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Metroid Prime 2 Impressions

It was a pretty short demo, but I'll try to be as in depth as I can.

The demo starts off with Samus finding this planet in her ship. As she goes into the planet her ship gets hit by lightning or something and she crash lands in a space pirate base. From reading the text from some stuff I scanned it seems like the space pirates have found another source of Phazon in this planet or they created this planet with Phazon. Something like that. There's 2 versions of this planet. One is the normal one and one is the Dark version. The space pirates are continuing their Metroid breeding operations here. Also, there's going to be a Zelda 3 type light world/dark world thing going on. The map said this was the light world.

As soon as Samus got out of her ship the first thing I noticed was all the attention to detail. The textures themselves don't look much (if any) better than Metroid Prime, but there's a lot more going on in the environments. There are spider webs on the walls and what looks like Phazon leaking out of some walls. There's also little dragon fly type bugs flying around that you can't attack. Aside from that the only thing that really stands out about the graphics are all the particle effects. They are doing some really cool and trippy stuff here. I'm sure most of you have seen the light cannon. It shoots rainbow lasers! :p Oh and things are highlighted in a light blue color if the can be scanned now. It looks cooler than a little square I guess.

The sound was turned pretty low so, I couldn't hear much, but I did notice that they have a cool remix of the same tune from MP's title screen in this one's title screen.

I didn't notice anything new gameplay wise. The controls are the same and all the moves in the demo are the same as in MP. There was no wall jumping or anything like that. I was kind of disappointed by that. It was also very short and easy. There was also no options screen when I pressed start. What, are they trying to hide some super cool surprise options?

The coolest part of the demo was the "Dark Hunter" (I think that's what they called it), Dark Samus. She looks so bad-ass! She looks like the offspring of Samus' suit and an alien from, Aliens. I guess the space pirates don't like her either for some reason. Or at least that's what it sounded like.

The demo rocked, but I was disappointed not to see any new gameplay elements.


As far as I'm aware, the Wall Jump ability along with the Screw Attack, etc. are all later in the game...it IS a demo.

Sounds awesome, although I'm avoiding all media until I get the disc myself.


Oni Link 666 said:
Yeah, I know they're in the game. I'm saying they're not in the demo 'cause that's what I played.

Fair Enough. Considering it's like 1/3 of the E3 Demo or so, and I don't even think they were seen then, Retro seems to be guarding the gameplay enhancements fairly well, outside of media.


The E3 demo didn't feature any new gameplay elements either, other than the light/dark beams which probably don't count.

Still, you should notice some new details if the demo is remotely like the one at E3, such as new graphical details like fire and smoke, and the scanning should be much faster than it was in Prime 1.


Art does not make 60FPS @ 1080i with real world physics on the PSf*ckin2.
The only thing I'm disappointed in with Prime 2 is the lack of organic environments in the media I've seen thus far. I really enjoyed the detail and immersion of the first Prime, and really hope they won't leave them out of 2.
Any word on environments like these in the sequel?


The only issue I had with the first game was the control. If the gameplay is more of the same, I think I'll still enjoy this one (that is, if the controls were tweaked).

I'm fine with the button mapping, just the execution of things, such as the slow turn speed, and the manner in how Samus looked up or down (felt kind "tied down") is what irked me. Has any of this been tweaked?


Unconfirmed Member
Oni Link 666 said:
The game controls and feels the same. If there have been any tweaks, I didn't notice them.
Is samus still the same speed as the original? That is still my main beef with Prime.

Can't wait for Prime2

Li Mu Bai

Tenguman said:
yeah MP2 is going to be what Majora's Mask was to OoT

not a bad thing at all though ;)

Incorrect IMO Tenguman. MM didn't offer anything relatively new, except for the usage of the various masks. (gameplay wise iirc) Wall jumping, screw attacks, some destructible environments, enhanced/expanded spiderball usage for traversing environments, multiplayer, new visors, beam weapon capabilities, missle weapons, a possible secondary dual-analog control scheme, larger & more detailed organic worlds, etc. Other than sharing the same core engine as MP had, this would be the only comparison OOT & MM would share in common with Echoes.


hyperbolically metafictive
the one-repeating-day structure, the richly interactive town, the abundance and variety of sidequests (which, rather than the dungeons, were probably the game's focus), all the new minigames, etc. and the masks, which you downplay, probably account for more new moves than echoes will feature. majora's mask is probably the most "different" game in the zelda series. metroid prime 2 would be very lucky to differ so much from its predecessor.
Majora's Mask rocks. I must play it again soon. I tried recently but the bonus disk froze and I lost all my progress gawd damn it!! :p

Thanks for the impressions btw.


drohne said:
the one-repeating-day structure, the richly interactive town, the abundance and variety of sidequests (which, rather than the dungeons, were probably the game's focus), all the new minigames, etc. and the masks, which you downplay, probably account for more new moves than echoes will feature. majora's mask is probably the most "different" game in the zelda series. metroid prime 2 would be very lucky to differ so much from its predecessor.

Zelda II


hyperbolically metafictive
i thought about zelda II, but conceptually (rather than mechanically) it's less of a deviation from zelda tradition than majora's mask is. the subsequent progress of the franchise has made it look anomalous, but actually it wasn't such a strange sequel to the first zelda. i'm sure most people would disagree.

there's also four swords, i guess. but i'd almost consider that a spinoff.
shibbs said:
What kind of setting does it have? Like prime had ancient ruines, ice world etc.

The demo takes place in a space pirate base built in a mountainous area with lots of caves.

This is a place with lots of computers inside the base.

This is the hologram of the dark planet that the space pirates have.

In this part you have to run to each of those trippy looking domes because the atmosphere takes your life away like lava sections in other Metroids. Samus also gains life back when she is inside the domes.


Does the FR stay at 30 at all times? And will it be "possible" to purchase this demo without buying the bundle?


AssMan said:
Does the FR stay at 30 at all times? And will it be "possible" to purchase this demo without buying the bundle?

MP should be 60 fps locked. And there are two ways to get the demo outside of the bundle--subscribe to Nintendo Power or register five Nintendo games with the new pin number that was introduced last year (basically any Nintendo game since last November).

Li Mu Bai

drohne said:
the one-repeating-day structure, the richly interactive town, the abundance and variety of sidequests (which, rather than the dungeons, were probably the game's focus), all the new minigames, etc. and the masks, which you downplay, probably account for more new moves than echoes will feature. majora's mask is probably the most "different" game in the zelda series. metroid prime 2 would be very lucky to differ so much from its predecessor.

Most of what you stated are gamestory-centric. (sidequests, repeating day cycle, minigames) That's why I didn't name them, I knew it hadn't been that long since I played MM. I standby my original comment. Also MP:Echoes is not an rpg., but rather an exploratory adventure game told in the first person view.


Running off of Custom Firmware
I believe you're very wrong on this count Li Mu Bai. Majora's Mask was a marked departure from the now classic Zelda formula, despite using its predecessors engine. I highly doubt Metroid Prime 2 will sport that much of a contrast.

Deku Tree

Does anyone know what the case will look like for people who get the bonus disk w/o the MP bundle, e.g. what will the case I get in the mail (for registering 5 games) look like?
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