Alt right are "soft Nazis" in my view.Serious question is neo nazi the same as alt right?
Alt right are "soft Nazis" in my view.Serious question is neo nazi the same as alt right?
You're totally right.It's easier to discredit and bury people if you associate them with nazi's.
People forget what real nazi's were like
Milo is just a drama queen/racist that keeps getting attention because people keep giving it to him.
Putting him on a TV show is only going to prolong his celebrity status. Wish people would just ignore him already, the more we give him attention the sooner he will get his own reality TV show contract.
No I'm not. I'm afraid this will embolden the nazis even more. It gives them a bigger audience and more exposure.
This. I don't expect it though. People gloss over that constantly and just say "oh he has vile views but freedom of speech blah blah blah" fuck off, it's not even about his views, but his behaviour.I sure hope Maher or someone brings up that the trite he engages in doesn't count as free speech and that he regularly harasses, doxes, and incites otherts to violence and harassment of others, none of those being actions protected by the first amendment.
Welp. So much for that. Fuck Bill Maher Maher neither eviscerated Piers or Toni. Remember when Conway was on pleaded for his audience to be polite and clap, then he lobbed her softball after softball. He's fairly docile to them and doesn't call them out on their controversial statements. Maher knows that if he's too hostile to the right, or alt right, they won't join his panel. Which in some cases I understand, for his show's format a liberal echo chamber would not be interesting.
I'm behind the ACLU on this. Discussion and discourse in an "academic" setting especially is more necessary than its ever been. To fully defeat a position, you have to understand their position almost as well as they do. Placing these people on a stage also highlights their rediculous positions instead of pushing them into the shadows where they remain these vague concepts and ideals that people can pretend are being suppressed unduly.
Berkeley protests prevented Milo from commiting crimes on their campus. You should not give a platform to fucking anyone to commit crimes, that's stupid as fuck.I'm all for having him on the show. Bill can be pretty hardcore, so I'm interested. Bill better tear him down hard.
For all the knee-jerk reactions there have been, and I'm sure will be- shitty people just got the ultimate platform in a fucking Trump presidency. The platform is already THERE.
People who are attacking Bill for "giving him a platform WAAAAH" are forgetting a few key things.
1) The more you try to silence these people, the BIGGER their platform grows. FACT. Happened after Berkeley. Milo got a WAY bigger platform in main stream media after. The consequence to trying to smother the problem is greater that meeting it head on.
2)If they're go going to get any platform, let it be a platform where they are getting SKEWERED and tar and feather as much as possible. Put them in the mother fucking ring and box the shit out of them.
They are going to find their platform weather you like it or not. Stop complaining and fight the fight.
That's the issue? Tedious complaining? Not him causing actual harm by outing people or coordinating harassment campaigns?You're totally right.
People have already given this mercenary enough attention. Maybe Americans don't get it because of the accent difference but as Brit, he comes across as essentially a stand-up, he's so disingenuous it's unreal. All I can hope is that Bill Maher tear him apart because I'm bored of hearing about him, it's tedious seeing people get outraged about him now.
His positions on religion are straight out of an illiterate angsty teen. He has zero knowledge on theology and pulls out anthropological conclusions straight out of his ass to condemn religion as irrational.
I'm ok with this, Milo will get his chance to speak and Bill will roast him and make him look stupid
that's how you combat this, not by violently protesting him and making seem like a victim of suppressing freedom of speech, all that just played right into his hands
You bet there will be lot of nazis watching Bill Maher.Do you think a lot of nazis are watching Bill Maher?
Milo is an idiot and the chances of anybody walking away from this saying "yeah he has some good ideas" are fairly slim given Real Time's viewership.
We can't be afraid of debating backwards ass people. The best way to get people to see how dumb their opinions and policies are is to tear them apart in a public interview.
Err, it is?His positions on religion are straight out of an illiterate angsty teen. He has zero knowledge on theology and pulls out anthropological conclusions straight out of his ass to condemn religion as irrational.
I'm ok with this, Milo will get his chance to speak and Bill will roast him and make him look stupid
As a side note, Jeremy Scahill has always been a horrible guest on Maher. Mumbling, incoherent and witless. It is probably a good instinct to step aside here, to allow someone with actual debate skills to face off against Milo in overtime.
Milos viewpoint isn't one that's legitimate enough to be debated. Giving him this platform makes it seem legitimate.
But genocide and white supremacy are not debate subjects.
This kind of shit is how the left gets pushed further and further right of center because they want to be reasonable and let the nazi speak his mind. When you've shifted the scale that far (all the way to literal genocide) there is no center ground to meet on.
Has Milo ever advocated for genocide?
I know right. He should give platform to ISIS and David Duke too.
They don't get swatiska tattoos and most don't perform vigilante lynching but yeah they're the sameSerious question is neo nazi the same as alt right?
The non rational is not the same as irrational. And uh how are theology assumptions flawed? Believing in a magic man isn't a prerequisite for theology you know.Err, it is?
And no, nothing in theology could prove otherwise. Maybe religious studies, but certainly not theology, because theology's assumptions are flawed.
Because that worked so well for Donald Trump, by constantly giving him a platform the media effectively exposed him as the ridiculous demagogue that he is, and that's why he had no shot at being elec.... wait
I believe an empty auditorium is more effective, yes.That's the issue? Tedious complaining? Not him causing actual harm by outing people or coordinating harassment campaigns?
I'm ok with this, Milo will get his chance to speak and Bill will roast him and make him look stupid
that's how you combat this, not by violently protesting him and making seem like a victim of suppressing freedom of speech, all that just played right into his hands
You think the deplorable idiots that invite me won't go see him when he speaks? That makes zero sense.I believe an empty auditorium is more effective, yes.
Why is everyone focused on liberals turning? That's not the fucking point. This is not a zero sum logic. The point is, the nazis being emboldened because they got a new platform.and it's on an ultra liberal premium HBO channel, those watching this are basically 99.9% liberals anyway, Milo won't convert anyone
I believe an empty auditorium is more effective, yes.
Yeah, I'm sure that will happen. It will be Bill Maher, champion of the moderates and independents of America, who will finally kill Milo's rising profile dead in its tracks.
Serious question is neo nazi the same as alt right?
I know right. He should give platform to ISIS and David Duke too.
I expect him not to actually, I believe Maher has enough integrity to remain hostile to Milo fucking Yiannopoulos. But I'm still waiting for Maher to own his role in the rise of anti Muslim sentiment
Wow...No, protesting him and preventing him from COMMITING CRIMES is absolutely the fucking way. Do you let people get on stage and commit murder for the sake of freedom of speech too? That's fucking bullshit.
What's the point of having only people that he agrees with on his show? In this case maybe some idiots will tune in to watch and will start questioning their beliefs.
Um, yes they did. They didn't take him seriously, but they certainly called him out for his vile comments.But the media did not call Trump out during the election,
I'm getting an otherwise impression here:while Maher calls people out, even during his show. So there is a difference.
lol Maher neither eviscerated Piers or Toni. Remember when Conway was on pleaded for his audience to be polite and clap, then he lobbed her softball after softball. He's fairly docile to them and doesn't call them out on their controversial statements. Maher knows that if he's too hostile to the right, or alt right, they won't join his panel. Which in some cases I understand, for his show's format a liberal echo chamber would not be interesting.
I don't see why he should, he isn't responsible for that. That said he should primarily focus his ire on fundamentalist Christians. They're the real threat that America needs to deal with.
Alt right are "soft Nazis" in my view.
AyupWith the rise of trump, Milo, Conway and Spicer, I think we can put to bed the notion that "debating" these people will "expose their flaws" or whatever. They'll just spout lies and their fans will eat it up. They've learned they don't need to tell the truth and they never lose as long as they don't act like it.
There is absolutely no point in letting these monsters on your show unless you're supporting them.
Jesus get a hold of yourself.No, protesting him and preventing him from COMMITING CRIMES is absolutely the fucking way. Do you let people get on stage and commit murder for the sake of freedom of speech too? That's fucking bullshit.
Wouldn't you argue he's bigger than ever after the Twitter thing? I didn't even know who he was until that happened.Giving him a platform will do more harm than good.
You are normalizing his views and giving them airtime. More and more people will hear of him and look him up.
Facts don't matter, people don't care how stupid he sounds. He already got banned from Twitter and he's still out there. There's people who believe what he does and they see nothing wrong with it. People against his views already know how stupid it is and we don't Maher to demonstrate.
People with extremist views shouldn't be given a platform to spread their hate.
I'm just reacting to how worked up you are.Is harassment, doxxing and incitement to violence and harassment of specific individuals legal where you live?
Because holy fucking shit you must live on a complete hellhole.