So Steam has the Last Light Complete Edition as a midweek deal for 4.99 . Should I hold for the Redux version or not?
Well if you own both games the Redux will cost you $25. If you wait you will pay $50.
So Steam has the Last Light Complete Edition as a midweek deal for 4.99 . Should I hold for the Redux version or not?
I still can't decide if I want to buy the upgrade for both 2033 and Last Light or just 2033. It seems like a waste to upgrade the PC version of LL, since there isn't much new.
Based on my skimming of this thread, is the only detractor from the PS4 version compared to PC the lack of volumetric lighting? Does it significantly affect the mood/atmosphere of the game? I'd really prefer to comfy couch this one if I won't be missing out on much compared to the PC version.
Guys how should i play my first playthrough of Metro 2033:R ? is there a "gold standard" like with TLoU (hard+listen mode off) that most people recommend?
I saw some comparison shots and the Redux for Metro LL seems to be too bright in some locations. Especially outside in daytime. Atmosphere doesn't seem as good
Definitely going to pick up the 2033 Redux, but will probably skip the LL one because it really doesn't seem like it needs or has gotten much treatment. Plus I've got most of the DLC. 2033 Redux is looking really good though. I hope that those performance charts posted above aren't completely accurate because it seems really weird that there is basically no performance increase between 2033 and the redux version. There is definitely a big performance increase for me from 2033 to LL. Here's hoping.
That's the problem, 2033 redux doesn't have volumetric lightning as the original version, so even with the other improvements (improvement is very obvious, there are a lot of videos comparing both games and Redux is better in general), Redux should should run better than the original 2033 and that's not true if we see those benchmarks.
Same thing with Last Light.
4AGames said that Redux versions will run better than the older version thanks to a better optimization, and it seems to be a false statement.
Well, the graphics menu didn't change from the original (or LL) - I was hoping for more options this time
Optimization can mean "removing stuff."
Also, Redux has Volumetric light, just not as often placed as in 2033.
Fuck, 2033 Redux is WORSE than the original on PC? I just pulled the trigger on it last night. Hope it wasn't a mistake :/
I can't remember now, but the discount will still aply once the gane is released on Steam?
Prime example:
Metro 2033 original PC (volumetric light, cloth pyhsics, gun blast causes shadowing, blast shield can have bullet holes fired into it which cause volumetric lighting to pour through ala The Division)
Metro 2033 Redux PC
I blame you consoles, I blame you so hard
So I am thinking of getting this or Wolfenstien as my next shooter, anyone here that has played the previous versions of metro and wolf have any suggestions?
Probably should've phrased it differently; it RUNS worse, not IS worse.No one said that at all. On all accounts, it should look much better in almost all categories.
Probably should've phrased it differently; it RUNS worse, not IS worse.
Ok but this
2033 Redux
2033 Original
And this
Are reasons to be scared, is way better on the original versions.
Probably should've phrased it differently; it RUNS worse, not IS worse.
So I own both games already (haven't played either yet, though) and would definitely get the redux bundle if there were noticeable graphical improvements, but from what I'm seeing it looks like I might be better off just playing the originals. Am I off base?
So far what i have read in the reviews, the reviewers say that they are running better than the originals.. one even said, that LL on the same settings went from 15 fps in the original to 50 in Redux (you saw how does tesselation look in Redux, did you? and that motion blur is too reduced)
That sounds like magical optimization, no...that's a miracle and impossible, i don't know what review said that but a good optimization could make the game gain at most 30fps... And only in games that have a horrible optimization.
Metro LL has a good optimization (if we doesn't count physx) and i seriously doubt that kind of miraculous improvement on framerate.
Sorry about my english btw...
There isn't any significant new content to LL Redux besides the difficulty mode is there? Just the graphical stuff? I bought the season pass last night because I hadn't planned on upgrading, hoping I'm not missing out on much.
Has anyone played the PS4 version? I'm stuck on Metro 2033 Redux because of a bug which is driving me crazy.
When you reach the tunnel with ghosts, you have to get into a train and see the ghost of a child ( 2:20 mark). The thing is they have added a spider web right in the middle of the train, making it impossible to continue.
I have taken a picture:
I want to keep playing, but I cannot pass that fucking web
I haven't played 2033 Redux yet, but my best guess is that you need touse your lighter to burn the spider web. This was in Last Light and I think it's something that was transferred to 2033 Redux, and I'd bet that's what it is.
Don't know the button prompt for it though unfortunately.
Try up on the D-pad.
Thanks for all who hung out with me on the stream. I archived them both (played through the first hour of both games.) on YT.
First hour of Metro Last Light Redux on XBO
First hour of Metro 2033 Redux on XBO
Yes, digitallycan this games be bought separately on ps4?