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MLB '08 The Show NOG GAF League Thread


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.


I really don't see the logic in this one, but whatever.

As for Halo sucking, I wouldn't actually expect you to like a game that requires any sort of skill.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Show requires skill and he likes it,but Bob does suck at this game.


I'll get the last laugh when Dynasty Warriors becomes more popular than the Wii. Just wait!

But since you seem super desperate for this win Ramirez, I will give it to you once I can confirm with Dez. I'll let the baby have his bottle! ;) PS I am just busting your chops!

Not like it will matter anyway. Abnormal amount of unplayed games this last week yet. :/ Matrix we might have to finish this in a 7 game series winner takes all!


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Damn it all to hell! :lol

Whats the lowest amount of people you can have in a league? YOU KNOW SO ALL THE GAMES CAN GET PLAYED


Mrbob said:
I'll get the last laugh when Dynasty Warriors becomes more popular than the Wii. Just wait!

But since you seem super desperate for this win Ramirez, I will give it to you once I can confirm with Dez. I'll let the baby have his bottle! ;) PS I am just busting your chops!

Not like it will matter anyway. Abnormal amount of unplayed games this last week yet. :/ Matrix we might have to finish this in a 7 game series winner takes all!

Bustin' my chops or not, in no way did that come off as whining. We were set to play last night and he went to bed instead, I'm just relaying what he told me.

Matrix, as much as lag has an outcome on most of these games, I beg to differ. :lol


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Hmmmm I don't really have any issues with lag like I did in the past and night games for me are basically lag free.

Only person that I have faced with bleh lag lately was Mig and thats most likely cause he was busy downloading nude videos of Brad Lidge during our game.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Maybe he's using a school net connection or something :\ His damn roommate hogs his PS3,maybe the roommate is downloading stuff while he plays his Show games.


Servers are down (been down since 11pm EDT), Shawn and I aren't going to be able to get our series in.

Flip the coin Bob.


Since Sony servers seem to be an issue half the time, anyone who hasn't been able to get their game in due to their stupidity let me know in the next 5 hours and I'll hold off advancing till tomorrow. Give people one last day to get their games in if they want to play them.


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
DM and I had the worst lag-filled game on Wednesday night. If that was a precursor to the PSN servers going down, I would like to try and play our games tonight if DM can play.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
So Boobs whats the latest with the league advancing? Is anyone going to try to play tonight?


Bob, Shawn's going to watch the Laker game tonight so I'm not sure if we're going to get the series in. Flip the coin if need be.


League has advanced.

I was going to coin flip for the 3rd game between me and Core but it just disappeared. The league advanced with one unplayed game wtf I don't get it! :lol MLB 09 the show fix your damn league setup sony!

We are now officially on a 5 day schedule.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Bob I'm free to play today anytime.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Mr.Boobs broke my streak :(

Damn pen sucks.


Ramirez said:
Big E I can play Sunday night round 10 EST if you're free.

That sounds good. Will probably only be able to get one game in today though. Hit me up on AIM when you ready (AIM: diTANK4). As for availability weekdays, I will be home tomorrow at around 7:30 EST and barring OT will be home at around 8:30 EST for the rest of the week.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Mrbob said:
12 game win streak ovar! :D

Want to play one more and can you not?

:lol @ Big Z,lets call him little Z now,BUM! :p

When do you want to finish the series?


Hahah yeah he is involved in 4 of my 6 losses. :lol

Let me know when you can finish up.

Oh and your bullpen was coming close to blowing a 10-0 lead! :lol


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
I can finish this now,if you want?

My pen stinks,I already told you that :p


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
I wont be free Tuesday,just so you know.

Fear Roy cause he doesnt stink in this game like he does in real life!


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Bob,when are you free to play?


Something has come up Ramirez and I won't be able to play today. I will be able to play anytime this week after 8:30 EST.


Big-E said:
Something has come up Ramirez and I won't be able to play today. I will be able to play anytime this week after 8:30 EST.

Yea sorry about last night, my internet was down until the afternoon today, good times. I'm off tomorrow, so 8:30 sounds good.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Bob...you and I,GAME 3,5 pm central/6 pm Eastern

You better SHOW up!


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.


Long story short....

Me and matrix tied 1-1 going into the 15th.

He paused the game right as I was hitting X to pitch. And because of the damn lag it ended up choosing a forfeit for him because his 5 minutes was up. :/ What a crappy way to end such an epic game.

Why would sony map the forfeit button to one of the pitch icons? So retarded.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.

You fucked the whole game up by subbing every f-ing bullpen pitcher in too soon and not keeping any in long enough.That whole countdown clock shit would keep poping up asking me to forfeit the game.

I wouldnt except it and then the game in the 15th inning decides that it wont let me sub a pitcher in and says I forfiet the game and gives me a loss in a 1-1 tie game.I had three players still in my pen,unlike you,who was using a starter.

And if you want to talk about my bs triple play,lets talk about the fact you were throwing all over the place all game like a spaz.I felt like I was playing DM.

Bob I was pitching,I pressed start,wtf are you talking about? You were batting.And your 5 mins ran out long before mine and the game didnt screw you over.



You weren't even close either.

And I put in my one starter who I don't start as long relief. Nothing wrong with that!

Btw, I never saw the countdown clock at all when it forfeited. I saw it the other 35 million times you paused the game in extra innings (don't blame me for all of them!). You were subbing out position players all the time besides your pitchers. The last time I hit the X button to pitch, then it lagged, then the game paused a black screen came up but I never saw the screen where to press X to forfeit.

I guess we can chalk this one up to god knowing I would have won the game anyway. ;)


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Are you smoking something tonight? You paused the game wayyyyyyy f-ing more than I did which is why you were using a starter and also why you had no pinch hitters left.

I honestly dont know what game you were playing,but cheapest W if the year goes to you.

Im out to go eat some dinner,what a waste of time that was.

35 millions times? :lol One Def.sub = 35 million times



Oh and get your story straight before accusing me! ;)

I was pitching because I had Soto get an out with the bases loaded in the bottom 14th to end the inning.

I know the way the game ended sucks but don't go try stretching things! You'll get another shot or two later in the year anyway, since we'll probably be the only two people left playing! ;)


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
My words are truth,your words are bs and you know it.I don't even see how can feel you deserve a W.

God stop replying,the game screwed me and not you even though it should have.


Haha, where did I say I deserved the win?

There is nothing I can do about it because that is what the game did! I think you are overreacting a bit much and need some time to simmer down. I would be mad too if it happened to me, but believe me when I tell you I never saw the forfeit screen at all.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
One more thing before I leave,I wasnt really blaming you when I said "BS Bob",it was more my reaction towards the game screwing me and giving you the W for no reason.

Ive never seen it before where the game just decides who gets the W when no forfeit button pops up.

Maybe the lag caused a time out or something,who the hell knows...I just feel fucked over,cause it was a 15 inning game and I didnt even get to lose the fair way.







LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Only if I get Rachel and Monica! You get Joey.

damn gaf,RELEASE ME FROM YOUR GRIP! a man needs to eat
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