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Military officials got Trump ok on Yemen raid by saying Obama wouldn't have done it

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I hope the media runs with this for awhile. Anything they can do to shake Trump and humiliate him will drive him crazy and maybe push him to finally do something to turn the GOP on him and impeach his ass. The narrative should be Obama took office and killed Osama bin Laden, Trump took office and screwed the pooch on his first military operation killing civilians, children and a US soldier and the bad guy got away on a mission Obama declined to do knowing it was going to fail. That headline will piss him off enough to hire hookers to pee on the presidential bed.

I'm Mitch McConnell and I don't critique the President(Trump).
So they used the South Park approach in actual real life? No wonder they decided to drop mocking him, everything they had regarding Trump in the season is coming true.


Mattis reportedly did this?


Possibly before the inauguration.

I really doubt Mattis would be so willing to put his troops in harms way like this. Even Mccain was saying that Mattis and then wouldn't have gone forward unless everything was in place. And remember it is Donald Trump who initiates this. No way he didn't push for this before the others. This is someone who told his generals to defeat ISIS in a month, to restart nuclear weapons development in the US, all that shit about NATO and defense of SK, Japan and Taiwan. This is a President who is out of his depth.


This sounds like a planned out white house leak to try and shift blame. This runs counter to everything in Mattis's career etc.

On top of that the story seems to be changing. It was reported before the reason Obama never pulled the trigger is they had a serious lack of on the ground intel and were waiting for more in depth intel to be acquired on what they could expect etc. Now suddenly they were just waiting for the right moon conditions?
And if it were Democrats in charge for this, we'd have another BENGHAZI on our hands and never hear the end of it.

I fully expect we will never learn how and why this happened.


If no targets and only civilians and a Navy SEAL were killed, how the hell did they spin this into it being "successful" ?
This is funny

But it's also a huge problem
The pentagon is not only run by militaristic types, but gambling ones
Given their head by Trump they are always going to Err on the side of aggression and extra risk.

Obama kept them on a leash. Trump over-reacts to the TV.
The raid on a suspected al Qaeda camp in a remote village in Yemen’s central Bayda province on 29 January was Mr Trump’s first military operation as Commander in Chief and the White House insisted it was “a successful operation by all standards”.

Thirty dead civilians, one dead Navy Seal and they didn't even get their target. How is this considered a remotely successful operation?!
I read the title and just burst out laughing because I didn't believe it.

Then I remembered, "oh right, this is Trump. Never mind."


This sounds like a planned out white house leak to try and shift blame. This runs counter to everything in Mattis's career etc.

On top of that the story seems to be changing. It was reported before the reason Obama never pulled the trigger is they had a serious lack of on the ground intel and were waiting for more in depth intel to be acquired on what they could expect etc. Now suddenly they were just waiting for the right moon conditions?

I read about the moon condition thing pretty early on


Looking for meaning in GAF
If no targets and only civilians and a Navy SEAL were killed, how the hell did they spin this into it being "successful" ?
By deliberately looking the other way and blaming the media for reporting it as such.

"I'm not wrong! You're wrong for saying I'm wrong! Take that back! Waaahhhhhh!!!!!"


What I don't understand is, why did the SEALs press on with the mission when they knew they were compromised while still en route?

Ollie Pooch

In a perfect world, we'd all be homersexual


30 dead civvies to the Trump admin means 30 less terrorists.

To be fair, counting all dead as the enemy has been standard US policy since at least the Vietnam war. Obama was guilty of this with drone strike death reports as well. Disgusting, irrespective of who is responsible for it


This sounds like a planned out white house leak to try and shift blame. This runs counter to everything in Mattis's career etc.

On top of that the story seems to be changing. It was reported before the reason Obama never pulled the trigger is they had a serious lack of on the ground intel and were waiting for more in depth intel to be acquired on what they could expect etc. Now suddenly they were just waiting for the right moon conditions?
Yep, there are a number of contradictions here that don't hold up under any amount of scrutiny. Would explain why the rest of the media hasn't picked up on it, either.

I'd give this more stock if it came from the Washington Post and not the Independent.
Yep, there are a number of contradictions here that don't hold up under any amount of scrutiny. Would explain why the rest of the media hasn't picked up on it, either.

I'd give this more stock if it came from the Washington Post and not the Independent.

Yea my bullshit liberal aimed fake news senses went off charts when I read that article.
The collateral damage of 30 civilians seems really high. Is any information out there on why 30 civilians were killed? Was the team ordered to kill everyone in that building? Was there an effort to separate civilians from the enemy?


In an 11-minute recording,
Al Qaeda leader mocks Trump after Yemen raid

AQAP leader Qassim al-Rimi condemned the January 29 raid, saying, "The new fool of the White House received a painful slap across his face


Ouch Trump. Even the guy that you wanted to kill is ridiculing you. Sad!


The collateral damage of 30 civilians seems really high. Is any information out there on why 30 civilians were killed? Was the team ordered to kill everyone in that building? Was there an effort to separate civilians from the enemy?

The article says that the place was altered to their presence and they probably could have picked a date with better conditions. At a certain point, shit just hits the fan.


This is funny

But it's also a huge problem
The pentagon is not only run by militaristic types, but gambling ones
Given their head by Trump they are always going to Err on the side of aggression and extra risk.

Obama kept them on a leash. Trump over-reacts to the TV.

This is so wrong. The military is one the most risk adverse institutions I have ever seen.


The collateral damage of 30 civilians seems really high. Is any information out there on why 30 civilians were killed? Was the team ordered to kill everyone in that building? Was there an effort to separate civilians from the enemy?

Nobody knows, because nobody (by and large) in this country cares. The only reason this is in the news is because of the dead solider. I'm not saying this to be a dick or because I lack empathy. It's just the reality of the situation.

Nothing makes this more clear than the list of 'terrorist attacks' trump put out last night that excluded the biggest attack -- 300 dead Iraqis.
The collateral damage of 30 civilians seems really high. Is any information out there on why 30 civilians were killed? Was the team ordered to kill everyone in that building? Was there an effort to separate civilians from the enemy?
They leveled the village dude , from attack drones , to cover their escape carrying a dead body.
This is so wrong. The military is one the most risk adverse institutions I have ever seen.
I think you are talking about how they plan for battles.
Not which battles they want to get into.
A military dictatorship will always choose fighting over almost any other solution. They don't build shiny toys as trump called them this week, to look at.


What I don't understand is, why did the SEALs press on with the mission when they knew they were compromised while still en route?

This is not how black ops or covert missions work. They are briefed on their mission and they do their jobs. People hate the term, "just following orders" but that is what they do. Unless it was something really unlawful, they have to follow whatever orders are given. Which is why you need people of sound mind providing intel and having accruate assessments of the situation.

Are they? Because all I heard about was how much everyone loved and trusted "Mad Dog" Mattis, and if this report is accurate he is unequivocally responsible for this massive blunder.

Do you honestly think Trump wouldn't authorize this or push for this? Everything you have heard about what a brash and act without thinking man Trump is versus Mattis who is held in high regard by everyone who has ever met him. Again, this was a President who couldn't even come to the Situation Room.

The collateral damage of 30 civilians seems really high. Is any information out there on why 30 civilians were killed? Was the team ordered to kill everyone in that building? Was there an effort to separate civilians from the enemy?

There are reports that it was far too heavily fortified and with civilians. You try and minimize casualties but in the dark of night with assault rifles, bullets fly fast and heavy. Additionally they had to destroy a down Osprey aircraft and also drag their dead Navy SEAL buddy's body back and were probably returning fire. This was a militant occupied compound remember.
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