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Microsoft Studios' creative director has some choice words about always-online

It's like Microsoft thought this new generation wasn't going to be difficult enough, and so gave themselves a handicap by putting a railway sleeper through their foot.
My thoughts exactly. There is simply no way Microsoft doesn't make some kind of informational announcement. lol wow Sony really fucked MS over BIG time with this next gen transition haha. so amazing to watch.

Are you suggesting Sony did the bait and switch with the anti used games always online patents post PS3?

I think your giving Sony to much credit. I think Sony lucked out, the right guy just happened to find them at a moment they were willing to listen.
okay, yeah..MS is going to have to respond they're being drench in horrendous news

Seriously Microsoft have to respond to this immediately, this is no longer some forum rumor or something like it's literally everywhere now, it won't be too long untill TV and radio stations pick this news up too.
Do you live in Somalia? I could count on one hand the number of times I've lost internet in the past 5-6 years.

Because everyone is you, right?

Sometimes I wonder if always-online proponents are just cloned out of some shit factory somewhere, with the selfish gene already programmed into their stupid DNA.


Yeah, Your average NeoGAF poster isn't your average Madden or COD player, or the kind of person who walked out and bought a Kinnect. Those mass market consumers aren't thinking three or four chess moves ahead. If MS is going for that market the way I think they are, this is just a bump in the road. Price of the box will ultimately determine if all this works now. The average consumer will say "I can afford that new XBox!" or maybe even "Oh, it comes with my cable TV plan for only $8 a month?" and eat it up.
That logic only works until they run into technical problems. People who aren't dedicated are going to be even less tolerant of system failure than the hardcore audience. They are also less likely to have an expensive broadband connection with fine tuned router settings, so their chances of something going wrong may be higher.
hahahaha my favorite one

I feel bad for laughing at these since I feel bad for him...but damn are these funny or what

Oh man, I'd love to be a fly in this guy's liquor cabinet. The city stuff like Grey Goose and Makers Mark aren't going to cut it. He's going to have to go on a 7-Eleven Mad Dog 20/20, Hurricane malt liquor run to completely erase this from his memory. I cannot imagine what this dude is feeling like right now. I would not want to be him when he shows up for work tomorrow.

I'm starting to feel bad for this guy...

I can't help but empathize, but then

you see things like these and laugh your ass off. At this point, I can't even laugh anymore. It's just unbelievable how badly he shot himself. Man....
I wonder what an angry Mattrick looks like.


The M is for Mattrick.


I understand that he was kind of trolling, but as the Creative Director of MGS, you'd think he would choose his words more carefully.

His tweets are fucking obnoxious.

Well, he's not the creative director of MGS, he's a creative director on a game withing MGS. He's not as high up as some people are thinking.


Hopsiah the Kanga-Jew
So... do people still think Microsoft's silence surrounding the new Xbox is acceptable?

"but they're just rumors", they said, while the Xbox brand name continues to erode with each passing week.

Its company wide policy to not comment on rumours and has been for a long time. As for the brand eroding due to all this pre announcement fun? Not really. GAF is at the very edge of a very long line of consumers. We do not represent the average consumer.


By creating this shitstorm, we've unwittingly compelled Microsoft to fix this.

They don't deserve it, but here we are.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Pretty simple you can make a lot more money off of consumers who are connected to the Internet. Most mobile games developers depend on there being an Internet connection.
Yes, like allowing them to buy games online that they can play offline. Blows your mind, right?

People are not going to stop buying games if they require online. Bungie's Destiny is not doomed because of online nor are any of Blizzards games.
No, but they're also not going to buy every online game just because it's online. It's a guarantee of nothing.

Say every game is online - what's the excuse going to be when many games still fail to sell well?
Seriously Microsoft have to respond to this immediately, this is no longer some forum rumor or something like it's literally everywhere now, it won't be too long untill TV and radio stations pick this news up too.

Really? Here is the response. We don't comment on rumors and speculation. If the guy gets fired, we don't comment on personnel matters. There will be utter silence until MS holds their official Durango announcement.


Well, this is only going to get worse.
I have a feeling Mr. Orth will be unemployed soon.
Not that I planned on buying the next Xbox, but damn.


Xbox trending?

Why do I get the feeling that Microsoft might be pulling off one of the most brilliant reverse psychology viral marketing stunts in history?
wow 20+ times? that bads. I had maybe two drops this year and it was at like 1am. the only time it might be off is when the power goes out and even then it's technically still on in other powered parts of the city.

guy is still a gigantic douchebag though. I think we're all mostly on the same page when it comes to the next console we're going to buy. even before this guy opened his mouth.

Yeah. It stops being fun when trying to watch Netflix, download Games on Demand, or just basic browsing. It's a big issue where I live, and it is caused by the provider. They've been working on solving it for quite some time. Fun stuff.


Unconfirmed Member
You misunderstood me.
Yes, it'll spread over the whole internet.
But maybe they think (doesn't matter if that's the case or not) that in the "real world" outside the internet-forums/sites they can ignore these people [who won't buy a 720 now], because they're the minority.

The internet's opinion on this internet only device doesn't matter.
Its company wide policy to not comment on rumours and has been for a long time. As for the brand eroding due to all this pre announcement fun? Not really. GAF is at the very edge of a very long line of consumers. We do not represent the average consumer.

In case you haven't noticed, this is now going beyond just GAF. Mainstream media is picking up on it and it's the top story on Reddit right now. This is the point: it did used to be a fringe thing that only the most hardcore of gaming enthusiasts engaged in, but now it's starting to spill over into the realm of the masses.

By creating this shitstorm, we've unwittingly compelled Microsoft to fix this.

They don't deserve it, but here we are.

Hopefully this.
I still don't believe it. I just refuse to believe MS pulling was has to be a bigger ass card than Sony did with the PS3 launch.

History doesn't repeat itself, but man that 3rd console sure seems to be a common denominator in terms of how they're handled corporate wise.

Still. Not even MS could pull such a comic book villain move. Unless they're betting on consumers, and video game consumers in particular on having no spine... in which case... yeah it's going to happen.


One good thing it might force ms to at least deny this always online thing, or at the reveal they say it isnt the case either way they need to get out infront of this.
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