The idea that people shutting out Trump's campaign is what made him win is revisionist crap. When was Trump pushed aside or ignored instead of being given the spotlight during the election whenever he said something controversial? I can't think of any time that happened, probably because it never did.
Every single time Trump said something crazy or stupid, his surrogates were there to defend him in debates and arguments with other commentators. This election is the last example you could use to illustrate the dangers of ignoring people.
I would say that the election does a illustrate one of the points I was trying to make.
Trump was very often not
directly confronted with most of the bullshit he said. Because when he said it, he was largely surrounded by the alt-right, conservatives, and his base - even well into the general election. He intentionally avoided, as many conservatives do, engaging directly with people who staunchly disagree with them in a neutral, or left-leaning forum. They play only on their turf because they know,
they all know, that
making an ass of yourself is infinitely more damaging than the other side
calling you an ass.
Their playbook has been to say whatever-the-fuck they want and when we attempt to call them out on it
after the fact, they play the victim. They claim we made it up, they didn't say that, we edited it, we're twisting what they said, taking them out of context, and any other number of excuses. And, for the most part, it tends to work because it's all happening after the fact with second and third hand accounts.
What tends to work just as well, for us, is confronting them directly and letting them make an ass of themselves
in front of people, specifically people who aren't already drinking their Koolaid by the damn gallon. When the media and Hillary actually did this to Trump, he either dropped in numbers or he bailed the fuck out of the interview as fast as he damn well could.
That's really the only difference I see being argued in the thread. Some people think it's better to, inasmuch as you can, dissuade the dissemination of shit ideas lest they spread further while calling out shit ideas from a second or third person account. And some people think direct confrontation, even if we give shit ideas the opportunity to potentially spread, is a more effective tool in the overall battle of ideologies.
Given the pace of the thread so far, I doubt we'll come to terms on these two actions.
Compare how we handled post WW2 Germany vs how we handled post civil war southern U.S.
Let me tell you about how we handled post-WW1 Germany...because you may be surprised to find this example actually works
heavily against you.