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Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 | We Don't Need Roads


Pretty sure the PC patch is live as the install size has gone from 141gb to 123gb, and there is a different download screen (downloading the game now on PC Gamepass).
re attempted landing at Bergen. still not good but at least i didn't crash into a house this time:



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Servers are a bit slow, but stable otherwise for me. Downloading world updates right now and it’s a little slower within the interface, but at least it’s going. Initial loading screen took some time but eventually went through.


Made a crappy phPBB forum once ... once.
I guess this is server overload time. Check back in a week I suppose when they’ve apologised for the unprecedented requests for the server that they didn’t anticipate and now fixed it excuse.


Yesterday I played just fine in german. Today I start the game and it tells me in spanish I need an update. I updated through the windows store and now ingame the updater is running, in spanish???


Gold Member
Playing on PC and I'm not seeing the update. I installed yesterday and played and added the Nordic Update. Currently on version 1.17.3, same as yesterday afternoon when I installed it. I was hoping to avoid another full download, has anybody else received the new update on PC?

*edit* tried again and it just whiffed past the initial loading screen with 'looking for updates', then didn't show anything in the store. Deleted and having to reinstall. Says 145GB required, that seems bigger than yesterday? Oh well, patience is a virtue.
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