Again, no one is saying to sweep him under the rug. You can tear him down without having him on and giving him the platform to extend his reach.
Also, for Trump, he was torn to shreds and fell into every trap set for him in three nationally televised debates, probably the most watched in history, and guess what happened?
What's the point of having only people that he agrees with on his show? In this case maybe some idiots will tune in to watch and will start questioning their beliefs.
I watch Maher but expect Milo followers will have a video on YouTube called "Milo destroys Liberal Maher and drinks Liberal Tears" after the show.
He already has a lot of power. Did you miss how his book skyrocketed to #1 on amazon recently? And he's all over the news.
Oh well let's just keep sweeping under the rug until it's too late, that'll work! Worked with Trump.
He already has a lot of power. Did you miss how his book skyrocketed to #1 on amazon recently? And he's all over the news.
Oh well let's just keep sweeping under the rug until it's too late, that'll work! Worked with Trump.
Maher has had right-wing scumbags on his show for the past 20 years. Why is this suddenly the straw that breaks the camels back for most people?
I think there's a difference because he's hosting a straight up troll. Those other right wing people probably believe what they're saying, not just spouting it for attention. But maybe I'm wrong on that (maybe he's hosted trolls in the past). Either way, this sort of behavior should not be encouraged.
"don't feed the troll", in person.
Half the people he's had on are only in it for the exposure and money.
The difference between Coulter and Milo is that Milo actively tries to ruin peoples lives.
So he should just go unopposed, never challenged besides protestors. Okay.
Honestly I expect Maher and Milo to circle jerk each other about liberals censoring free speech on college, because Maher was dropped from colleges for his anti-Muslim comments. I don't expect any genuine debate or exchange of ideas.
An army of trolls which means pretty much nothing. I would never be too afraid of them.
So Milo and his goon squad is not something I would be afraid
Real evil is not some loudmouth troll.
Milo forced a trans student to quit school because he was given a public forum. So this statement is pretty much bullshit.
Milo being a troll is actually all the more reason not to have him on to "debate" shit.
How does that saying goes? "Don't argue with an idiot, he'll bring you down to his level and beat you with experience".
There is literally nothing to be gained from this.
He isn't interested in genuine exchange of ideas, and about 0% of the people drinking his Kool Aid will change their mind because Bill Maher "owned him" on TV.
Milo though. I mean, you don't feed the trolls :\
All this Nazi talk only gives him importance he actually does not have.
Milo forced a trans student to quit school because he was given a public forum. So this statement is pretty much bullshit.
He used to call himself Milo Wagner.
Milo will appeal to Maher's Islamaphobia and Maher will say he's not that bad.
the guy is nothing by a provocateur
Real rap, Maher saw Milo's book sales on Amazon climb after one of his followers shot a dude, saw self-proclaimed liberals cry passionately about the value of giving Milo a platform after he went to a school to harass a trans student, and saw dollar signs and ratings dance in front of his eyes.
Das it mane
Did any of those assholes deliberately out people and direct violence at tangible real - life targets?Maher has had right-wing scumbags on his show for the past 20 years. Why is this suddenly the straw that breaks the camel's back for most people?
Carrying around Nazi memorabilia is not in the least bit suspect to you and then making anti-Semitic statements?Yeah I've seen that picture enough times already thanks.
It doesn't make him a nazi for reasons already given by other posters, and if for no other reason that the guy is nothing by a provocateur (even though that symbol isn't even provocative). I mean really, that picture is your argument? Like what the fuck? Is someone gonna call Leigh Alexander a nazi for her "sexy SS uniform" rant now too?
If you're gonna tear this guy down at least do it with good arguments instead of mindlessly repeating "nazi! nazi!"
You're living in an alternate reality if you think talking to him is going to be productiveSuggesting that it may be productive to confront Milo is a far cry from what you said, but feel free to keep making statements that have no basis in reality
Couldn't agree with Oprah more.Yea, and
is what she got out of it.
Some people just shouldn't be given a platform, simply because doing so does more harm than good.
Here's her saying it in an article on it:
The Forsyth County taping, which included a crowd full of racists spewing their opinions to Winfrey, inspired a later, more infamous idea for a show in which the queen of all media invited a group of skinheads to talk onstage. Instead of generating valuable conversation, the episode served as a platform for the men to share their hateful opinions. Winfrey has been candid about her disappointment in the episode in the years since, calling it a revelatory moment where she realized she was giving them a spotlight rather than exposing challenging opinions. I realized the power of the platform, she says.
Giving people the space to talk is giving them power, whether you think so or not.
Yeah, I think this has at least some significance.Real rap, Maher saw Milo's book sales on Amazon climb after one of his followers shot a dude, saw self-proclaimed liberals cry passionately about the value of giving Milo a platform after he went to a school to harass a trans student, and saw dollar signs and ratings dance in front of his eyes.
Das it mane
Carrying around Nazi memorabilia is not in the least bit suspect to you and then making anti-Semitic statements?
Other than the real harms he's actually inflicted, directed people to inflict or supported.
But yeah, other than reality, you're correct.
Carrying around Nazi memorabilia is not in the least bit suspect to you and then making anti-Semitic statements?
A lot of people casually referring to him as a white nationalist. Googling 'Milo white nationalist' doesn't turn up any quotes in evidence of this, just people either asserting he is one or people asserting that there is no evidence, as well as a couple of news outlets that retracted their accusation of white nationalism. What is there out there that strongly suggests he's a white nationalist?
There's a lot to dislike about Milo - even apart from his often wrongheaded or outright insane views, he's a bully and a troll. But claims that appear to be without basis won't help. And people worse than bullies and trolls are invited onto talking heads programmes all the time.
Again the iron cross exists already since 1813 and still is in use. While it is bad taste for civilian to wear it, it is neither forbidden nor actually really only used by a certain group. Heavy metal and bikers also use the symbol as well. So there are better symbols to make a point.
While this makes some sense, it also makes sense that an interviewer can also psychologically break down a guest if given long enough and enough cognitive dissonance.Zoë Quinn, the original target of the gamergate harassment campaign that skyrocketed Milo to infamy, has this to say:
Twitter thread starts here: people just let go of the notion that giving hate a platform "exposes" it? You can't shame someone who is proud to be shit.
I've been saying this for years now and it's frustrating to see shitbags ascend in the attention economy bc people keep making this mistake. If you want to "expose" anything, why not talk to the people that have been targeted and hurt by the Monster of the Week. Humanize them. Show the actual damage and pain they cause instead of thinking that debating someone who isn't here to be logically correct anyway helps. You can't expose someone who is openly a scumbag to begin with by giving them MORE of a platform - you're just giving them free ad space.
Think of how much good media centering the people that are directly fucked up by the Alt-Reich or Twitler's policies could do for empathy.
Show people the actual impact and consequences instead of focusing on the theoretical. Show how bad shit actually is. Put faces on it.
You want to fight against normalization? That's how. Move it out of the realms of the theoretical, stop signal boosting lies and hatred. And *support those currently suffering and in danger* more than you support the careers of those participating in endangering them. You'll find resilience and wisdom and hope in the people who've already been fighting this shit because they've had no other choice, too.
You'll be able to help heal damage already done by letting people whose voices get squashed use your platform to tell their truths. You expose the bullshit, raise squashed voices, and get humanized first hand info. That's so much better than "more free press to shitheads." Plus no one has to look at the myriad shitty haircuts of these garbage people so it's an aesthetic win too...
Besides think of how pissy these grandstanding shits would be if the people who got to speak about them were people they wanted gone. If you can't do this shit because it's more empathetic and tactically sound, do it to annoy the shit out of a bigoted pissbaby.
My arguments are backed up by peer-reviewed cognitive science btw.
Note: not interested in discussing Maher in particular, I'm interested in the faulty wiring behind the logic in his statement bc it's common
No disagreements.
While this makes some sense, it also makes sense that an interviewer can also psychologically break down a guest if given long enough and enough cognitive dissonance.
If Maher dedicated a whole hour to ripping this guy apart with well prepared and confronting reasoning, I don't see why it can't be productive.
While this makes some sense, it also makes sense that an interviewer can also psychologically break down a guest if given long enough and enough cognitive dissonance.
If Maher dedicated a whole hour to ripping this guy apart with well prepared and confronting reasoning, I don't see why it can't be productive.
Carrying around Nazi memorabilia is not in the least bit suspect to you and then making anti-Semitic statements?
At issue was a series of recent comedy videos. In one, he found performers on the freelance site Fiverr willing to dance and hold up a sign of the clients choosing. He asked them to write Death to all Jews, and they did; in his subsequent video, he expressed shock that the request had made it through. It was a funny meme, and I didnt think it would work, he said, mock-begging news outlets not to make too much of his stunt. I swear, I love Jews, he said, I love them, before playing a few notes on a kazoo.
As he anticipated, plenty of news outlets saw a story in his antics. Others saw something more. A post on The Daily Stormer, a neo-Nazi site, marveled at Kjellbergs performances, and wondered in disbelief if they might signal sympathy for its ideology. Ultimately, it doesnt matter, since the effect is the same, the post said, it normalizes Nazism, and marginalizes our enemies.
I'm hoping you are aware that non-Berkeley students were the ones that escalated that situation, right?But as Sam Harris points out, there are two options in resolving differences of opinion. There is conversation and there is violence. As evidenced by Spencer's face punch and the fiasco at Berkeley, violence is being viewed more widely by the left as the correct approach.
It seems obvious there is deep division in how the left is approaching the topic of speech. There are two camps: the illiberal left and liberal left. I don't mean illiberal in a fundamentally negative way. I would define the groups as follows: liberals want all ideas freely expressed, as well as freely criticized. Illiberals want to censor certain ideas, and deny criticism of certain ideas. Its an argument over control.