No, he said things like:
the Huffington Posts blaring headline WHITE NATIONALIST IN THE WHITE HOUSE is overstated, at the very least.
Which--and I'm sure you will appreciate this--is a subtle difference. When something is "over" stated, there is still truth to the characterization, just overstated in terms of magnitude.
He then goes on to describe Milo in the following way:
he called his Breitbart the platform of the alt-right. Milo Yiannopoulos, the star writer at the site, is an alt-right popularizer, even as he continuously declares with a wink that hes not a member.
So again, Bannon made Breitbart THE "platform" for the alt right, and it's biggest star is Milo, who "winks" that he's not actually a member, suggesting that it's just misdirection. Thus, Milo is not only the main alt-right propagandist, he's also a member! Shapiro then goes on to describe the alt-right as:
The alt-right, in a nutshell, believes that Western culture is inseparable from European ethnicity.
Here's the bullet-points that he links to:
- Racism is not a fringe element of the Alt-Right; its the movements central premise.
- Its also explicitly anti-Semitic.
- The Alt-Right is tech savvy, with roots in Silicon Valley.
- The Alt-Right loves The Matrix
- The Alt-Right loves Christendom but rejects Christianity.
- Kek, cucks, and meme-magic.
- The Alt-Right wants to burn American politics to the ground. (picture of Bannon here in article)
- Even the Alt-Rights most prominent media cheerleader doesnt actually count himself a member. (guess who)
Don't confuse people trying to manipulate you with their insincerity as actually revealing something important when their actions, methods, and goals are all consistent with their words.