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Metroid Prime 2 - Bugs 'n' Glitches 'n' Kibbles 'n' Bits


Mods, please don't delete this thread. It's kinda meta, possibly important, and will get buried faster than evidence against Cheney if I put it in the official, stickied thread:

Things that Retro carried over from MP1:
The control scheme
The gameplay
The graphics
The randomly-occurring, game-crashing bug 20 minutes in

So, which of these things is not like the other?

It seems that when you (or at least, I) get to the general area in and around the Communications Area and the
crashed federation ship
for the first time, the game starts complaining. Loudly.

Now, I'm no fool; I know what a drive desperately trying to (re) read data sounds like (whirrs and clicks and all), so I draw two conclusions: My hardware is pwned, or my disc is pwned. Well, if it was the hardware, I'd be getting errors in other points in the game; I wouldn't have been able to finally get *past* the Point of (Game) Crash by making sure the drive had stopped completely before continuing onto those few rooms in around the CA. (I figured that once it stopped, it meant a successful data load.) Also, if it was my Gamecube, other games would be having issues. Now while I didn't go that far into Viewtiful Joe or Twin Snakes, everything appeared to be right as rain. No crashing, no abnormal sounds, no nothing.

So I think (think!) there may be a few faulty discs floating around Retail World, USA.

Just something for the lot of you to look out for. I finally did manage to save the game beyond the trouble area, but I'm calling Nintendo in on this one, regardless. I'm hoping that their warranty service for games is just as good as their service for hardware. And by that, I mean "I want them to send me a replacement copy, and then I'll mail the possibly faulty disc back to them.

(I'd just take it back to the place I bought it from, but mail order returns are a bitch.)


Running off of Custom Firmware
It is my understanding that they fixed the random crashing in MP1 with the Euro release, and that same fix was applied to the US PC release.

I would imagine they'd have made sure MP2E lacked that particular bug as well.

I've played the original US release of MP1 for approximately 70 hours, and had that fatal bug happen 3 times. Not once yet in MP2E.


Yeh, I did two full runs through Echoes with no problems. Inneresting that one should pop up in the sequel too, though.



No crashes here. The only thing is that the game has a pause between being in a menu and gameplay. I get frozen with the game screen for a second after acccessing a menu.
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