Junior Member
And who said they weren't marketing the game here in NA ?
Both front and back cover.

Both front and back cover.
dallow_bg said:So is MGS1 really coming to PSN tomorrow?
teh_J0kerer said:Why are you so bored?
ZeroTolerance said:And who said they weren't marketing the game here in NA ?
Both front and back cover.
clustering said:Wow. Finished it a couple nights ago. Don't have much to say. I haven't completely digested it all yet. Maybe my new favorite game of all time.
tribal24 said:i said this pages ago when the game first came out>.> still have my cover<3
ZeroTolerance said:Ook.. How the hell do you watch the flashbacks though ?
ZeroTolerance said:Ook.. How the hell do you watch the flashbacks though ?
Absinthe said:So I have to defeat the Beauty and the Beast bosses without lethally killing them right? Does that mean I can unload on them in their first form and just tranq them in their other? Is that how I do it? I'm getting conflicting advice.
Torquill said:They carry over from previous playthroughs.
So cool but releases in October.dabookerman said:Hey guys, look what I just ordered. I bet i'm late but whatever ;p
traveler said:That's correct. (As long as you're not going for the figurines- that's where the conflicting advice is coming from)
dabookerman said:Hey guys, look what I just ordered. I bet i'm late but whatever ;p
Absinthe said:So what would I have to do to get the figurines? And is it possible to get the figurines and the face camo in one playthrough?
klee123 said:Jesus christ, why are Konami items always so limited.
BlueTsunami said:I was doing a "No Kill" "No Alert" run on Liquid Easy and somehow in Act 2 I got 1 Alert. I dont' know where, maybe during the Boss Fight but that really sucked. So I'm just going to finish it up with a "No Kill" achievment instead.
Having attempted this, I have to salute the people who are doing this on Big Boss difficulty. Theres some sections of the game where not Healing just boggles my mind.
traveler said:Yup. To get the figurines, you have to kill the Beasts non-lethally and then search around the room during the Beauty phase of the fight to get them. (After you take out the Beauty, you leave the room, so you can't wait till afterwards to get the figurine.) The fifth one comes from doing the same in the first Frogs fight with the Rat Patrol.
Jack Scofield said:What are you supposed to do with the figurines, and is there any place to view them? I've gotten the FROGs one, but I can't seem to find it or figure out what it does.
Both thetraveler said:Yup. To get the figurines, you have to kill the Beasts non-lethally and then search around the room during the Beauty phase of the fight to get them. (After you take out the Beauty, you leave the room, so you can't wait till afterwards to get the figurine.) The fifth one comes from doing the same in the first Frogs fight with the Rat Patrol.
Jack Scofield said:What are you supposed to do with the figurines, and is there any place to view them? I've gotten the FROGs one, but I can't seem to find it or figure out what it does.
Guled said:What counts as special items that will disqualify for the big boss rating? All I know arethe stealth cameo and bandanna
BlueTsunami said:I was doing a "No Kill" "No Alert" run on Liquid Easy and somehow in Act 2 I got 1 Alert. I dont' know where, maybe during the Boss Fight but that really sucked. So I'm just going to finish it up with a "No Kill" achievment instead.
Having attempted this, I have to salute the people who are doing this on Big Boss difficulty. Theres some sections of the game where not Healing just boggles my mind.
That would of melted the internetz for half a week.Orlics said:You know what would have made this game perfect?
If they had gotten Sean Connery to voice Big Boss.
Dave1988 said:"Rock me Baby" is your friend.
Elbrain said:That would of melted the internetz for half a week.
MarkMan said:Regarding ending...
I thought the ending would have been wonderful after the initial credits if they made the phone call convo (staple for MGS games) between two people, and the final reveal being the other person on the line = big boss.
Orlics said:Fix your spoiler! :O
Orlics said:You know what would have made this game perfect?
If they had gotten Sean Connery to voice Big Boss.
But it's necessary in order to solidify the metaphor oftha_con said:In retrospect, I think the 2 things that could have been altered were thekilling of Zero, and the Wedding scene. I would have been fine with BB dying, and Snake moving on. Honestly, it was better when I thought Zero was dead. His 'murder' scene was just...awkward.
It's not for no reason.tha_con said:If you play it a second time and watch the cutscenes, you pick up on a lot more, with the only big "wtf' beingEva jumping in a fire for no reason.
Shinz Kicker said:do you self regenerate to max health, and how fast.
also you can store uproundhouse kicks in the finally fight. just do the combo prior to the kick then your next kick will be the round house.