Orlics said:Some people just dislike having to pay attention playing video games, AND THIS SHOULD NEVER BE CONSIDERED A BAD THING. Wanting a simple plot and wanting to have more gameplay don't make the person less mature.
Orlics said:Some people just dislike having to pay attention playing video games, AND THIS SHOULD NEVER BE CONSIDERED A BAD THING. Wanting a simple plot and wanting to have more gameplay don't make the person less mature.
BruceLeeRoy said:DOM
I have been meaning to tell you this bro.
Your avatar is awesome nice job.
Ferrio said:If i recall Big Boss flat out said Foxdie killed her
No. But at this point he was being manipulated by Liquid.domlolz said:As Snake has seemingly always been an agent of the Patriots,was he still under Patriot orders when he and Otacon were doing the whole 'Philanthropy' thing around the tanker part of MGS2?
Seeing as a smear campaign was run against Snake blaming him for the incident
domlolz said:From the thread master himself!
I prefer that white background version much more and the ink splats as well
All the covers are pretty fantastic but I'd of liked that cg Snake on the PAL box,the atmosphere is spot on and it shows the amount of detail on the model
Is there any hi-res scans of the CG cover?
Chiggs said:I'm on my second playthough, and I have to say, "holy hell, did I miss a lot of stuff."
Shinz Kicker said:i wish i could have that cover. anyone want to do a hirez scan of the european artistic cover so i can print it and throw away that cg shit.
Sucks. I think it is worth buying the LE for that stuff. I have yet to watch mine since I haven't finished the game. I think they would sell about the price of a regular Blu Ray on ebay.traveler said:Anyone want to sell me a copy of the Bluray documentary? (or put the whole thing up on Youtube:lol ) I wanted to get the SE, but I had to get the Walmart game due to the deals going down and, now that I've finished the whole game, I'd really like to see it.
BruceLeeRoy said:![]()
Man I love this game.
I have been meaning to tell you this bro.
Your avatar is awesome nice job.
Moray said:Well call me naive and immature but I would much rather read a book to get a good story than to try and wade through the convoluted and seemingly shallow "mature" story that MGS4 is presenting. You seem to be confusing mature themes with a mature story.
It may not be a fair criticism of the game since much of its popularity is indeed because of the cutscenes and such, but stereotyping people like that isn't helping discussion, especially when you throw the ageism in there. And by calling these days the "age of mindless shooters" you're ignoring games like BioShock that integrate a "mature" story in a more interactive fashion.
jaaz said:I was speaking relative to other games in the videogame genre. Obviously, no one is going to compare the story in MGS4 with the great works of literature. That is just silly.
My point was that this game took a step towards telling a compelling story by using movie-like cut scenes--yes, even long ones--and some people are calling this a flaw. I stand by statement that it is indeed naive and immature to think that all video games must conform to pre-established notions of what video games should be like or else they are considered "flawed".
LaneDS said:Can anyone help settle a stupid argument I'm having at work? My buddy says the guy in Act 3 is humming the MGS main theme. I say it's the thing Sunny is humming in cutscenes often. Are either of us right?
Orlics said:I like the way MGS presents its story, but the elitism and pretentiousness in this post ("we are older and more mature!!! LOL"/"action movies are juvenile"/"games should always have characters we care about"/"insult my game that takes cues from film and you're naive and immature") honestly makes me ashamed to be a MGS fan.
Farnack said:Damn, I need another PS3 to watch the documentary while playing MGS4...
That's what I did... man, didMarconelly said:MGS veterans should play the game on Hard difficulty first time through.
dabookerman said:???? Original art please?
Moray said:Well call me naive and immature but I would much rather read a book to get a good story than to try and wade through the convoluted and seemingly shallow "mature" story that MGS4 is presenting. You seem to be confusing mature themes with a mature story.
It may not be a fair criticism of the game since much of its popularity is indeed because of the cutscenes and such, but stereotyping people like that isn't helping discussion, especially when you throw the ageism in there. And by calling these days the "age of mindless shooters" you're ignoring games like BioShock that integrate a "mature" story in a more interactive fashion.
BruceLeeRoy said:I created a lot of covers for the game specifically the US version because it just falls so short of the art
created for the game. I was thinking of making one last section to the OP a boxart one that people can
download lots of different versions. Not sure if enough people would be into it though.
I started the series with MGS1 in 1999. It's been my favorite series since MGS2, and I enjoyed 4 immensely. However, I do feel that it contains flaws directly related to both how it tells its story and what its story contains.jaaz said:What I find to be naive and immature is those that insist that MSG4 is somehow flawed because it dares to try and tell a mature story through (sometimes long) movie-like cutscenes. In other words, just because one doesn't care for the story and would rather just shoot something, doesn't make the game that does try and tell a story "flawed".
tha_con said:Sure, Bioshock was 'interactive' but mostly, you receive all the story while you play, through audio clips.
tha_con said:I never got this. Sure, Bioshock was 'interactive' but mostly, you receive all the story while you play, through audio clips. There's something to be said about it's presentation, which is minimalist.
Same goes for games like HL2. Sorry, but it's fucking boring when you are FORCED to sit in an 'interactive' area and STARE at an NPC while they just look at you and talk. Presentation is fucking ace, IMO, and the way MGS4 did it in the Mission Brifings (and the occasional L1 to look or X for a flash back) is something that needs to be explored far more than the bullshit that is games like Bioshock or HL2.
Presentation is everything, IMO, just because you hear story while you're playing doesn't mean jack, IMO, especially when it's not engaging and you're just listening / watching an NPC...why not just make it a bomb ass cutscene instead?
Won said:
tha_con said:I never got this. Sure, Bioshock was 'interactive' but mostly, you receive all the story while you play, through audio clips. There's something to be said about it's presentation, which is minimalist.
Same goes for games like HL2. Sorry, but it's fucking boring when you are FORCED to sit in an 'interactive' area and STARE at an NPC while they just look at you and talk. Presentation is fucking ace, IMO, and the way MGS4 did it in the Mission Brifings (and the occasional L1 to look or X for a flash back) is something that needs to be explored far more than the bullshit that is games like Bioshock or HL2.
Presentation is everything, IMO, just because you hear story while you're playing doesn't mean jack, IMO, especially when it's not engaging and you're just listening / watching an NPC...why not just make it a bomb ass cutscene instead?
replace GF with Mk II and now I'm all sorts of confuzzledtha_con said:I can't watch youtube, but I assume it's a video of some NPC's talking, and GF walking around hitting shit or doing something else.
tha_con said:Those are all awesome man, but they are a little small, aren't they? Do you have the PSD's? I'd love to make one @300dpi for some great printing for my own needs, so if you've got that old snake (or an extremely high res old snake scan) that I could use, that would be *amazing*.
traveler said:How can you say all that and then cite the Mission Briefings in MGS4, which are EXACTLY like HL2/Bioshock's way of doing it, as the ideal?
Shins said:replace GF with Mk II and now I'm all sorts of confuzzled
tha_con said:I
Either way, nothing about the presentation of the narrative in HL2 impressed me at all. The only thing impressive about the Narrative in HL2 is the narrative itself, which is amazing. The way it's delivered blows.
I can't view youtube at work but I can guess what you linked to now.Won said:Pssst!
LaneDS said:Can anyone help settle a stupid argument I'm having at work? My buddy says the guy in Act 3 is humming the MGS main theme. I say it's the thing Sunny is humming in cutscenes often. Are either of us right?
It is and it isn't. Its the same tune as Sunny, and it is very close to the MGS theme, but its just a bit off. I'm guessing because of the plaigarism issue.birdman said:I swear it's the MGS theme.
tha_con said:I can't watch youtube, but I assume it's a video of some NPC's talking, and GF walking around hitting shit or doing something else.
Either way, nothing about the presentation of the narrative in HL2 impressed me at all. The only thing impressive about the Narrative in HL2 is the narrative itself, which is amazing. The way it's delivered blows.
traveler said:How can you say all that and then cite the Mission Briefings in MGS4, which are EXACTLY like HL2/Bioshock's way of doing it, as the ideal?
LaneDS said:Can anyone help settle a stupid argument I'm having at work? My buddy says the guy in Act 3 is humming the MGS main theme. I say it's the thing Sunny is humming in cutscenes often. Are either of us right?
Won said:Pssst!
BruceLeeRoy said:I haven't seen a really high res one of CG snake but Ill try and scan the cover today if I have time.
traveler said:The scene you linked isn't what I was talking about. (It IS a good counterargument, though, as it illustrates one of the many scenes in which you aren't simply standing around watching people talk in the HL narrative.)
Kintaro said:I feel the same way. Just preference I guess. The youtube link for Dog vs. Strider btw. A nice scene, but like...I dunno. It's just a different type of cutscene but a cutscene nonetheless. Sure, you can move around and what have you, but you still have no control, so it's not different than a MGS cutscene or any other one.
BruceLeeRoy said:I created a lot of covers for the game specifically the US version because it just falls so short of the art
created for the game. I was thinking of making one last section to the OP a boxart one that people can
download lots of different versions. Not sure if enough people would be into it though.
*lots of awesome covers*
Steroyd said:How many adverts are there when you start a new game I havn't come across the same one twice.