Metal gear solids 5 S tier gameplay is ruined by it's game design

K' Dash

the game is unfinished, you might have noticed the sandbox full of nothing.

Clearly Konami didnt want to pump more resources and money into it and told the guy to ship what he had.
MSG5 is the MOST INSECURE game I've had the 'unpleasure' to play... I mean, take a shot each time kojima's name appear and your liver and bladder will DIE before you even see skullface, for God's sake!
It's also the most self indulgent ego stroking one for Kojima as well for this same reason. That and the stupid slog of opening credits before each mission, trying to be fancy like it's a TV show. If it was it'd be the most repetitive TV show ever created.

You can stick "Directed by Hideo" on as many things as you like, but you'll never wake up in the morning as Quentin Tarantino.


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
Its not S tier gameplay. The game systems encourage you to tranquilize guards with a suppressed handgun and parachute their bodies along with supplies; repeat for 80 hours. Its like a stupid juvenile take on Splinter Cell. Oldschool MGS2 and MGS3 had more interesting gameplay systems that felt more arcadey and unique, but zoomies can’t deal cuz of the conTRoLs.


The game is perfect example of breadth over depth. Just options for the sake of options without any consideration for why the player would want to use most of them, the AI simply can't keep up with the amount of shit Snake has at his disposal.


Battlebus imprisoning me \m/ >.< \m/
I got the platinum trophy and also 1000GS on Xbox. Easiest MGS of them all.

The main problem is when you need to get an S rank on all missions you quickly realize that you can just run around most of the enemy bases as there's no need to engage most of the time. Just run to the objective, around any bases on the way and you get an S rank based on time alone.

That was one of my big issues with the game.
Its not S tier gameplay. The game systems encourage you to tranquilize guards with a suppressed handgun and parachute their bodies along with supplies; repeat for 80 hours. Its like a stupid juvenile take on Splinter Cell. Oldschool MGS2 and MGS3 had more interesting gameplay systems that felt more arcadey and unique, but zoomies can’t deal cuz of the conTRoLs.
Bro did you read the op? 🤣


I managed to headshot a high-value NPC from 300+ yards away with low level rifle... it didn't kill him it just pinged his helmet off his head and the nearby guards went on high alert.
I uninstalled it after that.
I managed to headshot a high-value NPC from 300+ yards away with low level rifle... it didn't kill him it just pinged his helmet off his head and the nearby guards went on high alert.
I uninstalled it after that.
Bit of a strange gripe. US soldiers have been hit into head while wearing helmets in iraq from ak and sniper rounds and the bullets have pinged off them.
Doesn't always work but it does happen.


Bit of a strange gripe. US soldiers have been hit into head while wearing helmets in iraq from ak and sniper rounds and the bullets have pinged off them.
Doesn't always work but it does happen.
Ahh, it's not a gripe as such. I was just baffled at the time and not having much fun. I intend to return to the game but probably with some QOL mods.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
Still a truly brilliant game, which is why people are still arguing about its finer details getting on for 10 years after it was released.

And also, for real, Kojima is the definition of an auteur. A director who stamps his personal idiosyncrasies over every inch of his work.

If you don't appreciate/enjoy that, play something else. He's not going to change a creative approach that's made him so revered over the years!

You can't say you weren't forewarned, and there's always going to be more than enough "safe", conventional product offered by less adventurous devs.


I see what you mean and i agree up to a point. A combination of what you propose and the existing mechanisms would be a better solution.

My main problem with MGSV is the empty and completely dead world between points of interest. I know Kojima has said that its an open world only to allow the players to choose how they approach the missions, but i would prefer it if they used their resources on making the world more alive and interesting rather than having the online elements and the stupid Quiet cutscenes.
It's a pity they didn't take advantage of the Afghanistan scenario and put random flights between Soviets and Afghans, just like the first act of MGS4.

I know there are mods, but its not the same.


Mgs5 has some of the best 3rd person action/stealth controls and gaming ever made. The fox engine handles it brilliantly and the game is a looker too.

The gameplay is super smooth and a joy to play. The game can give you lots of options of how to proceed and you can just have fun in unique ways.

Unfortunately this is all ruined by shitty game design that turns into Pokémon.
Hey need new guns and gadgets to have fun with. Well you're going to have to research them.
How do you do that? Well you gotta capture soldiers directly from your missions or roaming the map.

I know kojima started to shove some shitty pacifist shit in all of his games. And kinda rewards you if you don't kill literally anyone. But along side that your scouting every soldier you see because you want to tag and bag the best grade soldiers. So go end up playing around this mechanic nearly all the time and it sucks.
You might kill the occasional guard but you'll always resort to making sure you bag and tag.

Now this could have been handled way differently. You could have just hired people etc from a menu and grow your base like that. Or a reward from pulling off missions and people flocking to your cause.

But using binoculars to scout and scan every soldier and then proceeding to bag half of them just isn't fun and stops you using the cool guns because you want to unlock more, so you rinse and repeat. If you don't do this you cuck yourself because you'll be stuck with basic shit. Sucks the fun out of the game.
What a shitty take…So engaging with the game is worse than clicking through menus to hire soldiers? Gtfo of here with that.
You have DOZENS of pieces of gear readily available with low research requirements. Yes the best stuff is a long term investment but eh.
And you do get troops as rewards…You literally hire new troops automatically based on renown plus you can earn them easily with FOB missions.
See this is the problem, your complaining without even knowing the game and its systems…

Thr thing that ruins MGSV is its god awful story and the lack of engaging scenarios outside of very few. The open world is just wasted space, with poor enemy/level design. Theres no War going on either, you’re told theres a conflict but never see it, can never engage with it, just the same 5-20 enemies patrolling camps or whatever.
Pointless having arguably the best gameplay mechanics but worst actual gameplay…


I also hated that each mission was episodic

"Starring -Dick McDickerson"

Like, thanks for spoiling who I'll be meeting in this fucking mission, whore


Metal gear solids 5 asS tier gameplay is ruined by Kojima's waste of MGSV's budget to hire Reedus, Del Toro, Ito and secretly make PT.

I will never believe that "Important Side Ops" thing was made intentionally, it is clearly lack of time and budget to properly arrange missions.
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Imo the shittest way to ruin a game with stealth is letting you see your enemies behind walls. Did MGS5 do that? I think so but man it's been a while now.

The bullet-time when you are about to be discovered is kinda lame as well, killed a lot of the challenge in that game imo.

Still a joy to play ofc, but it could have been better with a few tweaks. They made the game too easy.
It's a problem with almost all post 2010 aaa games. They are too easy. Designed to draw in normies
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