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Military officials got Trump ok on Yemen raid by saying Obama wouldn't have done it

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I don't know, Donny, big boys always eat their vegetables and execute poorly planned special ops raids in Yemen.



I never really processed what the guy on the left is doing there. I guess he's tearing off a printout (likely meant to be mobile faxing, since nobody saw the internet coming), then pressing the chicken sound effect button?

But yes, Trump is just an empty bag of insecurities that the vultures circling him are increasingly learning to exploit to advance their own agendas.


I'm struggling to believe this one, as Trump's response to any and all criticism has been "Obama did it first"

Its classic hypocrisy.

Shit on Obama and Dems for everything, they are the worst ever, I'm way better blah blah, to win.

Once you win, justify everything by "we are just going what Obama did!"

But all the while Trump know he is inferior and unworthy and a fucking idiot, so constantly trying to 1-UP Obama.

This guy is a fucking idiot. He has no idea what he is doing.


It's so sad that those 30 innocent civilians have lost their lives, their families broken and likely to become radicalised against the west because of this.

Everyone knows that Trump's a twat, but these military officials are also disgusting human beings for thinking the raid was successful, no consideration for humans - the brown ones anyway.

Just makes me depressed, even knowing this happens all the time.


Chief Petty Officer William “Ryan” Owens of SEAL Team 6 was mortally wounded and it was later revealed an eight-year-old US citizen Nawr al Awlaki, daughter of American-born al Qaeda leader Anwar al Awlaki, was also killed in the raid.

Trump keeping more campaign promises. Did say he wanted to kill terrorists' families.
Yes... Obama... who approved the Bin Laden raid... is totally a chicken when it comes to okaying military ops and needs to learn that he was a pussy about this stuff.

Dude approved the Bin Laden raid. Ballsiest decision in modern POTUS history. Trying to claim that Obama's a passive wuss on this kind of stuff is comical, so basically perfect for trying to goad Trump, lol. Trump wishes he had Obama's massive testicles, and just pretending to be smarter isn't how you prove yourself. "Hm, the guy who made the ballsiest covert ops decision in US history didn't think this was a sure thing and put it off. Meh, I'm sure it'll be fine."
So is there precedent for killing an 8 year old US citizen in a raid like this?



This girl's half-brother was killed in a drone strike in 2011. Sean Spicer can just use the same defence that the Obama administration used for killing a completely innocent American child and say the father (who had already died in a drone strike weeks earlier) should have been more responsible.

None of it really matters, she was just another brown person in a foreign land and that means she ain't shit no matter who is President.


Too bad Trump isnt taking it all the way and is still on with doing one thing Obama did, kill US citizens


Spicer just tried to claim it was an "intelligence gathering raid" and that it was "successful" after being asked about the supposed target of said raid mocking Trump. He said that person was never a target LOL.....these morons.


So if some guy just went up to him and said "Obama would never have the balls to nuke Iran"

we would all be supremely fucked, right?


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Masterful. Get him to do it because Obama wouldn't then blame Obama when the whole thing goes south. Republicans can't lose.
He didn't even assess the situation or even think about why Obama didn't want to do it. He acts before he think and sadly I would even be surprised if he uses the nukes just because Bannon told him that there are imaginary rockets coming for the US.


That's how the FSB got the prostitute peepee tape on him as well:

"Hey Donald, When Obama was visiting as president, he honored this famous hotel suite he resided in and was very careful to not mess up the historic bed matress where he slept alone with Michelle.


I think that the bigger takeaway from this isn't that Trump is incompetent. We already knew that from everything else he does. The bigger deal is that the people around Trump are evil and have little interest in things like how things are supposed to work in government.


I hope the media runs with this for awhile. Anything they can do to shake Trump and humiliate him will drive him crazy and maybe push him to finally do something to turn the GOP on him and impeach his ass. The narrative should be Obama took office and killed Osama bin Laden, Trump took office and screwed the pooch on his first military operation killing civilians, children and a US soldier and the bad guy got away on a mission Obama declined to do knowing it was going to fail. That headline will piss him off enough to hire hookers to pee on the presidential bed.
He was tweeting that morning as he blindly sent Americans to kill innocent men women and children. We lost one of our own too, and I'm sure he had plenty of things to say about valour and bravery to that poor man's wife and children.
A reality TV star ran for president purely out of an ego trip. He wanted the attention of being on TV, he wanted to feel important, he never had any intentions of winning or doing or accomplishing anything but he needed to get jerked off. Because he has a long, storied history of destroying companies, projects, people and lives to get that feeling of being jerked off.

And we elected him president. And now he's doing fuck all nothing without his handlers and people much more intelligent and craft than him pulling on his strings and telling him what to do.

We are so profoundly in the shit right now.


Unbelievable that the most powerful person in the world can be talked into things like a child.
When it was revealed Obama didn't sign off on the raid I just knew that this was mentioned to Trump, and was the reason he did approve of it.


Looking for meaning in GAF
Hey Trump, Obama wouldn't have the balls to admit gross incompetence and step down, firing everyone he appointed in the process.
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