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Milo Yiannopoulos is Going on Real Time with Bill Maher

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Stormy Grey
Can those liberals be more of a cry baby?

Maher needs people like Milo on his show if only to actually show people how insane their views are.

The entire election cycle was won on 'insane views' being legitimized and given screentime. And thanks to that, those who hold those beliefs were emboldened. The situation is worse than it ever has been.

I wish it was that easy, but it doesn't exactly work how you think it does.


I agree with this.

The right talked like the left were communists taking over with death camps for 8 years. Now that we face actual white supremacists and neo-nazis, we need to confront them in public about these real beliefs for all to see. This is how we pierce the bubble and let some reality in.

Yep. I'm willing to bet a large portion of the conservative/right movement have no idea how awful this person is, and how much of a negative impact he's having on society. I think if the uninformed side sees shit like this, we can have more people turn against him and publicly denounce him as a legitimate voice.


The entire election cycle was won on 'insane views' being legitimized and given screentime. And thanks to that, those who hold those beliefs were emboldened. The situation is worse than it ever has been.

I wish it was that easy, but it doesn't exactly work how you think it does.
Yep it does not work at all.


See this interview as evidence that conventional debate is fruitless with this asshole: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jkrY6Ny7pMg

Now imagine him on Maher's show with no cuts to his indefensible retweets with condemning narration. There is a 100% chance of him making a fool of Maher. And I can't believe there are so few people here that can see this. It's frustrating.

Yeah, well, its Maher's show...so if he wants him on there, go for it.


Totally agree with Maher. Let him live or die by his ideas in the court of public opinion. If his ideas are wrong or bad, let them shown to be such. The truth should never have to fear a lie.

I like the Intercept and what it does but the notion that free thinkers in a free society have no option but to silence Yannapopolopis or whatever his name and that we shouldn't engage with and critically evaluate his thinking is regressive.
Theres nothing worth engaging in a man who verbally abuses and outs transgender kids and compares black women to gorillas.

There is no valid belief system hidden in Milo Yannapopolis' head. He's just another hatemonger and its time we stop pretending their behavior is normal or worth an ounce of respect.

These aren't the people that have earned a spot at the debate table. Treating him like he's a legitimiate pundit and giving him airtime is ridiculous.

He can beg for attention and talk about how mentally deranged trans people on his own websites but nobody sane should be giving him the time of day.
And what would the benefit be of ignoring them? Would somebody like Ann Coulter just go away if Maher never invited her?

Considering she only ever shows up on TV to pimp her books and self-promote, yes I do believe that a reduction in TV appearances for that waste of oxygen would damage her financially the end result of which would be her finding some other way to make money now that hosts aren't freely giving her advertising. Same with Milo.


The entire election cycle was won on 'insane views' being legitimized and given screentime. And thanks to that, those who hold those beliefs were emboldened. The situation is worse than it ever has been.

I wish it was that easy, but it doesn't exactly work how you think it does.

No...no it isn't. That is exactly what didn't happen.

Brietbart, Fox..Drudge, Rush, Infowars...all went relatively UN-checked. They expanded their platform while the left patted themselves on the back. NOT the other way around.

The people and these platforms went largely ignored by the elitest left, and they lost an election because of it.

Ignoring harder is not going to work.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
When was this? I don't recall Bannon being on Real Time.


What's scary is how normal he sounded. I remember that episode.

That's one danger of having guys like Milo and Bannon on tv. However I blame Bill for not being prepared and not being tough enough. I don't have a problem with having them on but I do have a problem if you waste the opportunity to destroy these fuckers on national television.
Totally agree with Maher. Let him live or die by his ideas in the court of public opinion. If his ideas are wrong or bad, let them shown to be such. The truth should never have to fear a lie.

I like the Intercept and what it does but the notion that free thinkers in a free society have no option but to silence Yannapopolopis or whatever his name and that we shouldn't engage with and critically evaluate his thinking is regressive.

His ideas and or thoughts have already been proven to be wrong yet he continues to spout this kind of stuff...

So then what do we do? Just keep letting it happen? What's the end point when they have been empirically proven wrong but still want to say these things?


Here we are, a month into donald's presidency and people still think publicly debating fascists will result in them losing support. Exposure of any kind, especially born from misguided democratic ideals is a net positive for the fascist and only spreads their message.


Usually I wouldn't care who went on the show but from the little I watched last week, Piers Morgan was getting the better of Maher. If he's going to have Yiannopoulos on his show please be agile enough to shut some of his nonsense down.


His ideas and or thoughts have already been proven to be wrong yet he continues to spout this kind of stuff...

So then what do we do? Just keep letting it happen? What's the end point when they have been empirically proven wrong but still want to say these things?

Then you keep proving them wrong so they have less of a chance of capturing susceptible minds
I think the interview will probably be a mixture. Maher is going to agree with him on stuff like the left getting too authoritarian and regressive. A lot of people do. Almost no one thinks the Berkeley riots over Milo were a good thing, for example.

But then they will probably get into his views on religion or homosexuality or transgenderism, and probably Maher will realize how twisted and confused some of Milo's thinking is. I mean, isn't Milo a gay man who believes in religion and that he is sinning by being gay. He's clearly fucked up in some ways. Joe Rogan realized this when he went on his show.
Milo likely wouldn't have done the panel. That requires substantive input.
The 1 on 1 will likely not even focus too much on issues.

They will acknowledge their ideological differences while finding common ground. Bill will say it was dumb for liberals to protest you and make you more famous and will talk about his time he was protested from speaking at a University.

I don't think Bill is interested in a take down of this guy. Bill likes the unabashed provocateurs like Ann Coulter. It's only until you get them talking about issues of substance do you see Bill get fired up.

I thought Tomi Lahren was going to be a 1 on 1 but instead she was on the panel. Which was great because she just doesn't have the knowledge or skill to defend Donald Trump. 1 on 1 she can side step more but in a panel she was hilariously mocked.

Bill appreciates guests who come onto his show with significant ideological disagreements. And I don't expect any major humiliation of Milo.
Can't go around labeling people neo-nazi, and expect everyone to fall in line with that. I honestly believe that he's labeled that just to be able to justify censoring him. He has extreme dissenting views from the left, but I think his voice deserves to be heard.

For the sole reason that a lot of people agree with him.

Hearing what he has to say is an effective way to educate myself on the ways that people think. I want to know why they think that. (Besides "he's a piece of shit that's why") It's interesting, and personally valuable to absorb that information to be broken down for myself.

If you want to hear what he has to say, you could easily just look up any of his previous statements or media appearances. It's not like him going on Bill Maher's program is his first chance to declare and defend these new ideas of his or something.


Here we are, a month into donald's presidency and people still think publicly debating fascists will result in them losing support. Exposure of any kind, especially born from misguided democratic ideals is a net positive for the fascist and only spreads their message.
Yep nothing to gain here at all.


And this exact response is why the alt-right likes this guy so much. You didn't respond to any of the other terrible things said, just the "GOTCHA! HE'S GAY WE HAVE A GAY ONE THAT MEANS WE'RE OK" trap.

Very fair point, can't argue with this.


Theres nothing worth engaging in a man who verbally abuses and outs transgender kids and compares black women to gorillas.

There is no valid belief system hidden in Milo Yannapopolis' head. He's just another hatemonger and its time we stop pretending their behavior is normal or worth an ounce of respect.

These aren't the people that have earned a spot at the debate table. Treating him like he's a legitimiate pundit and giving him airtime is ridiculous.

He can beg for attention and talk about how mentally deranged trans people on his own websites but nobody sane should be giving him the time of day.
Here is what Im saying. He doesn't need you or any other opposer to "legitimize" jack shit. He will spew his filth unchecked and gain more support for it.

This was part of the rise of Trump strategy and why he (and others) have been able to defy the laws of political gravity. They indeed didn't need legitimization, or care about whatever anyone called them. They kept at it. Kept spewing, kept going unchecked...and look what happened.

Ignoring this will just let it get stronger.
Usually I wouldn't care who went on the show but from the little I watched last week, Piers Morgan was getting the better of Maher. If he's going to have Yiannopoulos on his show please be agile enough to shut some of his nonsense down.

Morgan came off like an annoying asshole even to my wife who never heard of him and didn't already know he was an annoying asshole.


If only someone had just beaten Trump in, I don't know, three different debates, he totally wouldn't be president right now


When will people learn that engaging trolls never works. As long as the troll continues trolling and getting people riled up, they are perceived to win because they are playing by rules other than logic

You ban those fools and don't look back

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
Exposing and debating his shitty views seems to have worked fine then, only landed him one of the highest positions in the country after all.

He didn't talk about his shitty views during that show, at least nothing the shit he says now.

Breitbart is what got him to the white house.


Milo likely wouldn't have done the panel. That requires substantive input.
The 1 on 1 will likely not even focus too much on issues.

They will acknowledge their ideological differences while finding common ground. Bill will say it was dumb for liberals to protest you and make you more famous and will talk about his time he was protested from speaking at a University.

I don't think Bill is interested in a take down of this guy. Bill likes the unabashed provocateurs like Ann Coulter. It's only until you get them talking about issues of substance do you see Bill get fired up.

I thought Tomi Lahren was going to be a 1 on 1 but instead she was on the panel. Which was great because she just doesn't have the knowledge or skill to defend Donald Trump. 1 on 1 she can side step more but in a panel she was hilariously mocked.

Bill appreciates guests who come onto his show with significant ideological disagreements. And I don't expect any major humiliation of Milo.

Lahren is a joke. She barely said shit that show because she can't cover politics for shit outside of what is written for her. She sounded like she was coached by a PR person in what not to say to Maher or the panel, and didn't say much because she knew she couldn't win any argument. 100% manufacturered because being blonde and loud is a Fox News trademark...

Milo on the other hand seems to know he's a piece of shit. I don't think it's a good thing that he's on the show. But I'm still interested in how it turns out. May or may not decide if I ever give Bill's show the time of day again.


Real Time is a circus show like Fox News. I blame the show as much as I blame the country for being stupid enough to want to see this garbage.
People saying this is fine because Maher will just "destroy" him or "make him look like a clown" don't understand Milo's shtick at all. He excels at playing rhetorical games and bullshitting, you're not going to win a "debate" with him just like how you aren't going to get a straight answer from Kellyanne Conway.


One other thing is that Bill's show is filmed in front of a live audience that heavily, HEAVILY skews liberal. They boo at the drop of a hat. And Bill reacts to AND with them. I think if it's a 1 on 1, the audience may be the bullshit filter.
If only someone had just beaten Trump in, I don't know, three different debates, he totally wouldn't be president right now

That's really the fucked up part isn't it? Trump was made a fool of multiple times for the actual content or lack thereof of his words and people still came away from multiple debates, TV appearances and gaffes saying "He won." Or "He seemed very endearing there" or "He convinced me". Despite failure, people still latched on to his BS rhetoric just like they will with Milo no matter how badly Bill plans to "school" him.



No one knew about Bannon until he became head of Breitbart. He was a "filmaker" at the time and as far I know didn't publicly say any of his racist shit before he got to Breitbart.

I mean, look at the films he made

Real Time is a circus show like Fox News. I blame the show as much as I blame the country for being stupid enough to want to see this garbage.

I wish I could be as enlightened as you, but I'm stuck in my moron garden, surrounded by all the other dumb potatoes who want to see this garbage.


Stormy Grey
No...no it isn't. That is exactly what didn't happen.

Brietbart, Fox..Drudge, Rush, Infowars...all went relatively UN-checked. They expanded their platform while the left patted themselves on the back. NOT the other way around.

The people and these platforms went largely ignored by the elitest left, and they lost an election because of it.

Ignoring harder is not going to work.

Your entire basis for arguing against it is flawed, because -

If only someone had just beaten Trump in, I don't know, three different debates, he totally wouldn't be president right now

You're operating as if logic and reasoning is going to dismantle their arguments. It won't, it doesn't, and it hasn't. The left weren't just patting themselves on the back. They fact-checked, and tore down every poorly-phrased word salad that Trump spewed out. That's how 'alternative facts' were born. A phrase that should have absolutely zero relevance in modern discourse, but was legitimized and is here to stay. The same now applies for Milo, Bannon, and the rest of them.

It's not like I don't see what you're trying to say! But, we've seen a considerable shift in the overall conversation that has illuminated quite a lot about how they clawed their way to success. What you're thinking is, unfortunately, divorced from the reality we live in now.


If anyone thinks Milo is going to walk away from this unscathed....


I think Milo having a platform where he talks unchallenged is a problem but having smart people call out his shit in real time is important.
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