Microsoft advertises on most, if not all the sites that have reported about this.
Daaaaammnnn! It hit Yahoo?
Nah, it's good enough for me, thanks.
"Oh yes, yes, you can go offline totally. Social is big for us, but we understand there are some people who are anti-social! So if you don't want to connect to anyone else, you can do that."
Plenty of people have done that the last couple times he put his foot in his mouth. At this point he doesn't even deserve that level of respect considering how little respect he has shown people who have disagreed with him before. Constantly discounting valid opinions and talking down to peope who have been nothing but respectable to him on twitter.Exactly.
That'll buy them nothing but a temporary reprieve if there's any actual legitimacy to this rumor.'
The ball will stop on its own by this time tomorrow. What MS did was provide the standard corporate response which was exactly all they had to do.
It's almost like he agrees with the general sentiment on NeoGAF that an always-online console would suck for consumers, thus people who don't have a stable internet connection (or who object to the business practice) should simply refuse to buy one and get a PS4 instead.
I wonder why he hasn't said that.
Arthur Gies deserves zero discussion in this forum. He's irrelevant.
Is it just me, or does Gies pull himself into the center of everything lately?
Arthur Gies deserves zero discussion in this forum. He's irrelevant.
Yes, but this is not a response to an isolated article speculating that the console requires an internet connection.
This is a steamroller of bad PR. You don't just let that beast plow through all your best-laid plans. Unless there's truth there.
I'm about as pro-Sony as they come... but REALLY? You can't at least wait until the system is unveiled and the details are official?
The Verge can be trusted. The same can not be said for Polygon.
Weren't you the one in that other thread that was saying how it was no big deal if the Nextbox was always online because it's not the end of the world if you can't play your games exactly when you want to?
Pro-Sony? Lol k.
But did they directly fund those sites?
Good job, GAF. you might have managed to save Microsoft from their own idiocy.
if they STILL go this always- online route after this? they are truly doomed.
what difference does it make? Microsoft couldn't give less of a shit whether the hardcore are salivating over the console, because they know that they will buy the console anyways. Not like Nintendo's strategy is paying dividends anyways.
It's really not much of a guarantee, it's not a QoS agreement, it's just shutting down folks who don't conform to a threshold of acceptable performance, whether by their own failing or not.
And how many devs are going to be making games "targeted solely for this specific console" next gen? I really doubt this all just for the 1st party devs sake.
No game gets built targeting 100% of the userbase. If you want to build an online-only RPG, you don't need every console owner to be always online, you build it as intended and market it to the segment of the market that's interested in that sort of thing. That's why markets exist, after all.
What next, demanding purchase pledges from every console buyer at checkout, that they will comply in buying X copies of games from each game genre?
Again, couldn't they do what Nintendo did? Confirm the successor, give a basic idea of what it'll be, but leave the system reveal and various other facets to the reveal. Playing it as if all news about this new system simply doesn't exist until they actually show it off is currently doing more harm than good.
I see nothing alarming about confirming Durango, making a comment on this stuff, and then talking about an event they have in the works for it unless they really don't want to make a comment on this matter. They're not fooling anyone for a reveal. Not wanting to deny this right now really points to them hoping they have something to show to counterbalance this element.
Interesting, hopefully this part means something:I received an official statement from Microsoft a few minutes ago, via their PR agency Edelman:
his personal views are not reflective of those of the company
So not confirming is now confirmation of unconfirmed things?
I saw this on the boondocks once:
Think of it like Witness Protection.Pro-Sony? Lol k.
I don't really think how bad Microsoft realizes this is for their public image.
IGN posted the news story less than a couple hours ago and this comment already has 6000 upvotes.
But did they directly fund those sites?
Arthur Gies deserves zero discussion in this forum. He's irrelevant.
I think this thread has had enough people show you that there is an audience that will not be for this. So it does matter overall, yes. As for Nintendo, their fuckups have been what they've done post-release, like launch lineups and post-launch content. Nintendo never really botched a reveal unless you consider everything we thought about Wii U turning to be absolutely true when they first showed it, but that was a botch because we knew everything.
They didn't directly fund Polygon. Polygon was created by the Vox Media. Unless microsoft was an investor in Vox, then they merely paid for a large advertising campaign, which happens all the time on many sites.
Not defending Microsoft/Polygon here. If anything this means Polygon isn't even fiscally motivated to ignore this problem. They're just lazy/don't care.
I hate to say it but stuff like that doesn't mean a thing. If the always on thing is real then it's not going to be an issue until it doesn't work. Of course there's a large chance that it won't work, but if it does work then this internet tantrum is irrelevant. MS haven't given you any of the reasons why you should buy the thing yet (obviously since it's not even announced) and if it turns out they have good reasons why you should buy it then their marketing will fucking blast through this noise.
People don't get mad until something affects them. It's extremely rare that people care enough about something that might happen for it to matter. Yes this thing blew up but on the outrage radar it doesn't make a blip.
I don't really think how bad Microsoft realizes this is for their public image.
IGN posted the news story less than a couple hours ago and this comment already has 6000 upvotes.
It means that Microsoft's 'official' stance is not that the place you live sucks and you should just deal with it. Not that always-online won't be a thing, that's not an opinion.Interesting, hopefully this part means something:
I always love news that includes "that's kindof a dick move"
I'm about as pro-Sony as they come... but REALLY? You can't at least wait until the system is unveiled and the details are official?
o_oExcept... I'm not getting the next XBOX! Not sure because always online and DRM... it's the lack of new and interesting games. Go through my post history. I have no allegiance to any company.
I just don't see the big deal of this.
Outrage meter doesn't make a blip?
Yahoo fucking news just made an article about it. I also don't think I have ever seen 7000 likes on a measly IGN article.
According to that last thread, about 40 percent of 360 owners don't connect to live. At current numbers that would be 32 million. Alot more than nobody.I hate to say it but stuff like that doesn't mean a thing. If the always on thing is real then it's not going to be an issue until it doesn't work. Of course there's a large chance that it won't work, but if it does work then this internet tantrum is irrelevant. MS haven't given you any of the reasons why you should buy the thing yet (obviously since it's not even announced) and if it turns out they have good reasons why you should buy it then their marketing will fucking blast through this noise.
People don't get mad until something affects them. It's extremely rare that people care enough about something that might happen for it to matter. Yes this thing blew up but on the outrage radar it doesn't make a blip.
They really should bring this shit back to the 90's.Sony should run a "deal with it" ad promotion with links to preorders of the PS4