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At last, our first official full-month group build! This month we're sharing spell slingers of all kinds painted by our community. Psykers, mages, wizards, druids, whatever they go by they all share the same thing in common: the ability to wreak incredible destruction by channeling forces few others can. Some are frail and small, others are hulking and brutish, but when you run across them on the battlefield it's not what they're capable of with their hands that you should fear, but what they can do with a flick of their wrist.
Subtmitted by StaffyManasse
I really like the miniature and wanted to paint one for my army. I am using resin bases for my Hordes miniatures. She normally comes with a slotted base so I had to get creative. It's a good thing the green stuff footholds I had to make were easy to mask as vegetation. The base is supposed to present a forest by night, and her colour scheme follows the deep blues and red hues of my army.
Submitted by ck8215
I did a Space Marine Librarian and I used the classic Ultramarine blue for the armor. I basically used the official theme but I also added a bit of dirt all over the armor. The skull was a spontaneous idea. It was a leftover from my Age of Sigmar box and it fit perfectly into his hand, so why not

As a beginner all the small details were really hard to do, especially the face.
Submitted by ScatheZombie
I actually have two submissions for this month. I converted the leftover bits from a Screaming Bell to make a Plague Priest and base. I don't have much Chaos or Skaven to play him with yet though.
Another conversion with the leftover bits from a Carnosaur and some other Saurus sets. He was actually the first Seraphon unit I actually got around to paint even though I built the Carnosaur and some others before.
Great submissions for the month of October. Now, lets keep this momentum going into November with our next trial:
50 Shades Of
- Single Model
- Any model from any range of any size, no restrictions here
- This is a
monochrome challenge, meaning your subject will be all one color, but different shades and highlights building on that color. If you're using a base, try and make that monochrome as well to match the tone. You may want to paint a model in various shades of green like nightvision footage, black and white like a silent era film, or warm sepia tones like an old photograph. Whatever your approach, meet the challenge as best you can.
- Include a brief description of your approach to this challenge
The choices for the December group build are:
- BFG (Single model with a ranged heavy weapon)
- Yes, Sergeant! (Single squad leader model)
- One Shot, One Kill (Single sniper model)
- Up Close and Personal (Single model, close combat specialist/focus)
Past Group Builds
NeoGAF Wargaming Community Group Build #0: Blood for the Blood God