In the same breath he describes Milo as the star Bannon used to popularize the alt-right on Breitbart, and specifically says he "winks" about not being a member eg to get people like you mired in handwringing semantic debates.
Well yes, I agree, with the alt-right being a coalition of diverse interests hard to pin down, we get dragged into semantic debates.
I'm being precise
to combat this. The people who are saying "it's just Nazis!" are not describing the accuracy of the situation at all, and leave themselves vulnuarable from people who don't encounter this face of the alt-right. And that's playing into the whole defence strategy of the alt-right (ideological deniability)
If many people view this flippant label of "they're all nazis" label as a silly characature, then that's an ongoing invitation for another person to go on national TV and describe the "hysterical left" who have gone off the deep end and don't get what's really going on. Not that this would happen... (yesterday... wink wink)
The more I am honest and educate others that, actually, the alt-right scene is diverse and it's not simplly "Nazis", the more I think culture at large will be able to actually grapple with the real scope of the problem, and defeat it.
I mean, your source explicitly details what the alt-right is, and if it's not "white" supremacy it's "ethnocultural supremacy" that happens to be white.
"My source" (Ben Shapiro for those tuning in) also emphatically thinks the characterization of this Bannon/Milo phenomenon as "white supremacy" is leftism gone mad. Now, he is a right winger who once worked for a kinder earlier incarnation of Breitbart, but take the point that there is a mislabelling going on that doesn't help us liberals deal with the problem.
But that's not what your source did, he stuck Milo squarely in the box but as trying to dance around his actual allegiance. The critique sticks. It sticks like fucking superglue.
The "alt-right uses deplorable racist audiences" fact doesn't stick in terms of
1. Describing what Milo actually believes
2. Describing what Milo actually says and has become popular for
3. Describing how to defeat Milo in the public sphere of opinion
"Nazi/white supremacist" label does fuck all to defeat Milo. If there are smoking guns on this point, by all means, we should all bring them forward.. but if it just serves as a liberal pat on the back it's useless.