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Mizzou vigil goes horribly wrong after speaker makes it about race

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A vigil Monday planned by several University of Missouri student organizations was supposed to honor victims of Sunday morning’s deadly shooting rampage in a popular gay nightclub in Orlando, Fla.

It turned into a blame session against Mizzou’s LGBTQ community for not being intersectional enough.

Latino activists, including a Mizzou official, scolded the mostly white gathering for ignoring racial issues. That led one attendee to fume on Facebook that the organizers had invented a “race issue” out of a “homophobic attack” by gunman Omar Mateen.

As much as it is awesome that there’s so many people here today, but it’s, like, who are you really here for?” said Melecio.

That comment prompted strong reactions from those in the audience. “We’re here for everybody,” said an unidentified woman.

“We are here to be uniting, not dividing, which is what you are doing now,” Carl Brizendine yelled as the crowd murmured disagreement. His husband Daniel is a history major at Mizzou. The Columbia Daily Tribune reported that Daniel has lived in Orlando.


Did a search a didn't see anything posted, but what the fuck is wrong with this woman? Don't get me wrong, race issues are hugely important and need to be discussed but this was neither the time nor the place for the shit she pulled during her speech. These people came out to mourn to the loss of 49 lives and she made the whole situation completely about her.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
I get what the speaker was trying to do since she finally had an audience, but she went about it the wrong way. I absolutely despise when people say something isn't the right time, but this probably wasn't the right time to go in as far as she was about to. The approach just isn't going to win a large crowd over to genuinely hear you out.


I'm not American so it's not a site I'm aware of. I saw the link on Twitter, but the video is pretty self explanatory.

College fix is a teaper mouthpiece that hides under "but students reporting" even though most of their student writers have worked for the GOP, GOP congress members, or GOP candidates.

It's Stormfront-lite.


College fix is a teaper mouthpiece that hides under "but students reporting" even though most of their student writers have worked for the GOP, GOP congress members, or GOP candidates.

It's Stormfront-lite.

Yikes. Given the name, I just kinda assumed college-based news stories.


Black Canada Mafia
Catch more flies with honey than by belittling those trying to grieve as a community, I always say.

Seriously - I don't think this sort of tactic works at the BEST of times. This is a terrible thing to do.


As if the source invalidates the video.

I'm not saying she didn't say it, but

1) they only show the little last bit

2) they, strangely, cover up the entire video with a title card while she says it. It's hard to tell if they spliced or not.

Given their numerous articles complaining about atheists, whining about people that don't like Reagan, and have articles that LITERALLY have GOP pre-fab talking points as headlines and/or appear within the first five sentences of their articles, I question the source's angle, editing, and bias.


Also, it's kind of hard to hijack the vigil you organized

MU LGBTQ Resource Center, MU Triangle Coalition, MU Fluidity, MU Queer Trans People of Color, and MU Missouri Students Association worked together to plan the event.

from a separate local news story that announced the vigil happening

in fact, looking around, the only outlets using the word "hijack" are the usual stormfront/GOP mouthpieces.


People are correct that this source is not very good. Here's a regular news site covering the same story: http://www.columbiatribune.com/news...cle_251c40da-0b94-584e-805a-6c5a9681b339.html

And here's their description of the controversial bit:
The discordant note came when Melecio spoke of her feelings in the aftermath of the killings. Looking out over the crowd, she said she was disappointed that the Latino heritage of many of the victims was being lost in media coverage and commemorative events.

“A lot of those names had something in common — what they had in common were a lot of them were Latino,” Melecio said. “I was really nervous to get up here because there’s a lot of white people in the crowd. And that wasn’t a joke.”

The contributions of blacks and Hispanics to the movement for equal rights in the homosexual and transgender community are being overshadowed and co-opted by whites, Melecio said.

“It is like, who are you really here for?” she said.

Several responses came from the crowd.

“We’re here for everybody,” one person shouted.

Daniel Brizendine and his husband, Carl Brizendine, left the vigil as Melecio was speaking. Daniel Brizendine said he has lived in Orlando, been a customer at Pulse and knows people who go there regularly. Melecio was wrong to bring up race in the way she did, he said.

He has been marching for rights since 1982, he said. “Now all of a sudden I am going to be white-shamed, and I am not going to be white-shamed just because I was born with white skin.”


Pretty disgusting. I'm not sure what else to say about it. There's a time and place for what she was trying to do, and that was neither.



Aside from being an inappropriate time and place to jump in with race issues, maybe don't insult your audience with things like,

"I was really nervous to get up here because there's a lot of white people in the crowd."


"But I thought I'd take a moment to just like, list out some facts that many of you probably don't know because you're white-"


FGC Waterboy
That is a pretty solid "let's make it about me and what I care about and shame you all so I feel morally superior" move right there.
racism is obviously a major (like, really major) issue in LGBT circles just as it is in society, but the implication that those attending a vigil are only genuinely grieving the handful of dead who were white is really, really, really shitty


Hopefully students in general are realizing that being lectured by self-righteous, uninformed undergraduates is not something they need to put themselves through.


Watching that video made me intensely uncomfortable. I'm not a part of that community myself but it seems like the speaker's issue has plenty of legitimacy, and the commentary by the older white gentlemen at the end was more than a little off base- "(the speaker) tried to make it all about her culture", etc. The bulk of the victims were Hispanic and/or black. At the same time, smashing people in the face with this when they are hurting deeply, it can't lead to anything good, and it didn't here.

In the end, I don't know if she was right or wrong. I think I lean more towards right, because it's always "the wrong time to talk about these issues".


Didn't the killer spare some African-Americans on purpose? Not sure it's the best time to bring up that kind of issue.


Being a POC LGBT person, especially if you are Latino or black, puts you at more risk no doubt. And it's something we have to have a discussion about within our community.

But this tragedy was first and foremost an attack on gay people. I'm sure that race definitely played a part in the killers intentions, but starting this discussion at the vigil is literally the number one way not to do this.


Incredibly thoughtless. Alarm bell started ringing when she opens with "I was really nervous to get up here because there's a lot of white people in the crowd". What a great starter that is.


In the end, I don't know if she was right or wrong. I think I lean more towards right, because it's always "the wrong time to talk about these issues".

While that's true, it doesn't follow that all times are equally good to talk about these issues. As a general rule, it's rude to tell someone they're grieving wrong. Especially at an event created for the purpose of allowing people to grieve.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
I mean the video doesn't really show everything but my issue wasn't the inappropriate hijacking of shared grief but rather how disingenuous and egotistical she came off.

It was making it about how brave and radical she was being.


While that's true, it doesn't follow that all times are equally good to talk about these issues. As a general rule, it's rude to tell someone they're grieving wrong. Especially at an event created for the purpose of allowing people to grieve.

I agree, and her words were definitely indelicate, but I'd also argue that the high profile of Sunday's incident means that this video will bring much-needed exposure to the problems faced by POC in the LGBT community. And it is relevant because the bulk of the victims were Hispanic or black. I'm not coming down strongly on this woman's side or anything but I don't think it was as heinous as OP says.


I agree, and her words were definitely indelicate, but I'd also argue that the high profile of Sunday's incident means that this video will bring much-needed exposure to the problems faced by POC in the LGBT community. And it is relevant because the bulk of the victims were Hispanic or black. I'm not coming down strongly on this woman's side or anything but I don't think it was as heinous as OP says.
This video is going to bring exposure to a girl being a jerk.

There are ways to get that sort of message across to people. This isn't one of them.

Being an ass isn't "bravery." Otherwise, Trump would be the bravest of us all!



Aside from being an inappropriate time and place to jump in with race issues, maybe don't insult your audience with things like,

"I was really nervous to get up here because there's a lot of white people in the crowd."


"But I thought I'd take a moment to just like, list out some facts that many of you probably don't know because you're white-"
With the way she was addressing the audience, you'd be forgiven for thinking she'd hijacked a Trump rally, not a gathering of like-minded, progressive individuals who support the LGBT and PoC communities.

They're on your side, lady!


Clothed, sober, cooperative
I agree, and her words were definitely indelicate, but I'd also argue that the high profile of Sunday's incident means that this video will bring much-needed exposure to the problems faced by POC in the LGBT community. And it is relevant because the bulk of the victims were Hispanic or black. I'm not coming down strongly on this woman's side or anything but I don't think it was as heinous as OP says.

I think that the irony is that she's bringing negative attention to both causes. Racists and homophobes will eat this up and most progressives will likely be annoyed by her manners.

Bonus: she probably alienated BLM folks too.


Not sure what I find more tasteless. The person on stage politicizing the tragedy by using the vigial to criticize their local community for showing up here and not other local events or the people who are so immediately offended and visibly outraged at the mere suggestion that issues outside of the black and white dichotomy matter.


The heckling. And the storming off like children. That's more tasteless.


Hard to say definitely though. It's a video taken out of context and chopped to bits to make white people look like victims.
This video is going to bring exposure to a girl being a jerk.

There are ways to get that sort of message across to people. This isn't one of them.

Being an ass isn't "bravery." Otherwise, Trump would be the bravest of us all!
Pretty much, the people who cling to the concept that all publicity is good publicity regardless of the situation are just doing their group a big disservice.
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