I don't know how accurate it is, but I assume there are enough obsessive people out there for it to be accurate: IMDB says she was in 7 productions. In terms of pay vs effort, $12k is not terrible. However, the subjects of morality transgressed or dignity sacrificed in the work itself, continued pay for and rights to media featuring you, unforeseen massive fame, what was lost because of said fame, what was gained because of it, etc. Those are all completely different angles of discussion and I don't think you can have a discussion "evaluating" her until you decide which of them everyone is even talking about in the first place.
It seems she brought this up as part of an interview "to clarify [her] past so it can't be used against [her]" and while it is understandable to want to do that, I don't think the premise is very accurate. It is not as though the vast majority of people who know her now first discovered her through her current career. I know that I only know of her because of her massive fame due to the controversy around her and many news articles talking about the hijab wearing porn star whose productions were causing a ruckus among Muslims. I know if you search her name, tons of porn stuff is most of the results. One can assume that much of that porn stuff is even there only because of the initial controversy that made many others curious. I know a massive amount of people would not know who she is or care about any sportscaster in particular unless such things were in place to meme and gossip about.
So while she may indeed be building a new career for new angles of fame, it seems highly questionable as to whether or not anyone would care to know who she is or what she is saying if these things were not all still true. It is not as though she did porn and was forgotten and now people hear about it and have to dig it up to see about the rumors. People know about her and care what she is saying because of this active reality. She may not have done any porn for years, but her fame is still primarily based on it every single year. I'm all for considering personal journeys and not holding someone's past against them, and it is nice to see she has found another way for herself, but to act as though her main challenge is having lost a clean reputation with regard to her past and not actively having her entire persona immersed in pornographic public mindshare, that is fairly delusional. I hope she can eventually honestly reconcile with these facts of her current primary basis of fame and how it may never transition to her current career being her primary source of notoriety.
As others have pointed out, she may not have nearly as much money as she could, but she also didn't have her life completely destroyed as has happened to many who enter the industry. I am glad the extent of her victimhood and exploitation after leaving the industry was limited to her reputation and that she has figured out how to manage it somewhat. Think what you want of industry standards, but
the consistent report of people who are out of the industry (not interviews from people still having something to lose by exposing it) is that it is horribly abusive and no one involved is happy.
Here is a fairly long interview. Think what you will about this particular program and a likely different angle of exploitation being involved here, at least it is giving her the dignity of hearing her story. It also shows different aspects of what a person can lose, what major convictions and foundations of their personal identity and strength can be wounded. One may think they are false foundations no one should have, but I think no one should be made to be hurt to the core of their being like this. Reformatting of identity and center of personal value should be a slow and personal journey someone works out privately or with a few others who have compassion for them, not violent torrents of shame from one community and exploitation by another.
One may argue that this may be true of the major production industry but camgirls are simply having fun by themselves, but actually they are very often persons being exploited by another person as well (in fact it is the easiest format through which to exploit trafficked persons) and even those who get into it as a personal pursuit are ultimately regretful of it and come to see their motivations were from harmful social indoctrination and resulted in many psychological harms. I recommend reading a book called The Porn Myth by Matt Fradd.