The Twin Snakes.

I got it after I held a sniper up and then headshotted him in Act 2, so I thought the clip was related to my decision to kill him rather than knock him out or something. Would've been much better that way, actually.

Also, can you search an enemy for items if they're in a prone position, for example a sniper? I can't seem to do it. :/

I also have a question about the closing cutscene in Act 3: There are certain points in the game where you can't press up on the D-pad to zoom in during the cutscene and marvel on the detail. This is usually when we're looking from the point of view of, for example, a Gekko in Act 1 while scanning for Snake. But for some reason, you can't interact with that cutscene like that from the point when
the American forces begin to assemble around Liquid's speedboat
until the cutscenes are over for the act.

Does anyone know why this is the case. I started to suspect that they might have cheated and using pre-rendered footage, but made it look in-game, because there was so many parts during the act ending where, apart from using in-game assets, I just couldn't tell if it was pre-rendered or not.

Especially the scene when
Sasaki is trying to revive Meryl and they're all wet,
holy fucking shit their faces look like the perfect plastic doll-like models you see in CG. Usually there a couple stuff in this game like shimmering jaggies and artefacts with the shadows from time to time that show that the cutscenes are real time, but that particular bit, I just couldn't see stuff like that at all.


hirokazu said:
Especially the scene when
Sasaki is trying to revive Meryl and they're all wet,
holy fucking shit their faces look like the perfect plastic doll-like models you see in CG. Usually there a couple stuff in this game like shimmering jaggies and artefacts with the shadows from time to time that show that the cutscenes are real time, but that particular bit, I just couldn't see stuff like that at all.

That part was prerendered.
Ferrio said:
That part was prerendered.

are you sure? i didnt think kojima ever used pre-rendered cut scenes in any of his games...i thought he outright hated them? i think it may look that good since there is no AI and what not going on and just having all of the ps3's resources devoted to graphics....but hey i could be wrong


krackerjack said:
are you sure? i didnt think kojima ever used pre-rendered cut scenes in any of his games...i thought he outright hated them? i think it may look that good since there is no AI and what not going on and just having all of the ps3's resources devoted to graphics....but hey i could be wrong

I can't tell you for sure, but people have claimed it previously in the thread.


Ferrio said:
That part was prerendered.
I see that explains it then. They shouldn't have disabled the zooming using d-pad for almost the end of act cutscene, should've been just for that particular bit, because I enjoy zooming around and marvelling at the details and things :( It's pretty jarring when you can do it in every other cutscene, then you have a giant
30min? 45min?
chunk of footage where you can't interact with it at all.
Okay, I'm at the
post vamp injection part. its messed up how they have raiden fighting next to me CAUSE I WANNA SEE EM FIGHT >_< i keep getting blown up and dying. how the hell do i do this...


hirokazu said:
you guys have never played MGS1 before?

I have a feeling there are quite a few people who are playing MGS4 (critics, people in this thread etc) who have not played an MGS or a lot of it before MGS4. I don't want to tell people what to do, but I personally don't see how anyone can love this game like the rest of us do. Sounds mean I know, but there are so many emotional scenes, inside jokes, and story points from the previous games that makes skipping them (especially 2,3) a little unwise. It's like watching LOTR:Return of the King without seeing the previous 2. You can understand the specticle, the cool looking CGI, and what is happening, but you don't have context or an invested interest. Just don't see the point personally.

I see different people in the industry (on 1up Yours for example) that I think just don't get it. They don't have the history that is the series, so when people like Shane come in and rave about the game they don't understand why. They are like "These aiming controls aren't as good as CODIV, these cutscenes could be shorter, this could be this could be this etc."

Now of course there are people who can play MGS4 and love it without playing the previous ones (I have a friend who just did). It's possible, but in my eyes it just seems better to play the previous games to ensure that you get the best experience possible (or watch every cutscene I guess).


krackerjack said:
are you sure? i didnt think kojima ever used pre-rendered cut scenes in any of his games...i thought he outright hated them? i think it may look that good since there is no AI and what not going on and just having all of the ps3's resources devoted to graphics....but hey i could be wrong
I wish they could release something like the cutscene viewer in Document of MGS2 where you could move the camera in 3D space, and then they'd have that cutscene in realtime, just to prove us wrong. At the moment, I'm almost convinced that particular bit is pre-rendered, but I just don't know for sure.


hirokazu said:
I wish they could release something like the cutscene viewer in Document of MGS2 where you could move the camera in 3D space, and then they'd have that cutscene in realtime, just to prove us wrong. At the moment, I'm almost convinced that particular bit is pre-rendered, but I just don't know for sure.

Yeah the second it popped up I pressed up on the d-pad (habit) and I figured it wasn't real time.
Just too much stuff going on on screen for it to be real time. The models might have been the actual real time game models during most of it but the amount of characters on screen and explosions was probably too much, and Kojima really wanted that scene.


I thought MGS4 didn't have anything prerendered, wtf

Ferrio said:
When you say "everyone" who are you referring to? Other than ocelot's troops, everyone was severed from the system. Some freaked out more than others... but at the end of ACT 3 even the regular soldiers started to compose themselves.
Ok ok ok - I think this is what happened, correct me if I am wrong:

-Ocelot grows tired of traditional SOP PMC's, pwns their asses starting at the end of Act 1, uses his exploiting of the system (about, what, half of the Patriots' AI) to overtake them.

-Continues this fine trend until the end of Act 3 when he completely pulls the plug and soldiers he controlled revert back to normal, ["normal" really being normal, and not Ocelot's hax0red SOP system OR the traditional SOP system] despite having to cope with being simply human again.

-Relies on a group of half-robot crazy womens (or did he?)


Gribbix said:
No, not unless you consider the original MGS4 teaser to be "talking shit" about Splinter Cell.


iono, all I saw somewhere, was that BC was speaking about MGS. Didn't bother to read the article.


Subete no aware
g35twinturbo said:
I saw a article title of it, they were talking shyt right?

Naw, it's just a cute little reference. Sort of like when they did a Kayne and Lynch commercial and one of the characters said he was going to play GTA4.

It's nothing like that Saints Row 2 teaser.


Ferrio said:
I can't tell you for sure, but people have claimed it previously in the thread.

I can tell you for sure. I just got thru it on my second playthru. I have a good connection and picture and the video compression artifacts are prevelant.


you can tell it is recorded in engine because it just got too much stuff going on to keep a decent frame rate in real time


Diablos said:
I thought MGS4 didn't have anything prerendered, wtf

Ok ok ok - I think this is what happened, correct me if I am wrong:

-Ocelot grows tired of traditional SOP PMC's, pwns their asses starting at the end of Act 1, uses his exploiting of the system (about, what, half of the Patriots' AI) to overtake them.

-Continues this fine trend until the end of Act 3 when he completely pulls the plug and soldiers he controlled revert back to normal, ["normal" really being normal, and not Ocelot's hax0red SOP system OR the traditional SOP system] despite having to cope with being simply human again.

-Relies on a group of half-robot crazy womens (or did he?)

Ya something like that.

Except he wasn't really tired of the PMCs, they were just affected by his "tests". I could be wrong, but I don't think they were really suppose to be tests. But more of a way to get things rolling, so the patriots would take the appropriate steps to try and stop him


gray_fox224 said:
I'll admit it. I cried several times during the game...

It's odd I didn't cry a single time. And I broke down heavily during MGS3... not sure why the game didn't have as much emotional impact.


Alright guys and girls, I'm getting a PS3 and the game tomorrow. It's true that I've been lurking this thread trying to hype myself up for this game. Good job! You all managed to make me murder my wallet! Quick question: Is the
mentioned anywhere in the game?
LOLOL I just had to lmao at the
post mech fight in act 4, where ocelot is running away going "lolol cant catch me noob" and snake is limping after him :lol ah man, that was ONE HELL OF A FREAKIN FIGHT. i just wish it lasted longer :( man, this makes me yearn for more metal gear vs metal gear fights :((((


dominuece said:
Alright guys and girls, I'm getting a PS3 and the game tomorrow. It's true that I've been lurking this thread trying to hype myself up for this game. Good job! You all managed to make me murder my wallet! Quick question: Is the
mentioned anywhere in the game?

yes kinda

edit: just beat the game, so damn good. Im sad that it ends :(
effingvic said:
LOLOL I just had to lmao at the
post mech fight in act 4, where ocelot is running away going "lolol cant catch me noob" and snake is limping after him :lol ah man, that was ONE HELL OF A FREAKIN FIGHT. i just wish it lasted longer :( man, this makes me yearn for more metal gear vs metal gear fights :((((

I fucking shit my pants laughing my ass off at that :lol
dominuece said:
Alright guys and girls, I'm getting a PS3 and the game tomorrow. It's true that I've been lurking this thread trying to hype myself up for this game. Good job! You all managed to make me murder my wallet! Quick question: Is the
mentioned anywhere in the game?

Just as a doll on one of the bosses.


Suckin' dicks since '66
dominuece said:
Alright guys and girls, I'm getting a PS3 and the game tomorrow. It's true that I've been lurking this thread trying to hype myself up for this game. Good job! You all managed to make me murder my wallet! Quick question: Is the
mentioned anywhere in the game?

Fuck yeah he is you will be pleased at what transpires.
I'd have to say my most memorable experience in MGS4 was
when I was fighting Screaming Mantis and during the cut scene I switched to controller port 2 figuring that they'd have the classic mind read trick. Kojima is a genius. At the end of the cut scene I can't move and Mantis has me up in strings. Otacon codecs in to make fun of me for thinking that the port switch would work this time. Campbell codecs in later telling me to try it and I tell him it won't work. He's was like "oh...never mind." and awkwardly ends the conversation. This game was truly for the fans.


Choke on the Magic said:
I'd have to say my most memorable experience in MGS4 was
when I was fighting Screaming Mantis and during the cut scene I switched to controller port 2 figuring that they'd have the classic mind read trick. Kojima is a genius. At the end of the cut scene I can't move and Mantis has me up in strings. Otacon codecs in to make fun of me for thinking that the port switch would work this time. Campbell codecs in later telling me to try it and I tell him it won't work. He's was like "oh...never mind." and awkwardly ends the conversation. This game was truly for the fans.

i really enjoyed that part becuz it was the first thing I did :lol


Suckin' dicks since '66
Choke on the Magic said:
I'd have to say my most memorable experience in MGS4 was
when I was fighting Screaming Mantis and during the cut scene I switched to controller port 2 figuring that they'd have the classic mind read trick. Kojima is a genius. At the end of the cut scene I can't move and Mantis has me up in strings. Otacon codecs in to make fun of me for thinking that the port switch would work this time. Campbell codecs in later telling me to try it and I tell him it won't work. He's was like "oh...never mind." and awkwardly ends the conversation. This game was truly for the fans.
Mine has to be
Snake vs Liquid Ocelot shit game be goosebumps through out the whole fight.


the more i think of it, the more plot holes i found, and mostly because of that speech
ocelot gives on the top of outer haven. So he didn't actually want to control all AI's to "rule the world"; he just wanted to destroy it, to set the world free from it ? that part confused me; it makes a lot of stuff that has happened until then in mgs4 (and 1, and 2) meaningless or stretched much too far at the very least.

Also, why giving that explanation for Ocelot/Liquid stuff ? psychotherapy and nanomachines ? Did Kojima not realize he gave a reasonable explanation in MGS3 by revealing Ocelot is the Boss' and the Sorrow's son ? One would imagine he had inherited part of the sorrow's psychic powers to communicate with the dead.

There's a few things that sounded like afterthoughts, Big Boss' comeback for example, and a few too many stretches here and there, a few exaggerations to make things more dramatic (Naomi and Otacon) that were just cringeworthy.

I think everything worked perfectly in MGS3, there were no exaggerations, no forced drama, the plot was perfectly crafted from start to finish; i don't think the same can be said about mgs4.
Still, everything considered, it's probably Kojima's masterpiece, but i'd rate it lower than mgs3.
That, and despite being technically on a different level, Mgs3 characters are still more believable;

so, it's

MGS3 : perfection
MGS4 : very powerful but not as balanced, with less sense of measure (?) not as well crafted
MGS1: one of the most important games in videogames history...too little "game" though
MG2: SS : perfectly balanced, huge limitations due to hardware. Needs a remake BADLY, could be the best mgs game ever.
MG1: neat ideas, very simplistic execution though, but that was 20 years ago.
MGS2: nice stuff here and there, but often just cringeworthy.


it needs to be stressed again how awesome MGS4 is for the fans though.

Otacon telling you to switch discs
isn't mocking the x360, it happens at exactly the same point in shadow moses where you had to change discs in MGS1. And Psycho mantis not being able to read the memory card and make your controller move was genius, but i wonder what happens if you have a dual shock 3 ?

But...no theater mode ??? that sucks.
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