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Microsoft Studios' creative director has some choice words about always-online

the punishment is disproportionate to the crime but it's not anyone's fault really. microsoft has to fire the guy because his tweets became infamous and the internet outrage has taken the form of an unstoppable malicious bully that'll see to it that orth has no peace for a while and probably a hard time finding a new job.

his comments were dumb but i cant help but feel for the guy. unfortunately that's just the dark side of the internet, when you get attention, things happen quickly and forcefully.

If this was Adam Orth's first time getting in hot water for douchey comments I might be inclined to agree with you, maybe. But this is his 2nd time.

He asked David Jaffe to post a heated discussion the two had in 2007 on his blog where he bashed Halo. This was when he was working on Sony games at the time.

How this guy even got hired at Microsoft I'll never know. He must like getting people riled up while putting himself in the spotlight. If he didn't he would stop doing it.


Eh, you people can cry crocodile tears for the man if you like. All I see is an arrogant industry insider who dismissed the concerns of the consumer publicly with smug quips. This arrogance is all too common these days for my liking. So sure, a lot of the flak he is copping is a build up from the smarmy attitude of the likes of various EA execs and industry leeches like Arthur Gies and his crew at Polygon, but somehow my sympathy is small for ignorant people who lack the brain power to know when to keep a lid on their ego.


Well, waiting for confirmation if the guy was indeed fired.

Once that occurs, I could see all the sites that posted about #DealWithIt post about #DealWithItFIRED.

"Microsoft creative director fired for infamous #DealWithIt tweet"


I think people are sympathetic just because of the job market and the most publicly maligned part being one meant as a joke to a friend. But the rest is still pretty shitty, and I get the impression someone like him would PROBABLY rebound without much difficulty.
Of course he should have been fired, it's ridiculous to pretend otherwise.

It's likely that a multi-million staged marketing plan has been flushed down the toilet because of his thoughtless tweets.

Tweets that not only revealed the company's strategy going forward but also bluntly disrespected the potential customers of the unannounced product.

Now Microsoft marketing staff are likely wondering what they can do to pull the product back from the brink - they can't.

I've said it before that the console that wins the next generation won't be the one that is the most powerful. Nor will it be the one that is the cheapest.

The winner of the next-generation will be the machine that gives the users the most control of their own content and content they purchase.

If Microsoft do go ahead with their always online / DRM strategy then I think they have made a monumental mistake and have throw away their chances of victory in a spectacular fashion.
Will speak volumes if they stubbornly push ahead with "always online" anyhow given all that's happened now, won't it?

I predict they will try to strike a half-hearted compromise. Something like games will require a one time activation (online or via 800 number) before they can be played.

I'm still creeped out by the mandatory Kinect functionality. That is reason enough to keep it PS4U this generation.
So just checking up in last few pages and it seem the guy got fired .
Can't say i am surprise not only did it look like he insult people but he also put MS new console in a bad light before we even get details .


Another closure in this thread. Remember this guy?

(Yesterday, 01:59 PM)

Thank you based mods.

WTF? Did awa64 seriously said that? I don't remember any homophobic slurs on sunhi's gif and trust me, I'd be one of the first to notice if that were the case. I'm starting to believe that there really are some plants and fud spreaders here. Some of the comments I've read during the course of this debacle are not only hilariously sound like corporate PR but also insultingly uninformed and false that you wonder if these plants think they can easily fool us.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016

Man E3 is going to be nuts this year. What a crazy thread. I am just catching up. this is truly some next level stuff.


Perhaps Kudo can dress it up into something indispensible.

That's been my thought this whole time. Perhaps the always-online feature gives them some other sort ace-up-their-sleeve, and this mystery feature is something that they believe will cause consumers to choose their platform despite the disadvantages of constant DRM. But on the face of it, the only advantage is being able to play games installed off the hard drive without a disc. That doesn't seem very compelling.

Of course you could have said the same thing about Diablo 3 and SimCity, and those games ultimately nothing that compelling or exciting that was enabled by their always-online gameplay. There never was any ace-up-their-sleeve.....just a half-baked auction house and some vague asynchronous city management.

Obviously Microsoft wouldn't be going in this direction if they didn't have extensive market research to back themselves up. Perhaps the awful truth is that they've discovered people don't really care about an always-online platform......at least they don't care when being asked theoretical questions like "Would you object to a system that required you to be on the internet?" Whether or not they object when they actually buy that system and their Internet goes down or the XBL servers die, that's another matter.


People called Romanes they go the house?
WTF? Did awa64 seriously said that? I don't remember any homophobic slurs on sunhi's gif and trust me, I'd be one of the first to notice if that were the case. I'm starting to believe that there really are some plants and fud spreaders here. Some of the comments I've read during the course of this debacle are not only hilariously sound like corporate PR but also insultingly uninformed and false that you wonder if these plants think they can easily fool us.

IIRC, there was a post or two early on that involved "cocksucking" by a poster as a derogatory slur in regards to Adam's tweets, and one was made about Gies "sucking the corporate cock".

Didn't see anything terrible about the Sunhi GIF, tho.

edit: It really does suck if Adam lost his job because of this, but I've seen so many moronic tweets with the "do not reflect the opinions of my employer" get lambasted for similar things. If your Twitter handle mentions where you work, or you're famous enough for it to be fairly self-evident, people are not going to dissociate you from your company just because you ask them to politely.
In case anybody is wondering, awa64 was referring to the "cunts" in the animated gif, and perhaps the 'stick the drm where the sun don't shine' line before it.


IIRC, there was a post or two early on that involved "cocksucking" by a poster as a derogatory slur in regards to Adam's tweets, and one was made about Gies "sucking the corporate cock".

Didn't see anything terrible about the Sunhi GIF, tho.

edit: It really does suck if Adam lost his job because of this, but I've seen so many moronic tweets with the "do not reflect the opinions of my employer" get lambasted for similar things. If your Twitter handle mentions where you work, or you're famous enough for it to be fairly self-evident, people are not going to dissociate you from your company just because you ask them to politely.

I would guess the usage of "cunt".

Edit: beaten.


I believe awa64 objected to the use of "cunts" in Sunhi's gif when he referred to sexual slurs.

Edit: Beaten by a man in a top hat


People just have to learn not to Twitter comments that may upset ANYONE. The professional victims will come out in full force and destroy your life. In my opinion, you never fuck with a man's living. Let his boss deal with him. It's real hard out there, especially with this fucked up economy and the horrible job report that just came out. It's just games, no need to destroy a man's life because he may have hurt someone's feelings. MS may have fired him anyway but I get that sick feeling inside when I see people actually cheering someone's demise.


If he is fired, then I don't think the blame should be put on GAF at all. In the end, it was Microsoft's decision and there was nothing wrong with many internet forums/gaming sites raising an issue over his tweets.

Mocking him after he is fired(confirmed?) is another issue though, and something that in my opinion would be in poor taste. If he was indeed fired, then I hope he finds a good position elsewhere.
How is "cunt" homophobic? I've only ever heard it used to describe a bitchy, arrogant woman. It's the same as calling a man a "dick"for being a smug and arrogant jerk. I've always taken both to mean thinking and acting with your primitive, emotional genitals instead of your brain.


Felium Defensor
Are you serious? The hell? Now I am a racist? I'm a black man who is racist against black people? I'm going to assume this is a joke post.
This is possible. I know the dude is probably joking or just dense but the bolded part is possible in case anyone is ever wondering.


People just have to learn not to Twitter comments that may upset ANYONE. The professional victims will come out in full force and destroy your life. In my opinion, you never fuck with a man's living. Let his boss deal with him. It's real hard out there, especially with this fucked up economy and the horrible job report that just came out. It's just games, no need to destroy a man's life because he may have hurt someone's feelings. MS may have fired him anyway but I get that sick feeling inside when I see people actually cheering someone's demise.

Do you really think this is just about people being offended?


Yup after these reactions I don't think we have to worry about that always-online thing anymore, probably not the no-used-games thing either since they were most likely linked together.

wait so people are so convinced that this was 100% certain that MS didn't change their minds months ago like Sony did? but now because some people on the internet made a stink one day, they are cancelling their plan?



If MS have got exclusive content as part of this always online business, is that why sony have come out swinging first, they didn't even have a cosole to show.

What's stopping Sony adding to Microsoft woes by letting the cat out of the bag, surely Sony know what's going on, publishers won't fuck around with a player that important.


People just have to learn not to Twitter comments that may upset ANYONE. The professional victims will come out in full force and destroy your life. In my opinion, you never fuck with a man's living. Let his boss deal with him. It's real hard out there, especially with this fucked up economy and the horrible job report that just came out. It's just games, no need to destroy a man's life because he may have hurt someone's feelings. MS may have fired him anyway but I get that sick feeling inside when I see people actually cheering someone's demise.

People got upset because he repeatedly taunted consumers about anti-consumer practices that he was in a position to enforce and know abut, and generally acted like an unprofessional jerk. He didn't just say the wrong words and activate OFFENSE MODE.


Holy moly, that escalated quickly.

Still it's good to know that the 'vocal minority' have some weight after all.

big giant

Are you serious? The hell? Now I am a racist? I'm a black man who is racist against black people? I'm going to assume this is a joke post.
I was serious, but I was talking about the image, rather than you (who I don't know). When I see stuff like that online, I assume it's a white boy getting his yuks. Sorry.


People just have to learn not to Twitter comments that may upset ANYONE. The professional victims will come out in full force and destroy your life. In my opinion, you never fuck with a man's living. Let his boss deal with him. It's real hard out there, especially with this fucked up economy and the horrible job report that just came out. It's just games, no need to destroy a man's life because he may have hurt someone's feelings. MS may have fired him anyway but I get that sick feeling inside when I see people actually cheering someone's demise.

his firing = 1 new hire probably

1 life ruined + 1 life made better
universe in balance


Neo Member
holy crap....I go to sleep...and wake up to find this has blown up in spectacular fashion. just goes to show how quickly the internet and the gaming community can bite back if you behave like an idiot! I almost feel sorry for the guy...


I predict they will try to strike a half-hearted compromise. Something like games will require a one time activation (online or via 800 number) before they can be played.

Even after all this, I still can't help but feel that Microsoft will offer heavy compromises. Maybe you have to enter an activation code for every game. Maybe you have to go online to authenticate your games at least once a week or once a month.

But requiring online ALL THE TIME is just insane. What is there to be gained by locking out a user if their connection drops for a few minutes?

Clearly a lot of the movies we buy are DRM-locked, but you can still watch stuff without an internet connection. Most streaming music services offer an "offline mode" that requires occaisional online re-authorization. Switching to "Always-Online" in the Diablo/SimCity sense would put Microsoft at odds with the entire media industry.
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