That's pretty cool! I was wondering about indoor battles a while back. Kind of like boarding an enemy spacecraft and fighting them on their own ship!
Also, copypasta from my Dakka thread...
For the curious, here's the full army of assembled minis. Most are fully painted, apart from the primed-only battlesuits, broadside, Kroot hounds and shaper. There's also about 6 unprimed Drones there.
As for points, I've not been so focussed on how many I'm aiming for. I just wanted to collect an army that looked good!

So if I end up with enough that I can vary my army play style depending on foe and points level, I'll be happy. Very quickly working out what's on the table now though... (tell me if I'm working these points out wrong, I need to learn!)
5 Vespid Stingwings plus Strain Leader - 102 pts
3 Crisis Battlesuit Shas'ui with Multitracker, Burst Rifle and Missile Pod - 150 pts
12 Fire Warriors with Pulse Rifles + Shas'la - 130 pts
8 Gun Drones - 96 pts
Tau Ethereal with Honour Blade - 60 pts
Devilfish - 80 pts
Piranha with Fusion Blaster - 65 pts
12 Kroot + Shaper + 2 Krootox Riders + 4 Kroot Hounds - 206 pts
3 Shas'ui XV8 Stealth Suits, one with Fusion Blaster and Bonding Knife, one with Drone Controller plus Marker Drone, one with Targeting Array - 137 pts
So that's roughly, give or take depending on extra options and load out... 1026 points assembled so far there. Would be easy enough to knock a few things out to make a 1000 point list.
With the other Battlesuits, Stealth Suits, Fire Warriors and Piranha I've got in boxes still, I think I can make it up to 1500 with what I've currently got.