She was a bit fiddly, but I finally finished assembling Kishdan, Sylph Champion. She's from the Legends of Signum tabletop game but I'm going to use her as a Spellweaver for my AoS Wanderer army I think. Really pretty mini!
She was a bit fiddly, but I finally finished assembling Kishdan, Sylph Champion. She's from the Legends of Signum tabletop game but I'm going to use her as a Spellweaver for my AoS Wanderer army I think. Really pretty mini!
that is an awesome model. is that GW or FW?
say, can it be that infantry got substantially weaker in AoS compared to WHF? I've been reading a bit about the WE and I sort of get the impression that infantry is mostly just useable as meatshield now. Not to mention that you can apparently just summon a bunch of free units now. The new models, which mosty seem to be of the monster-sized variety, all sound kinda crazy
My Orruk/Goblin army is basically all infantry. I haven't really had a problem with ranged units except Artillery in terrain-less games. Usually I can hide behind terrain or use cover saves to absorb everything they have to throw. And then my Ardboys and Brutes literally just chew through units once they get in melee range.
Summoning new units isn't free in points games (regenerating existing units is though). You have to reserve points for summoning. Summoning just allows you to bring different units onto the table based on the situation and/or have units show up on different parts of the board in later turns.
Behemoths are actually more balanced now than in WHF because of monster damage tables. Those giant units get substantially weaker as you damage them rather than being at full power right up until they're dead.
alright, thanks
I still get the impression though that the likes of Kurnoth Hunters, Stonehorns or those new Skaven rat ogres dominate the playfield. A lot of people online say that the units outvalue the old WHF ones. Infantry and cavalry are supposedly weaker than they used to be. Mind you, I never played a game of Warhammer, but Imo it should matter if a infantry block has T3 or T4. When the super units cut through goblins or chaos warriors alike, those minor stat differences lose their meaning unless they are fighting each other
something else, I quite like some of the new Tzeentch models and am considering building a small army. Can Skaven and Beastman also get the mark of Tzeentch or is that reserved for demons and warriors only? Also, do use a lot of combat effectivness when the entire army doesn't have the mark? Like, when I also want to use bloodletters and doomwheel, for example
What kind of game that X-wing miniature game is? I mean, basic gameplay. And how accurate it is to Star Wars? That is, is it abstracted with different units just having different stats or do they have a lot of variables?
Apparently it is popular, and i wonder if it is because it is mechanically good or because it is Star Wars (or both)?
And will it last, i wonder. Collectible games have tendency to die away, or at least fade.
Oh, and are there any games akin to BattleTech (ie certain focus on distinct units, roughly skirmish-scale)? Not interested in playing exactly, but would be interested in studying their game mechanics. Miniature or hex-board.
Most shocking thing about your post is that there are BattleTech players. Though you seem to be from US, so maybe that's the reason. (Here in Finland, it seems people only play WH40K and Magic the Gathering, though i admittedly don't hang around gaming stores etc. much really.)Note: I do not personally play X-Wing, but I have assisted in running the local tournaments so most of my knowledge of the game is second-hand.
Do you mean highly detailed games like Battletech, with lot of sim detail and book keeping? .
Also hilarious how BT has players, despite being so old. I guess it so niche it doesn't really die. I called it a "hipster game" once, got countered by "it is old man's game", which didn't seem right since the players i've seen younger than the game itself...
All of the local players are over 40, lol. They flip between Battletech and WW2 era war games.
Most shocking thing about your post is that there are BattleTech players. Though you seem to be from US, so maybe that's the reason. (Here in Finland, it seems people only play WH40K and Magic the Gathering, though i admittedly don't hang around gaming stores etc. much really.)
Also hilarious how BT has players, despite being so old. I guess it so niche it doesn't really die. I called it a "hipster game" once, got countered by "it is old man's game", which didn't seem right since the players i've seen younger than the game itself...
Anyway, X-wing. I wonder how big impact the pre-painted minis have. IIRC, MechWarrior Dark Age/Age of Destruction was really popular, and big reason for that was the pre-painted minis.
I was interested in Halo: Fleet Battles until i found out its units need assembling (and painting), all interest died from that. I already have BattleTech minis as my hobby so wasn't keen on another one.
I play BattleTech, because i love the level of detail. I don't mind bookkeeping (norm for an RPG player like me), but i do find it a tad slow.
And i play Alpha Strike. But i think Alpha Strike loses just a little too much detail. So i keep wondering if there are similar systems that strike balance between quick play and detail more so than AS does.
Alpha Strike did have some success though, I know locally two btech groups developed from it, with some players graduating eventually from alpha to classc now too.
Battletech will always stay a niche game though.
should I be spray painting the foundation(IE white) and then the base(IE red for blood angels)? Or should I use the brush to put the base on?
So, here's a misconception I can clear up for you. WHFB was not balanced. At all. Every single army had about 50% of their available units never touch a table because they were so underpowered or overpriced it never made any sense to take them. So any comparison to effectiveness in WHF is kind of moot because that system was pretty shit at overall balance anyway.
The thing 'people on the internet' are butt-hurt about with AoS is not that the game is unbalanced compared to WHF - because if anything, there's way more viable lists/units/army configurations than ever before. It's that the balance changed and now their 99% effective net-list that dominated games for the past 10 years is only as good as everything else. So that's where the relative differences and complaints come from.
This idea that everyone that complained about AoS and missing WHFB is a butt-hurt netlister is some of the most idiotic drivel I have ever heard.
My skaven list has/had not just one, but several units of Jezzails AND Poisoned Wind Globadiers. My friend fielded Brettonians full of peasants. I played fucking BEASTMEN for crying out loud. Plenty of people wanted a rank-and-file, block style game. AoS is not that.
Not to mention, when it was released, AoS was a goddamn joke. Full of idiotic, borderline insulting rules in its warscrolls for various units. Apparently it's gotten better, I wouldn't know since my group kept on with WHFB as best we could given its now complete lack of support.
Well, it will take a while to catch up with what i've spent on BattleTech: Box set, 9x lance packs, 3 orders of minis, several rule/fluff books and novels, paints and tools.
Also the reason i won't be spending MUCH on other stuff.
Speaking of paints, i need to check weather forecasts, maybe i can finally get back to painting my BT minis. Can't use primer inside (and i haven't found paint-on primer), and it has been too cold or rainy or whatever to do that on the balcony. Finnish winters...
Well, it will take a while to catch up with what i've spent on BattleTech: Box set, 9x lance packs, 3 orders of minis, several rule/fluff books and novels, paints and tools.
Also the reason i won't be spending MUCH on other stuff.
Speaking of paints, i need to check weather forecasts, maybe i can finally get back to painting my BT minis. Can't use primer inside (and i haven't found paint-on primer), and it has been too cold or rainy or whatever to do that on the balcony. Finnish winters...
If you're using Mephiston Red spray, you can just apply it directly onto the plastic. Just do it in thin coats til you're happy with the result and spray from all the angles you can so you don't get unprimed areas under shoulder pads etc.
One thing i don't get how miniature game designers seem to think people have square meter or more space available for games.
Read that X-wing and Armada Core take 3feetx3feet, and i started looking around where the heck do i find a square meter of free space. Unless i count living room floor, there ain't. And playing on floor has several practical issues...
Oh, well, the next time i move, i'll square meter table or larger and space for that will be a requirement.
Well, this is concerning. Fighter Squadron expansions for Star Wars Armada don't seem to be available here. No store seems to have them in stock at the moment. EDIT Some other ships seem to be poorly available as well.
No, i wouldn't need them now. Or even soon necessarily. But in the future... Not keen on jumping any game with support issues.
Gaming stores probably can get them from order but still lack of at-will availability is concerning.
X-wing isn't suffering from the same really.
Probably overthinking it though.
EDIT And by overthinking, i really mean it. I mean, i play BattleTech for god's sake... Guess how available it is.
Well, this is concerning. Fighter Squadron expansions for Star Wars Armada don't seem to be available here. No store seems to have them in stock at the moment. EDIT Some other ships seem to be poorly available as well.
No, i wouldn't need them now. Or even soon necessarily. But in the future... Not keen on jumping any game with support issues.
Gaming stores probably can get them from order but still lack of at-will availability is concerning.
X-wing isn't suffering from the same really.
Probably overthinking it though.
EDIT And by overthinking, i really mean it. I mean, i play BattleTech for god's sake... Guess how available it is.
I hear from many that infinity is the best skirmish game on the market. I want to try it but nobody around here in like 3 stores I go to plays it. What do?
1 Dog down, 5 to go.
I've been pretty busy with video games the past few weeks, but mini painting is always at the forefront of my mind. If I can get another dog or two completed, including bases, then I will consider this a successful weekend as far as this hobby is concerned.
After a couple of weeks of no painting (mostly due to Zelda-related reasons) I'm back on the hobby wagon with these first five Vanguard-Hunters.![]()
Haven't had any pegs break, once you learn how the slide together and how to handle them. Only break I've had was on a b-wing slot as I pushed it in slightly at an angle by accident.