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Metroid Prime 2 IGN review up


Hitler Stole My Potato said:
Yes. Yes he did. Especially about the control issue.

"The lock-on system is not without problems. A dual-analog control setup is long overdue."

just wow? My quote that matt owned the haters was about backtracking and nothing else.

Do The Mario

Unconfirmed Member
Soul4ger said:
For you people complaining about the backtracking, did you EVER like the Metroid series?

I liked super metroid but I think metroid prime was the most over ratted game this gen.

Played metroid back in the day but i was a bit young to get into it
What is with this backtracking thing and Metroid? I always understood it to be "progress" rather than "going backwards". You get some object or weapon, and then all of a sudden, there's like 5 random nuances in some area you feel compelled to search and at least one area you know you've got a shot of reaching now that you couldn't before. So then you head to that area, and suddenly you've got 2 new areas to explore. And so the game goes, with you compelled to keep going for just one more new door or weapon or area.

That is what happens, right?
SantaCruZer said:
just wow? My quote that matt owned the haters was about backtracking and nothing else.

Just wow. I'm saying that not only does Matt defend the backtracking in the Metroid series which has come under considerable fire from some (i.e. haterz) , he also admits that the controls in the game need to be updated, and opinion which has also drawn the ire from some of the more touchy folks around here (i.e. the other haterz).


Hitler Stole My Potato said:
Just wow. I'm saying that not only does Matt defend the backtracking in the Metroid series which has come under considerable fire from some (i.e. haterz) , he also admits that the controls in the game need to be updated, and opinion which has also drawn the ire from some of the more touchy folks around here (i.e. the other haterz).

ok I am done with you, or you will drag on and on with this issue. Don't need that in this thread.

9.5 is a great score, and a game not without flaws like many other games.
Well I for one have never had a problem with the controls in Metroid Prime and have never partaken in any discussions about it. I'm just agreeing with you here. Matt has owned the haterz. On both sides.


Hitler Stole My Potato said:
Yes. Yes he did. Especially about the control issue.

"The lock-on system is not without problems. A dual-analog control setup is long overdue, at least as a secondary option for those who might prefer it."


I knew he couldn't get through the whole review without ripping on something! I probably won't get Metroid Prime 1.5 till next year. Half Life 2 on Tuesday!

BTW Matt must think MP2 is worse since he gave MP1 a 10.0 in his collection. :p

His comments on MP1 from his collection:

User: Matt-IGN
Game: Metroid Prime
Best Game Ever
Positively, without a doubt, my favorite game of all time. Indeed, if I could somehow find a way to become this game, I would. I have tempted sex with the box several times, but it is painful.

:lol :lol :lol


Here you go folks.

MP1 >>> MP2


Where? I never said that Echoes was the better game. In fact, I merely said it was extremely excellent. But since we're going over faults: I also pointed out that it felt like more of the same. That the Dark World elements were not as compelling as the Light World. That a dual-analog control scheme is overdue. That, like so many Nintendo games, it lacked voice work. That there was at least one save point frustration. That some of the textures blur up close, and that the framerate occasionally dips.

These are not enough criticisms for me to give the game a 9.5?

I have to say that I disagree with you.




being watched
Matt reviewing a Nintendo game is like letting Chubby Checker review Chocolate.

Metro Prime was a lesson in great graphics dressing up 8-bit gameplay. If it's 'more of the same' then the new Metroid should barely scrape the 7's...let alone 9's.


I dunno about voicework for Nintendo. After hearing their "attempt" with Super Mario Sunshine, I kind of hope they don't try again.


I just hope that if Nintendo starts doing voice work for their games, they give us the option to turn it OFF.
No dual analog, no voice work, occasional frame dips. These are really the only negative things he mentions in the review. The original Prime had all of these problems as well.

It seems the lower score is the result of the game not being groundbreaking like the original. I think it would be great if someone could ask Matt what he would think a person new to the games would enjoy more: Prime or Prime 2?


mrbob said:
Here you go folks.

MP1 >>> MP2

Nope, he didn't say the other way around either. He never stated which game was better, but he said in his review that Prime 2 has better graphics of them two.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
Matt reviewing a Nintendo game is like letting Chubby Checker review Chocolate.

Don't talk shit man, you know full well that's not true. You just have to look at the reviews of Luigi's Mansion, 1080 Avalanche, Mario Golf and Wario World to see that.


RE4 vs. SH4 said:
No dual analog, no voice work, occasional frame dips. These are really the only negative things he mentions in the review. The original Prime had all of these problems as well.

It seems the lower score is the result of the game not being groundbreaking like the original. I think it would be great if someone could ask Matt what he would think a person new to the games would enjoy more: Prime or Prime 2?

Well since Prime 2 features a narrative, I would assume it would.


I don't care about the lack of voice work in Nintendo games, but there are two that would be better if they had them: Fire Emblem and Zelda (the new one).

If not, it's no biggy since reading doesn't hurt my brain.

Deku Tree

Good Voice Acting > No Voice Acting > Bad Voice Acting.

Still, it looks to me like the industry is moving in the direction of full voice acting in games and it looks like more and more people want it. Nintendo should get with it.


Deku Tree said:
Good Voice Acting > No Voice Acting > Bad Voice Acting.

Still, it looks to me like the industry is moving in the direction of full voice acting in games and it looks like more and more people want it. Nintendo should get with it.

They tried (horribly) with Super Mario Sunshine. I don't understand why they gave a game that doesn't need voice acting voice acting, yet Zelda or FE- games that could benefit from it, go without it.

They'd need to find some top-notch actors though. They did ED, so it wouldn't be too hard, my guess.

A part of me wants good VA in Zelda, and a part of me doesn't. I tend to form what the characters sound like in my head, and I'm sure it's like that for everyone (where everyone has the "perfect" voice for every character). Getting rid of that meanings getting rid of the imagination the player is able to put into the game. However, adding good voice acting could realize the full potential of the dialogue by emphasizing certain words, or adding proper emotion to parts of speech that otherwise may have been skipped over. It's a tough call.

Deku Tree

AniHawk said:
They tried (horribly) with Super Mario Sunshine. I don't understand why they gave a game that doesn't need voice acting voice acting, yet Zelda or FE- games that could benefit from it, go without it.

They'd need to find some top-notch actors though. They did ED, so it wouldn't be too hard, my guess.

I agree with that. The end of Zelda WW was incredible, but with top-notch voice work it could have been better.


Deku Tree said:
I agree with that. The end of Zelda WW was incredible, but with top-notch voice work it could have been better.

True. And maybe they could have sacrificed some of the sillier moments (like the sound effects when
Ganondorf says "YOUR GODS DESTROYED YOU!" or when Daphnes Hyrule says "IT WILL BE YOUR LAND!"). Daphnes saying "And let our destinies finally be fulfilled..." would have been a lot more powerful, and so would have Ganondorf's two speeches.
The problem with voice acting is that it can easily go bad, and it often does... Bad voice acting can totally turn me off from a game and literally prevent me from enjoying it or even playing it (Final Fantasy X)... I'd much rather not have any voice acting if there's a possibility that it will suck.

Of course great voice acting can really add to a game, but it's never guaranteed, even for the biggest games.
Have you guys played MMCM? Voice acting done the wrong way - text could be read in 2 secs but instead you have to contend with overacted toshes acting like whatever they were doing was so important.


SantaCruZer said:
Nope, he didn't say the other way around either. He never stated which game was better, but he said in his review that Prime 2 has better graphics of them two.


Yeah. It's hard to say which one I would have preferred, but as it stands I like the original Prime a little better. That's not to downplay Echoes, because as I stated, it rocks. But man, Phendrana Drifts will forever remain with me. Just so cool.



Ranger X

Sounds like a fair review to me. I said it's a bit disappointing regarding that the game is a "more of the same". That's exactly the feeling i get from the previous of the game and the exact same reason why i'm not all that hyped for the game. I hope it will be refreshing enough so i don't regret my pre-order...

Just wanted to leave a note on the backtracking: It's not good or bad but a gameplay style. You can like or not but i really hope it won't disappear because of the casual hater.


SantaCruZer said:
I figured you would care about this. You dig up all those posts just for this. troll.

I figure you would be concerned over the issue since you took the time to post about it and didn't believe me in the first place. :D

Wasn't too hard to find either. Just had to go to the next page in the IGN thread to get the link. It was like it was tailor made for my ease of use in finding it!


Mrbob said:
I figure you would be concerned over the issue since you took the time to post about it. :D

Wasn't too hard to find either. Just had to go to the next page in the IGN thread to get the link. It was like it was tailor made for my ease of use in finding it!

everybody knows that it hasn't scored the same as Prime 1. Give it a rest. The game got a solid score anyhow.
Mrbob said:
I figure you would be concerned over the issue since you took the time to post about it and didn't believe me in the first place. :D

Wasn't too hard to find either. Just had to go to the next page in the IGN thread to get the link. It was like it was tailor made for my ease of use in finding it!

mrbob please go hate something that deserves it. Like POP2 WW. OKTHXBYE.


I'm not hating on anything MP2. Well maybe the multiplayer mode but that is another story all together.

Metroid Prime series is the sole reason I own a Gamecube. Don't be so reactionary. :D


Running off of Custom Firmware
Link is one of the few Zelda franchise characters that HAS a voice, and HAS had a voice since the freaking N64 days!


Running off of Custom Firmware
And screams, and yells, and exclamations of surprise.

It's more than most Nintendo heroes get, and more than just about any other Zelda game character as well.
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