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Milo Yiannopoulos is Going on Real Time with Bill Maher

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Winds me up whenever Milo is brought up there's always people who don't know about him, haven't been following his 'work' on tv and social media over the last few years but skimread some article about Ghostbusters and pop up with "He's not a nazi", "He didn't racially abuse anyone", "He shouldn't have been banned from twitter" etc. etc.

Is the widely circulated photo of him wearing a Nazi iron cross not enough of a rebuttal?

The guy is a scumbag getting rich off of being a scumbag thanks to shows like Maher.


Honorary Canadian.
They can get to Milo if they actually handle it the right way. But if Maher let's it turn into a shouting match it's gonna be pointless and he'll have just let yet another asshole come on his show for no good reason.

As far as whether or not Maher CAN handle him, I think he can. This is a dude whose blades were sharpened while being balls deep in Ann Coulter. If he can thrive there he SHOULD be able to dismantle Milo.

Should be entertaining though. I hope.
If anyone thinks Milo is going to walk away from this unscathed....


I think Milo having a platform where he talks unchallenged is a problem but having smart people call out his shit in real time is important.

Again. We live in a world where an imbecile was called out by smarter people frequently and on the world stage and now that person not only has loyal followers in millions but has expanded his influence and power exponentially despite pure ignorance.


It's pretty fucking insulting that you're acting like the victims of Milo's rhetoric are somehow living in their own little bubble and aren't facing hateful rhetoric every day. Regardless of how you feel on the matter you could at least empathize a little with people who are sick and tired of these ideas being given a large platform, but that would mean showing empathy to those people at all.

these ideas already have their own platform, this is how alternative news, blogs, fake crap started happening. So strategy of boycotting them on "real" news did not work, Trump won because then people turned to these half fake news sites that have a lot of fake news that then do even more damage.


Milo likely wouldn't have done the panel. That requires substantive input.
The 1 on 1 will likely not even focus too much on issues.

They will acknowledge their ideological differences while finding common ground. Bill will say it was dumb for liberals to protest you and make you more famous and will talk about his time he was protested from speaking at a University.

I don't think Bill is interested in a take down of this guy. Bill likes the unabashed provocateurs like Ann Coulter. It's only until you get them talking about issues of substance do you see Bill get fired up.

I thought Tomi Lahren was going to be a 1 on 1 but instead she was on the panel. Which was great because she just doesn't have the knowledge or skill to defend Donald Trump. 1 on 1 she can side step more but in a panel she was hilariously mocked.

Bill appreciates guests who come onto his show with significant ideological disagreements. And I don't expect any major humiliation of Milo.
This is all accurate.

Bill respects whoever comes on his show. He was kinda light on Tomi because she was out of her league and the panel hit her hard enough. Maybe in another 15-20 years she'll reach sage levels of bullshit like Kellyanne.
...then how could you possibly give into the idea that denying Milo Yiannopolous access to Bill Maher's show is somehow detrimental to public discourse.

Because public discourse isn't a forum. Even within that example, GAF doesn't even collectively agree on what's a bannable action or not. The moderators themselves don't either. There's some absolutely heinous shit on here that slides right by because it comes from the right side of an argument. Or is used as a weapon against someone the mod team doesn't like. Or comes from someone the mod team does like. When you begin to assume that the collective, or society, has decided something isn't worthy, you begin projecting your own opinions and confirmation biases.

The other issue is that you can't control all of public discourse like you can a private forum. The situation wouldn't be banning someone from the forum because they are troll; you'd be banning them from specific threads - but still allowing them to post in every other thread on the forum. You aren't removing them, you are disengaging from them - which is entirely different and where the actual problem lies.

Donald Trump was elected President after saying a dozen things a day that would have torpedoed anyone else's entire political career permanently. Obviously what you and I may believe to be unacceptable public discourse clearly isn't.

So trying to filter out the noise through disengagement isn't going to work. It doesn't work. It hasn't been working.

The war on ideology isn't won by shutting out the other side and hoping they get ignored, as much as we'd all love that to happen. It happens by dragging these idiots out of the corners they comfortably spout their bullshit from and convincing people to join your side. Not everyone is going to be convinced, sure. Hell, most people won't. But that shouldn't preclude you from even trying.

That's why we have shitshows like Bill Nye debating Ken Hamm over evolution. Everyone with a elementary understanding of science knows Hamm is utterly and completely full of shit, so why bother engaging him and his bullshit? Because a fucking crazy amount of people still either believe him, don't understand, don't care, or simply don't know. You do it because, when liberals present their arguments in a reasonable, professional manner, we always gain social traction. Maybe we only inform or convert 0.1%. But that's still 0.1% more than before.

But for some dumb reason, we are so fucking scared that 'giving them a platform', even though they already have several, will mean that people will join the wrong side and we'll lose traction, despite this almost never being the case. Nearly everytime we go head-to-head with staunch conservatives, we gain a little bit. That's why you do it. Not because it's the right thing to do, or the fair thing to do, or whatever other nonsense conservatives cook up for allowing hate speech. But because it fucking works.

Yeah, sure, there's always a bunch of people on the other side that will claim victory, or double down, or whatever. But those people will always exist and everyone needs to stop focusing on them. We're not moving the needle by absolutes. We're moving it by fractions of a percent. And no one has ever been convinced by continually screaming "You're fucking wrong" at them.


Getting tired of hearing how all ideas should have a platform and how all ideas should live or die on the merits of their own arguments.

It completely ignores the facts that hate is not bound by facts and that these ideas don't die. This mentality disproportionately benefits bigotry.

They know the majority is against them. They know this coming into the damn building. They've heard all of the same counter arguments before. They aren't there to convince the majority that disagrees with them. They are there to recruit more people by showing them there is an outlet that accepts their brand of hatred while other people keep letting this shit spread.
Because public discourse isn't a forum.

How isn't it?

I mean, the analogy obviously isn't one-to-one, (trying to find more relatable examples for people who seem dead set on arguing this from a contextless vacuum) but I'm unsure as to how public discourse isn't a forum.

Further, unsure why the assumption is that by preventing bad actors from making bad faith arguments on television (or any other public forum as such) you're 100% ignoring them.

Public denunciation of visible bullshit isn't ignoring. I don't have to have Milo Yiannopoulous post in his defense, or give him an opportunity to smear shit on the walls before I can take time to point out his garbage, just like you don't have to invite someone onto the board to state their case before you screencap a bunch of their repugnant horseshit for the sake of mocking/deriding it as the destructive, ignorant trash it is.

Bill Maher could make this man a highly visible, highly-derided punchline without ever having to put him on the show himself.
The amount of times "freedom of speech" has been invoked in this thread in regard to this whole nonsense of Milo being on Maher is mind numbing.

If you're watching Maher chances are fucking high you aren't someone who is "on the fence" and that this "debate" will sway you. All you're doing is introducing some unknown twat to people thus giving him more exposure even if they are repulsed by him. They'll still share videos and thus his presence is increased within American media. How is that a "loss" for Milo?

Not all opinions are worth debate and discussion; I hate this American ideology that emanated from news networks believing all opinions should be considered and given a platform to be heard under some nonsensical argument of "freedom of speech".

Only thing this "debate" does is legitimizes his platform as being equal to minorities wanting to be treated and granted the same equal rights as everyone else.

Keep in mind this is also a country where an overwhelming amount of people (liberal and conservative alike) believe that if you "ignore racism it goes away".


Milo is a fucking neo-nazi. That is beyond doubt at this point. I don't care that he's a gay man. Apparently he's found a way to square the fact that he's gay with being a fucking neo-nazi.

And Bill is no progressive beacon either, he's a libertarian. He'll be the first one to admit it.
The problem was that imbecile was being challenged by a career politician, something which the general poorly informed public are sick of.

You kind of made their point right there. The general poorly informed public as you put it are sick of experts. Hmmmmmm.

So again how do you debate Milo and his "ideas?" and sway the generally poorly informed public?
This is exactly what is needed in regards to Milo. I hope Maher tears him to pieces on live TV.
Milo won't get "torn to pieces" because Maher is an "anti-PC" fuckwad and Milo doesn't care about facts, logic, or reason. He just wants a stage to spew his bullshit. This is a net loss for everyone involved except for Milo, who gets exactly what he wants.
The problem was that imbecile was being challenged by a career politician, something which the general poorly informed public are sick of.

I personally think the only reason Trump got voted in was because of the lack of credible opposition, I think if Sanders was in competition with him, Trump would have lost.

And the general poorly informed public that fell in love with Trump are also sick of "elitist liberals" so I've got no idea why you think Bill vs. Milo will automatically make Milo a stooge in the eyes of the viewers.
hah yea probably. Not sure why Maher is even bothering with this.

The target for this debate isn't Milo followers. It's people in the middle who would otherwise get sucked in. Better to have Milo get torn apart in an interview than be able to just rant unchecked through his many existing media outlets. Why not force him to debate somebody who can call him out on his bullshit?


Your entire basis for arguing against it is flawed, because -

You're operating as if logic and reasoning is going to dismantle their arguments. It won't, it doesn't, and it hasn't. The left weren't just patting themselves on the back. They fact-checked, and tore down every poorly-phrased word salad that Trump spewed out. That's how 'alternative facts' were born. A phrase that should have absolutely zero relevance in modern discourse, but was legitimized and is here to stay. The same now applies for Milo, Bannon, and the rest of them.

It's not like I don't see what you're trying to say! But, we've seen a considerable shift in the overall conversation that has illuminated quite a lot about how they clawed their way to success. What you're thinking is, unfortunately, divorced from the reality we live in now.
This was a good post! Point well...well made.

I guess, I still have hope (call me an optimist), that reason, thought, facts, and truth will eventually erode this bullshit down.

While in a flash instance (like this atrocious election cycle), I think it was already out of the bag and too late to really do anything about the alternative facts reality (as you say...and yup..you are right)...

I have hope and optimism that over time...bit by bit...reason will overcome.

It has happened before in human history...it will happen again.

Im not looking for a Eureka moment with any of these jokers...just the constant tide of solid facts....over...and over...and over...(Because thats what they did with their alternative facts...over...and over...and over....not beign checked until the barbarians were at the gate).


Real TIme is Maher's show. He can get anyone he wants to be guests. He's had tons of shitty people like Romney, Coulter, Johnson, bunch of repubs and more. If he want Milo, so be it, I personally applaud it. It's his choice and that choice will stay a choice no matter how many times gaf or any other person calls Milo a nazi.

In the regards of him being a nazi, can anyone please link me up with some statements/comments Milo has said/written that makes him a nazi?


"If Mr. Yiannopoulos is indeed the monster Scahill claims — and he might be — nothing could serve the liberal cause better than having him exposed on Friday night.”

He's right about that, very right. He'll be challenged on the show, I believe.


Can those liberals be more of a cry baby?

Maher needs people like Milo on his show if only to actually show people how insane their views are.

This entire damn election was filled with the media giving insane people a platform to spout their nonsense on.

There is a difference between having a Republican with crazy views on to debate and someone like Milo, who is nothing more than a hate monger.

He does not deserve the time of day. He has no views worth debating.


I earned 100 Gamerscore™ for collecting 300 widgets and thereby created Trump's America
I'd feel better about this if he had to sit on the panel sandwiched between Wilmore and someone who isn't Jack Kingston.


Real TIme is Maher's show. He can get anyone he wants to be guests. He's had tons of shitty people like Romney, Coulter, Johnson, bunch of repubs and more. If he want Milo, so be it, I personally applaud it. It's his choice and that choice will stay a choice no matter how many times gaf or any other person calls Milo a nazi.

In the regards of him being a nazi, can anyone please link me up with some statements/comments Milo has said/written that makes him a nazi?

The fact that it's his show doesn't mean we can't criticize him for making shitty decisions about it.
Real TIme is Maher's show. He can get anyone he wants to be guests. He's had tons of shitty people like Romney, Coulter, Johnson, bunch of repubs and more. If he want Milo, so be it, I personally applaud it. It's his choice and that choice will stay a choice no matter how many times gaf or any other person calls Milo a nazi.

In the regards of him being a nazi, can anyone please link me up with some statements/comments Milo has said/written that makes him a nazi?
He writes for Breitbart and wears / wore a Nazi Iron Cross as a fashion statement.

Good enough for me!

How the fuck does Maher get off saying "If this guy is a monster" as if there isn't irrefutable evidence readily available of him being a total shitstain? This is an unprincipled ratings move for Real Time, nothing more.
Real TIme is Maher's show. He can get anyone he wants to be guests. He's had tons of shitty people like Romney, Coulter, Johnson, bunch of repubs and more. If he want Milo, so be it, I personally applaud it. It's his choice and that choice will stay a choice no matter how many timesm gaf or any other person calls Milo a nazi.

In the regards of him being a nazi, can anyone please link me up with some statements/comments Milo has said/written that makes him a nazi?

No one is debating whether or not he has the right to do it...

We're debating whether or not he should do it and whether or not we agree with his decision or not.

We're also debating on how intelligent Maher really is by allowing this.

My verdict. Not very.

Guess Who

Because of Milo's views are as hateful as people are suggesting he will bury himself, debating these people will bring it out of them, it always does.

The only way to defeat evil is to show it to the world, you can't try and protect people from it and expect them to learn how evil they are, that's how they gain traction and momentum.

If Milo is as bad as people say he is then let him destroy himself, let him debate some intelligent individuals who challenge him on his bullshit and what he believes in.

and yet donald trump is still president of the united states, because this doesn't actually work
Milo is not being given much of a platform as Real Time is at an exposure level he already attained long ago. It's not like Bill is giving some random Nazi from rural Florida an interview - people at Milo's level need to be called out at their own level and I hope a verbal beat down is the result of his appearance.
lots of people beyond millennials don't know who Milo is.

many people don't know why there was a massive protest at Berkley.

Maher will expose Milo to better educate everyone what a piece of garbage Milo is.

Milo is going to get raked through the coals; especially if Maher picked quick witted guests to destroy Milo
This isn't a public discourse. It's a talk show.

How isn't it public discourse? I'm confused how this connection isn't being made. It's discourse, made public, spurring further conversation.

For the purposes of the scaled-down analogy (which again, was made in an attempt to provide some sort of relatable context to people inclined to argue from a contextless vaccuum) what principles aren't lining up here?

This goes back to the notion from earlier that people would rather argue on behalf of those percieved to have been unfairly wronged by the pretentious and presumptious (as that P.O.V. is somehow more relatable to them) than to consider any option that denies access to a visible platform to people who have already proven they have no intention on acting in good faith.

What's important for these people isn't the open denunciation of these obviously disgusting behaviors/philosophies, it's that they appear to be fair while ceding the floor to bad actors.

Again: The pseudo-intellectual's argument for anti-intellectualism.
When we stop treating debate of important issues as bite-sized Running Man-style entertainment, where everything has to be boiled down to simple arguments to be yelled over one another, then maybe discourse in this country can move forward again.

Until then, shows like these will only offer platforms for people to propagandize.
Platform is a weird word for this. Do you think Milo is just going to be able to spout whatever he wants unchallenged?
You can't use logic and earnest debate to "challenge" stuff that isn't based in reality to begin with.

No matter what happens on that show, Milo will walk out of the room believing he won. That's all that matters. There is no actual value to having him on.
I agree with this, I posted a video about this yesterday it was about dangerous ideas from roaming millennial, I think she is moderate/conservative leaning and whilst I really think the term "regressive" is better than "SJW" for a number of reasons, I think she makes some very valid points, she is wrong on some things but this is the point of trying to listen to both sides and it's why I can respect Maher for doing this.

Here is the video I was watching, just in case you wish to view it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LxfUJmgiAvo

If they are as bad as people are saying then let them die by their own sword.

Yeah, I do agree with a lot of what she said.


Milo is many things, but he's not dumb. I'm fully expecting him to tone down some of the bullshit and just focus on his gripes with the "regressive left" and Islam. And Maher will agree with him. Hopefully they put the spotlight on the vile stuff Milo has said/done in the past, but I'm not convinced that'll happen.


ignoring or trying to censor Milo is the opposite of what liberals should do.

He has some specific bullet points he touch everytime, like balck on black crime, women outnumbering man in colleges, etc. Just combat the points. Bring him on the show, destroy his arguements. People listen to him, so show them why they shouldnt.

Censoring him paints a picture of people who are scared by his discourse. WHy should we be scared of what he says? Its all easily debateable. So go show that

I dont like bill maher, he never brings anything relevant to the table in interviews, but really just wants to ask his guests why dont they agree with his points, I hope he fleshes milo out better. People need to see that guy for what he really is trying to spread. And its not acceptance.


Here, in Hungary, a far-right politicial view sprung up, called Jobbik.
What did the liberal-controlled media do back then? Basically banned their politicians from coming to the TV shows to be interviewed. No one(!) (from the media and the politicians) took them seriously. They were not invited to debates, shows. (Or just at the bare minimum level, like once or twice before elections).

There were no debates with them, no real discussions publicly with different political views.
Fast forward 6-8+ years, and Jobbik is now the second(!) biggest party in hungary, with antisemitism and racism basically the norm in everyday conversations. People spout "jew" or "roma","liberal" or "gay" faster than you could blink upon even small confrontations.

The irony of this is that jobbik is now sorta normalized, with antisemitic forces slowly being forced out of the party, while the current authocratic regime is more far-right than they are currently. And for years, they could say "fuck the media for conspiring against us".

That is where lack of debates and "not talking to them" brings to the table. It is ideologically sound, but it does not help in the fight against far-right views. They will find their ground on Facebook, on closed groups instead. And there are no liberal voices to fight against such propaganda in echo chambers.

So yeah, I am glad Maher has Milo on his show. If his "performance" is anything like Tomi Lahren's a few weeks ago, he will have a few sentences, one or two "fights" at best without real points, and then he will be forced to laugh at Maher's monologues as usual. :D
Milo won't get "torn to pieces" because Maher is an "anti-PC" fuckwad and Milo doesn't care about facts, logic, or reason. He just wants a stage to spew his bullshit. This is a net loss for everyone involved except for Milo, who gets exactly what he wants.

If the purpose is to just have a discussion with the nazi, then it's a mistake.
When he gets challenged on his BS, attention-seeking stances, he gets exposed and he ends up looking ridiculous. He got exposed bad on the Joe Rogan podcast and if Maher can do the same, it's gonna chip away at him more and more.

You can't shut people like him that have a different view on things. You need to talk to them, understand them then challenge them and maybe expose or change them in the process.

Banning someone or tossing them aside is not helping anyone.
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