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Microsoft Business Update Podcast | OT | SEGABOX |


I don't actually care what happens, I'm just here for the gifs.

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Also, when the time comes.

Could you all be so kind to not publish too many memes?

I’m a bit slow trying to save as many as possible to my phone.



Gold Member
When has a podcast ever been such a big event?
It isnt.

The hype around all this is just setting everyone up for disappointment. Going full third party, hardware announcements, showcase etc etc.

This will just be some vague bullshit double speak as usual that will leave more questions than answers, and the internet will implode on itself even further


World’s Biggest Weeb
There’s nothing I enjoy more than seeing fanboys (of any company/product) get their hopes and dreams crushed. It’s what really keeps me going as a bitter old jaded gamer.

No matter what happens today, there will be plenty of butthurt to come out of it, so I already consider this a win.


Gold Member
they will do their best to make it as small as possible but you don't bring 3 execs to talk about 2 ports
As I stated before, this is just my prediction. I also didn't state that they would just be talking about 2 ports. I think they are going to talk about what we already know, that MS's intentends to bring some of their games to new platforms (Xbox has been hinting at this for awhile now). In saying that, I can't imagine this podcast is going to reveal much new info and is more about message control.

It makes sense for them to give some assurance to Xbox owners, that they plan on continuing to give them value. I believe they will reiterate that the ports will be on a game by game basis. We will of course have different takes on if this is a "big deal" or not, but to me this is decidingly not.


I don't care where the games go, i just want a bad ass handheld from Xbox with native support for games and good docking technology for TV play at home. That's really all i want out of all of this. I think MS could really turn the ship around if they went that route and fully committed. The S should have been a handheld in my opinion.


Probably just going to announce they are continuing doing what they are doing.

Some are too short sighted to see it. Xbox knows where the industry is going and has set up the best foundation for them to win in the long run
What foundation? The one where Xbox has no installbase unless you consider them the number one crossplatform publisher?


Gold Member

"Xbros, of course, it is likely enough, my friends,' - 'likely enough that we are going to our doom: the last march of the Rats. But if we stayed home and did nothing, doom would find us anyway, sooner or later. That thought has long been growing in our hearts; and that is why we are marching now."
- J. R. R. Tolkien Phil Spencer 2024


Chuck Berry

Gold Member
Can’t wait

Sidenote: Pretty crazy how irrelevant Gerstmann and the classic Giant Bomb crew have become since moving on to do Patreons or whatever the fuck.

He used to have sitdowns with Spencer and other notables during E3. Now he's lucky if he even has some rando friend on an episode of his awkward podcast . The pull is long gone.

Meanwhile Moriarty has had discussions with Levine, Jaffe and will soon have Jonathan Blow on as a guest. He's just completely decimated the competition.
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