Nintendo cares about Metroid, they are just absolutely clueless of what makes the games and Samus so loved by the press and fans alike. On one hand this means the will stick with the tried and true formula, on the other it limits innovation, I really hope we can get more than just clones of Super Metroid and Metroid prime ad nauseum, but if the alternative is games like Other M/Federation Force then I'll take the former.
I still don't think they get it.
If Other M was a 'what happened?,' then Federation Force was a 'we don't care what you want' kinda game. After Bill Trinen trying to sell it as 'oh, the fans are confused about what this, but they still want it cuz it says Metroid,' you knew they had no clue about what the series was or what fans liked about it.
They lost the series with Other M and they're never going to get it back because of it. It's done. It's over. Samus Returns...while fine, still has the problems that Other M had, focusing on combat in a situation where it should be frowned upon. Sakamoto wants to make an action game, but is using the wrong series to do it with. Samus Returns is hard, but it doesn't make it scary or tense like Metroid 2 or even the Wrecked Ship in Metroid 2 were. If you want a Metroid 2 remake, it has to be like that area, but for the entire game.