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Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor |OT| One Title to rule them all


For some reason I can't get into this. I love the concept, but the combat is just "ugh, another bunch of guys". Granted, I'm very early on. Does the combat feel less of a chore after a bit? The healing system is pretty frustrating as well. I've never been a fan of the Batman combat, but I've always managed in those games because of the great stealth, exploration and world-building.


Still loving the game, almost done with it now though, just in time to give Dust: An Elysian Tale a run. Here are some screens, also put some thoughts down on my blog:





For some reason I can't get into this. I love the concept, but the combat is just "ugh, another bunch of guys". Granted, I'm very early on. Does the combat feel less of a chore after a bit? The healing system is pretty frustrating as well. I've never been a fan of the Batman combat, but I've always managed in those games because of the great stealth, exploration and world-building.

I want to say "yes, the combat feels like less of a chore later" but if you plainly don't like the Arkham style system, then I'm not sure if you'll ever really take to this.

I guess the best you can do is try to focus on a few main story missions to let the system open up a bit (don't focus on sidequests until your abilities are stronger) and then see where you stand. Hopefully it turns around for you but maybe it just wasn't meant to be.


yeah, I like the multi-syllable chants, I had one similar and it had me grinning pretty widely, hehe.

I pulled the strings so that a guy named Dûsh or something could become warchief. That fight was hilarious cause of the chanting and it didn't disappoint. I took the time just to make it happen (already had all 5 warchiefs in my pocket, toppled one just to make room for this guy).

I'm a child at heart


I pulled the strings so that a guy named Dûsh or something could become warchief. That fight was hilarious cause of the chanting and it didn't disappoint. I took the time just to make it happen (already had all 5 warchiefs in my pocket, toppled one just to make room for this guy).

I'm a child at heart

Dush you say? :p

(The video shared from the last page)


Dush you say? :p

(The video shared from the last page)

Fuck yeah, this is it! I haven't been following the thread, my last post is from a little way back. But I did this too :)

Now I feel bad cause it looks like I'm just copying stuff, even though I didn't. :/
I guess there are a lot of childish assholes like me, I wanted to be special :(
Beat the game last night. Very underwhelming last bits.

Probably my GOTY though. Nemesis System too stronk. It naturally creates rivalries that a carefully crafted storyline wishes it could


Don't understand how my main rival still appears even after I finished the main storyline where I killed him (again). Kinda makes it feel like the orcs are too recycled, sometimes they should stay dead.


Don't understand how my main rival still appears even after I finished the main storyline where I killed him (again). Kinda makes it feel like the orcs are too recycled, sometimes they should stay dead.

Every Uruk you kill is actually someone else's Talion. Twist.jpg


Yeah I love those WWE-style intros, the chant even comes on when you're on Last Chance and makes it feel extra dramatic.

Anyone else still getting poisoned even while having the One With Nature DLC rune equipped? It's weird, I also had the non-DLC rune and it worked fine, never got the green health bar.
Just started playing this...I have a quick question

When you fight hordes of the enemy why do some get their own cutscene? When you're in the middle of fighting the horde all of a sudden one special one with higher health and power wants to kill me lol

EDIT: NVM it's because they're in Sauron's Army


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
I had huge performance problems during my extra life stream for this and Im not sure if its a SLI thing, or a stream thing, because my stream was being flaky with some stuff, and OBS doesnt work nice with MSI afterburner.

But benchmark tells me avg 100+ on Mordor with ultra textures and everything maxed with my i5 4690k, 16gb ram and 2 X gtx 970s, but during game I was getting HUGE drops, to the point where it was unplayable. I need to try it again later when im home without streaming to see if it was that, but im slightly worried, my rig should destroy any game, at least for now :(


So I finally pushed through the game and beat it today. Think I topped out somewhere along 43 hours. Only thing I didn't finish was a couple stronghold missions and the last two hunting challenges. Was a great ride, though I felt the ending was a bit too fan fictiony for me.


Finished this late last night and got the easy plat trophy this afternoon.

What a great game. Love the combat, you really get crazy powerful at the end of the game.

Large fights used to scare me off early on but later I was hoping for more orcs to show up each time lol.

Can't wait to see more from this series.


Just finished this last night. Really enjoyed myself with it, especially once it opened up to the second area. I loved the feeling I was getting once all of those Epic runes were stacked on; by the end I was getting back health, focus and 4 elf-shot on a single flurry/head explosion kill, with my execution chain charging at double speed and each execution also recovering health; glorious. Once I had an easy way to recover my elf-shot on the fly, no one could stop me Shadow Striking all over the battlefield! Also managed to get 25 kills with a single stealth chain trigger, which was probably the climax to my most satisfying Stronghold escape of them all.

The only gripes I had was the lack of a quest restart option on open world challenges (especially the dinky stealth challenges for the legendary dagger), and I wish they had introduced Branding way earlier (like, the end of the first area, per say). The mechanic of working your own troops through the chain of command was way too satisfying to leave until the last 4 missions.

the final two bosses (Tower and Hand); tiny bit of sneaking for the former and QTE for the latter? Screw that. There was a lot of room for a fantastic finishing mission with degrees of freedom, but ah well.

Despite those few issues, had a blast playing it and look forward to some more dicking around with the Nemesis System :D
Yeah I just finished it tonight. What an amazing game. One of the most polished games I've seen in awhile. Totally took me by surprise and left me well impressed.

as others have stated, the last two bosses were very underwhelming. Kind of got the feeling they might have been rushed at the end of development. But it's a minor gripe. The game is fantastic!
I am having a really hard time getting in to this game. I'm about 3 hours in or so and I feel like I'm just wandering around aimlessly with no real direction. The combat is fun, but I really suck at it.

There is a group of 4 named orcs that hang around each other...like I kept running into this group with this one chief, and I would get killed by someone different in the group each time and then whoever killed me would get promoted. Now there are 4 of the bastards all chumming around Mordor and every time I come across them they all gang bash me. Actually, this is pretty awesome when I think about it, but I'm still having difficulty getting into it.
I am having a really hard time getting in to this game. I'm about 3 hours in or so and I feel like I'm just wandering around aimlessly with no real direction. The combat is fun, but I really suck at it.

There is a group of 4 named orcs that hang around each other...like I kept running into this group with this one chief, and I would get killed by someone different in the group each time and then whoever killed me would get promoted. Now there are 4 of the bastards all chumming around Mordor and every time I come across them they all gang bash me. Actually, this is pretty awesome when I think about it, but I'm still having difficulty getting into it.

It'll keep getting better and better as you go along and easier. It's got great progression. Keep at it.


"hello?" "this is vagina"
Love the difficulty curve in this game. At the start I was trying so hard to be stealthy because large scale fights were so punishing, and any captains showing up were "NOPE" moments.

By the end, I would walk confidently into the front gate of a fort and just wreck shit yet stealth was still rewarded by the feeling of being an invisible hand guiding the action. I felt unstoppable and felt that I had earned it, unlike many games which flip from balanced to broken far too easily.

The main difference is that this game encourages you to make your own challenges and experiment with the systems, so the sense of play is still active even when the rewards shift. By the end you're so powerful it transitions from action game to something of a god game, instead of overcoming enemies you're guiding minions.

Both halves are incredibly satisfying and despite providing very different sensations the transition feels natural.

My only concern is that the supernatural powers that make the game so satisfying (arrow warp especially) corners Monolith into having to keep Talion and Celebrimbor. I would love a game set in the fall of Osgiliath or similar event, but the characters couldn't be inserted in that part of the canon without making a shit show of the lore. And playing as a mortal wouldn't work either as the mechanics hinge on resurrection and manipulation.


Yes the end boss gameplay was meh, but I thought the end cutscenes and story bits were really good, and well acted. Top five game this year for me.


Now that my wife has finished her playthrough, I get to begin! I'm not far in at all, but I absolutely love what I've played. The nemesis mechanic is awesome too, and I like how it encourages me to get revenge on enemies that have killed me a few times and ascended the ranks.

If the quality stays consistent, this could be my GOTY.


Still without luck
is there a way to turn off the tutorials in this game?

i cannot believe 6 hours in it's still telling me about the last chance QTEs


I am having a really hard time getting in to this game. I'm about 3 hours in or so and I feel like I'm just wandering around aimlessly with no real direction. The combat is fun, but I really suck at it.

There is a group of 4 named orcs that hang around each other...like I kept running into this group with this one chief, and I would get killed by someone different in the group each time and then whoever killed me would get promoted. Now there are 4 of the bastards all chumming around Mordor and every time I come across them they all gang bash me. Actually, this is pretty awesome when I think about it, but I'm still having difficulty getting into it.

- Do story missions and side missions to increase your power. Once you get to the point when you need to kill the warchiefs you'll have enough in your kit to take on bigger fights and badder captains.

- Don't be afraid to run away from early fights, especially when outnumbered

- When taking on warchiefs, pick off their bodyguards first in separate missions


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
cant seem to get a steady 60fps in this no matter what set up I try. SLI, no SLI, ultra textures, no ultra textures, always get between 45 and 60+, with some weird drops at times like turning the camera and shit

i5 4690k, 16gb ram and 2X gtx970 should be obliterating this game I would think. I mean once I get into it I basically forget it, until I get some nasty drop and am reminded, its mostly that "new tech lust" of thinking I should be getting better performance than I am


Try the in game borderless mode? That fixed a lot of my issues but I still had a couple dips and needed to turn down a few things for my 780, especially in the second area (I think I notched down vegetation and AO)
cant seem to get a steady 60fps in this no matter what set up I try. SLI, no SLI, ultra textures, no ultra textures, always get between 45 and 60+, with some weird drops at times like turning the camera and shit

i5 4690k, 16gb ram and 2X gtx970 should be obliterating this game I would think. I mean once I get into it I basically forget it, until I get some nasty drop and am reminded, its mostly that "new tech lust" of thinking I should be getting better performance than I am

Yeah Borderless mode worked a treat for a lot of people.

Are you sure it's not something else though? I have a much lesser system than you and it ran smooth as butter with everything up, at 1080p. I can even play with Ultra textures on and it just stutters here and there.

My specs:

>> Intel Core i5-4670 3.4GHz 6MB
>> 8gb DDR3
>> 770 GTX 4gb

What resolution are you running and, sorry for the obvious question, but are you running stuff in the background? Multitasking?
I don't know if I'm doing anything wrong but earlier I was about to join
Ratbag right after freeing him

I quit the game because I had to leave

Just started it and noticed I'm back to the main place you go when you die. Do I really have to walk ALL the way back to the mission to meet Ratbag again!?
picked up the platinum for it about an hour ago

what a fun ride

im hoping they'll make a sequel to this. just so much lore in this franchise.

well done monolith.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Yeah Borderless mode worked a treat for a lot of people.

Are you sure it's not something else though? I have a much lesser system than you and it ran smooth as butter with everything up, at 1080p. I can even play with Ultra textures on and it just stutters here and there.

My specs:

>> Intel Core i5-4670 3.4GHz 6MB
>> 8gb DDR3
>> 770 GTX 4gb

What resolution are you running and, sorry for the obvious question, but are you running stuff in the background? Multitasking?

im playing borderless 1080p :/

not much in the background... MSI afterburner...err Steam, browser on second monitor (not alot of tabs open usually), thats about it?

like I said, Ultra textures dont even affect the performance, just i cant maintain 60 whatever I try, drops to 50s and mid 40s alot, not even in combat, most of the time its out of combat or turning the camera.

is a official SLI profile still possible or its too late after the release now? I might just wait for that


I'm trying to defeat the 4 warchiefs in the first area of the game, it gets hard as hell. I've been trying for at least a couple hours. I've fought a warchief only to have like four other enemies come out that are captains or whatever. That's always pretty much the end of those fights haha I've killed 3/4 now though, about 9 hours in.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
one thing I really like so far, not having played much, is how you can fuck around with side shit and get all the upgrades...BUT only in the first tier, and eventually you are force to go out and do those story / red quests in order to get into the next upgrade tiers

So when someone kills you they go up in the ranks. Is there any point to this, I mean do they become more tougher to defeat?


Ok, can you got into more detail? Like higher HP?

you know when you collect intel on them, you see their strenght and weeknesses? they get more buffs I believe the higher they go (immune to this, immune to that, etc)
So when someone kills you they go up in the ranks. Is there any point to this, I mean do they become more tougher to defeat?

not really. captains can be killed individually without much trouble. warchiefs can be tougher especially if they have 2 or more bodyguards (captains) with them.

when a warchief gets to lvl 20 if you kill them you'll have a good chance of landing epic runes. knowing strengths/weaknesses, targeting them, death threats, taking advantage of their fears will increase your chance of getting one. an elite captain will take the place of any warchief you kill.


Neo Member
Beat the game twice and 100%'d it (stat-wise anyway, still got a few trophies to get) but photomode makes it fun to keep playing trying to find/ get cool shots, though admittedly I don't have the photographer's eye of the members here.




WTF is that ending

last 2 battles were trash personified. Cakewalk of a battle with an orc mob, Stealth Brand to win then ride a Caragor, another cakewalk battle another Orc mob and then quicktime to win........ WTF


Unconfirmed Member
WTF is that ending

last 2 battles were trash personified. Cakewalk of a battle with an orc mob, Stealth Brand to win then ride a Caragor, another cakewalk battle another Orc mob and then quicktime to win........ WTF

I think
Talion is so overpowered at that stage, the game decides to skip all the fighting part and tries to get down to the real thing (QTE must killl)
I am having a really hard time getting in to this game. I'm about 3 hours in or so and I feel like I'm just wandering around aimlessly with no real direction. The combat is fun, but I really suck at it.

There is a group of 4 named orcs that hang around each other...like I kept running into this group with this one chief, and I would get killed by someone different in the group each time and then whoever killed me would get promoted. Now there are 4 of the bastards all chumming around Mordor and every time I come across them they all gang bash me. Actually, this is pretty awesome when I think about it, but I'm still having difficulty getting into it.

I was in a really similar situation at that point in the game, about 3 hours in. I felt really disappointed in it and almost like I wasted my money on it. Here's what I did that kind of changed things around for me. I did a bunch of the white missions on the map, which earned points that I put int life upgrades, elfshot upgrades, and focus upgrades. With the focus being on life upgrades to try and survive battles longer. I also started doing the yellow story missions, focusing first on the Bright Walker ones with Gollum. I also spent time just practicing fighting, and picking off Uruks when I'd see like 2 or 3 just hanging out together. Once you start getting your life up, and get more abilities the game becomes a lot more fun. Those first 3 - 5 hours when you're just trying to get your character to not die after 2 or 3 hits can be really frustrating IMHO. Once you get there though it becomes a lot of fun. I'm definitely enjoying it a lot more now.

I guess I would kind of add to avoid captains till you've upped your health a bit, and done a few of the side and story missions.

Hope that helps.
I'm trying to defeat the 4 warchiefs in the first area of the game, it gets hard as hell. I've been trying for at least a couple hours. I've fought a warchief only to have like four other enemies come out that are captains or whatever. That's always pretty much the end of those fights haha I've killed 3/4 now though, about 9 hours in.

I was in a similar situation where I kept getting my arse kicked by Feldush because there were a handful of people with shields and I'd jump over one only to have another fuck me up. You can't just jump forever because there are guys with spears and crossbows slowly pecking at you.

What finally got me through it was there are two useful powers - one is the one that stuns the enemies when you jump over them (it allows you to give em a trumping whilst they're stumbling about, or at least allows you to forget about em. The other one is the hand-punching-the-ground thing (sqaure + X on the PS4), which knocks basically everyone down. This gives you a brief window to choose who you want to attack in that time, so maybe you take the opportunity to fuck up the archers or spear chuckers who keep peppering you. Do that a few times and then you can jump on the shield fuckers to stun them all you like because there isn't anyone shooting at you.


Just bought it from PSN. It said on the store page that it's 27Gb, but when I click the download icon it show 4.2 Gb. What's happening here?


May be I misunderstand something big time, but autosave is fucking annoying. I mean, I bitched all the time about games having no auto-save, but this game takes it to the extreme. Push Y by mistake and forward the time? Too bad.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
May be I misunderstand something big time, but autosave is fucking annoying. I mean, I bitched all the time about games having no auto-save, but this game takes it to the extreme. Push Y by mistake and forward the time? Too bad.

In what situation would this bother you?

Everything in this game is of such little consequence, I find it hard to believe that you can care.
Ugh, I have 4 slave missions left. None of them will show up on the map. I spent 3 hours running around clearing other missions just to see if any of the slave ones would pop up and take their place but no luck.
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