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Microsoft unveils Recall, and it's really creepy


Hello sir.
I'm a representative from Amazon and would just like to pop in for a moment to look around your home.
I just want to see what sort of interests you have so we can use that to compile a profile on you for marketing purposes.
After we have compiled a profile around your purchases. I'm then going to sell this profile to various other company's but unfortunately I cannot say to whom or when.

Sir, please you don't have to be hostile.
I only want to pop in for a moment. It's not an issue sir.
It's not like you have anything to hide, right!?




Gold Member
Yeah, I'm going to disable this one immediately. It's a cool feature, but I'll wait for the first articles of abuse and violations and see how this is handled.
Do you trust them when they say that disabling it actually disables it?

Stuff like this makes me realize that RMS was absolutely correct about closed source software, and is being used to enslave us.
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Yeah, I think I'll switch from Windows 10 directly to Linux. Most of the software runs in browsers anyway these days, and I only stuck with Windows because of gaming. But that changed quite a bit over the past few years, so...
I'm done with providing personal information and knowledge for services I'm paying for only so that big corporations can leak it without repercussions and make billions on top of it by training their AI models.


Do you trust them when they say that disabling it actually disables it?

Stuff like this makes me realize that RMS was absolutely correct about closed source software, and is being used to enslave us.
If I don't trust them to disable it, I would be thinking they're already doing this. Right now It uses a lot of data on hard drive, so you can easily monitor it or via network traffic.
With that said, I'm interested in what kind of metadata they'll be collecting on this.

I'm more worried this is going to be a policy that organizations can make mandatory on work PC's.
I do curse them for opening a pandora's box.
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As an EU citizen, I look forward to not having to care about any of this.
No wonder one of germany's states is moving away from the Microsoft stack. We'll see whether they'll succeed this time.

Also, just imagine what are they doing with the gamepass data..........
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Wonder if EU regulators will prevent this from rolling out in the EU.

Privacy-wise this is a thermonuclear disaster waiting to happen.
Here's the thing, companies usually don't give a flying fuck about the validity of their worries. Huge banks etc pass O365 as compliant after insane examinations of all rules etc, small companies just say "pass" to many worrisome things.

Melon Husk

I already take loads of manual screenshots and those go directly to the images folder. Recall wouldn't be an improvement to the current signal-noise ratio of what I'm saving, if anything it would be a detriment because I don't want everything saved.
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I can see where this would be hugely beneficial to schools, and a massive variety of businesses. Any place that relies on employees using computers, basically.
It would almost certainly be a way for CEOs to punish workers even more than they already do; but still, I can see where it would be useful.

Why anybody would ever want to record his/her own actions, however, is beyond me.
I use Nvidia's Shadowplay to record my desktop and games, but only when I actively want to save the clip. Having it just save everything all the time seems like a huge security issue; especially since you know this shit is going to be cloud-based in the long-run.


If I wasn't gaming on PC I would have switched to linux years ago. Instead I have to use a million tools and weird firewalls to feel a little safe about these evil fucks not spying on me and things keep getting worse and worse


GAF's Pleasant Genius
Yeah I'd rather not have Microsoft make and endless stream of screenshots of my desktop and feed them into a model, thank you very much.

What problem does this even solve?

This article does the best job it cans to use Trump as a scarecrow, but essentially agencies are left to self-regulate and can force people to spy on American citizens inside the U.S. bid ing said people to non-disclosure agreements. But yeah… China something something… CCP something something… credit history social score something something…

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
What do you fuckers see on your PC that you are so scared of people to see.

You will therefore consent with mandatory daily government searches on your premises as well as mandatory government run backdoors on all your devices right? You’ve got nothing to hide I assume? Or are you a criminal?

See how it’s problematic to try to characterize privacy advocacy like you did?

West Texas CEO

GAF's Nicest Lunch Thief and Nosiest Dildo Archeologist
They been did. It was always baked in.

That's why I'm glad that I switched to Linux a few years ago.


What do you fuckers see on your PC that you are so scared of people to see.

Not about what I see. Its about what they'll say i saw after the fact.

That no one will be able to contest or argue.

Imagine being able to digitally plant "evidence" you were on this or that website. Or sent this or that text.

I'll pass.


Golden Boy

Full article, Recall’s security is a joke 😂.
The funny part is that it can literally screenshot your passwords on websites that show them while you type, but deactivates when you view copyrighted content.
Digital Property is therefore more important than data security and personal information.
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I've never said this but this is finally a legit reason to push me to Linux for general use. Dualbooting to play games as needed isn't complicated...
rather than dual booting I think some virtual machines can have high speed gpu access, you could run windows within linux or use steam os to game.


The mask is off, windows is pure malware


this will be good when you are browsing porn in incognito and you can't find that one good vid you watched the other day tho
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