Maher needs to take him down, piece by piece.
Look at what happened to Tomi Lahren. She was absolutely eviscerated by the rest of the panel and by the end, couldn't even put a complete sentence together. She was absolutely and totally exposed for the vapid, self-righteous, conservative line-towing, teleprompter-reliant moron she is. I would have preferred Milo be on the panel so the same could happen to him, but this might be even better.
Milo gets his power from both the idiots that go to his rallies and like him and the protesters that fight him, so what happens when he is put against a standardized argument from an experienced journalist, who believe it or not, shares a lot of the same ideas? Maher has spoken against political correctness and snowflake syndrome, all things the right loves to rail on, but does it from a leftist perspective. When you have someone like Milo who has this ideal that all liberals are mentally diseased losers, it changes your wavelength on things, and I don't know if he will be able to argue his way out of it.