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Microsoft Studios' creative director has some choice words about always-online


Gotta say though it's not really his fault that he's being arrogant about this. I mean MS has made some pretty consumer unfriendly decision this gen with charging for online play and moving loads of things that are free on every other device behind a paywall. The result? Billions of dollars in revenue and the most users of any console online service. I'm sure he probably feels that regardless of this decision the next Xbox will probably still sell the best so he's in the right to be arrogant about it.

If neoGAF were the majority MS would change their plans immediately after hearing the feedback, but sadly even if every single person on GAF decided to pass on the next Xbox it would probably only mean .0000001% of the sales. The other 99.999999% won't ever even know what this always online issue was. All they will know is all their friends are on XBL and that they all need to play Halo and Gears.


It's a bit funny that you don't really need to be online to play games on "always on" devices like an iPhone.


Xbox trending?

Why do I get the feeling that Microsoft might be pulling off one of the most brilliant reverse psychology viral marketing stunts in history?

I don't know, but IMO that doesn't seem to be a positive marketing...

Looks like a new case of "negative intelligence"
This is seriously stupid. I'm graduating so it doesn't directly affect me, but the school I go to doesn't permit students to register gaming consoles on the campus network. This means that the new Xbox would objectively be as useful as a brick as a gaming console, and even less so if I wanted to fend off intruders.


Are you suggesting Sony did the bait and switch with the anti used games always online patents post PS3?

I think your giving Sony to much credit. I think Sony lucked out, the right guy just happened to find them at a moment they were willing to listen.

That has been mentioned a few times. Personally I think thats giving Sony a little too much as well but they are known for filing patents and not following through.

So you gotta wonder if they did that as a fake out
Lets all be a little honest with ourselves. How many times in a calendar year was your Internet connection down, for an EXTENDED period of time? What's a bigger money loser, joe gamer who paid his $60+ for his legit copy of a game or mr. Fuck you imma pirate my shit cuz I don't give a fuck? You reap what you something,something...

That's definitely what it feels like. Like we're reaping the results of the arrogance born from all that money people have forked over to Microsoft in exchange for stuff other companies give away for free.


Just woke up to this. What a stupid way to talk like that... either this guy is trying to get fired or Microsoft is doing a damage control. Either way Microsoft should say something about this, now that the "Creative Director" was beeing creative in his statement.

Anyway, I have a hard time believing this to be true, as it would shrink your market considerably. Don´t believe it until Microsoft says it officially.
Xbox trending?

Why do I get the feeling that Microsoft might be pulling off one of the most brilliant reverse psychology viral marketing stunts in history?

This is like some crazy meta conspiracy shit. I cannot even fathom how this could be good for Microsoft in any way.
Lets all be a little honest with ourselves. How many times in a calendar year was your Internet connection down, for an EXTENDED period of time? What's a bigger money loser, joe gamer who paid his $60+ for his legit copy of a game or mr. Fuck you imma pirate my shit cuz I don't give a fuck? You reap what you something,something...
Between my ISP going tits up, XBL being down and whatever interconnections there are between my ISP and MS being fucked up once in a while, I'd say something like 20 days over 2012. I won't even count 2013 considering I moved at the beginning of the year and lost fixed Internet for something like 3 weeks.

I have zero incentive to accept such a gratuitous regression and this will play a part in a purchasing decision.

When you're in product development, you're supposed to know the flaws and limitations of your product, how impactful they are and if they're worth whatever tradeoff you're making. The last think you want to do is deny these exist or can be impactful because you as a person haven't encountered them.
Microsoft must capitalize on this bad press and announce that the nextbox isn't always-online. "Not Always-Online" could be the "8GB GDDR5" megaton of their announcement event.


Hopsiah the Kanga-Jew
In case you haven't noticed, this is now going beyond just GAF. Mainstream media is picking up on it and it's the top story on Reddit right now. This is the point: it did used to be a fringe thing that only the most hardcore of gaming enthusiasts engaged in, but now it's starting to spill over into the realm of the masses.

Reddit really isn't mainstream media though. Mainstream media don't give much of a crap until its actually announced and they have something to actually report on that isn't rumour. Unless its the new iphone or whatever because the general public go batshit insane over any and all apple talk.


Of course he is in a lot of trouble, but you are saying that he isn't that high up and that we shouldn't give weight to what he said.

What I mean, is that people are taking his tweets as official Xbox Policy, and then assigning his position as Creative Director for all of Microsoft Game Studios. He could be a Creative Director on a Kinect app that lets you try on hats for all we know, had a liquid lunch and said some stupid shit.

The end result will be the same now. It's gone too far obviously, but the context is a little different in the telling.
Gotta say though it's not really his fault that he's being arrogant about this. I mean MS has made some pretty consumer unfriendly decision this gen with charging for online play and moving loads of things that are free on every other device behind a paywall. The result? Billions of dollars in revenue and the most users of any console online service. I'm sure he probably feels that regardless of this decision the next Xbox will probably still sell the best so he's in the right to be arrogant about it.

I don't know how wise it is to exclude the entire developing world where a solid consistent internet connection can be very rare.

While those countries don't make up a large market at the moment, their markets are growing quickly, and it comes across as extremely short sighted of a move to damage your brand in such territories where huge populations are entering the middle class and will be able to afford gaming consoles in the near future.
This is seriously stupid. I'm graduating so it doesn't directly affect me, but the school I go to doesn't permit students to register gaming consoles on the campus network. This means that the new Xbox would objectively be as useful as a brick as a gaming console, and even less so if I wanted to fend off intruders.
To be fair, your school's Internet policy is seriously stupid too. Do they stop you from using Steam on a laptop? How about the App Store on an iPad?

With regards to the OP, the guy comes across as an arrogant idiot. I hope Microsoft is doing some crazy good things with Live next-gen to warrant this.


Reddit really isn't mainstream media though. Mainstream media don't give much of a crap until its actually announced and they have something to actually report on that isn't rumour. Unless its the new iphone or whatever because the general public go batshit insane over any and all apple talk.

Stuff on Reddit and Facebook gets aired on Inside Edition.

Give it time if MS doesn't sort this mess out.


It never ceases to amaze me at how out of touch these people are. Seriously, what kind of bubble do they live in, that they really think EVERYONE has a constant internet connection at all times.

What's more, what happens when shit goes wrong on their end? You can't even make this kind of shit up.
Well i guess when they see the sales of their online only console they might wake up to themselves. Everything seems to be working out perfectly for Sony right now. Both nintendo and MS look like they're going to drop the ball while Sony is making the right moves.
Microsoft must capitalize on this bad press and announce that the nextbox isn't always-online. "Not Always-Online" could be the "8GB GDDR5" megaton of their announcement event.

So unconfirming terrible rumors makes for megatons now? Wat. Not even remotely the same. Now free Xbox Live (at least online play) on the other hand...
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