It would be quite nice to have everything in one book. That way I wouldn't have to purchase a new one for each army just to learn what they have rather than having it sprung on me in the middle of a game.
However, another issue would be new models. The upside would be that they could produce an even spread of new stuff for each army, but, and please correct me if I'm wrong as I really haven't been following it in any great detail, isn't part of the Chapterhouse case that if there isn't already a model for a unit then anyone can step in and make one for commercial sale? If that's the case then they would find themselves having to bring out a mass of kits in a short time to beat the third parties. That of course depends on whether they keep on creating new units for each army as most of them are looking pretty fleshed out these days. Personally I like the sound of all that but it might be a bit too much for GW to be able to pull off at once.
Anyway, has anyone been reading the supposed 6th ed. 40K rules leak from yesterday? I'm going to guess fake but someone had way too much free time on their hands if it is.
The amount sales lost to these companies making proxy models really is probably very minor, in all my years I've never seen anyone use these types of models like offered by Chapterhouse and others. GW is just being greedy and wasting time and money on legal matters that could be spent on getting out the actual product.
They simply need to get the armies down to a point that they would be updated to what they currently actually have, and not be printing rules for units that they wont release a model for for many months to years later. Again taking a page from other companies, they can make everyone happy by releasing expansions that cover everyone. Instead of taking a single army and upgrading them and causing a balance problem, they give everyone a little bit of something. Every army can get one new unit, and these staggered releases can be used to help fine tune armies to get what they are lacking in.
The cycle they follow now is just a mess and is going to always create balance issues, and it displeases many customers, while the rest of the industry is doing it the other way, and they are finding more satisfaction with such a format. You don't get an army that basically is in stasis for years as you wait and hope for an update, while you watch Space Marines get yet another new codex update.